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tcl recognizes with temporary access for nicks

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tcl recognizes with temporary access for nicks

Post by Arnold_X-P »

this tcl recognizes with temporary access to the one who gives him a password..

the error it gives in partyline

Code: Select all

[16:01:44] Tcl error [pRecogniseCommand]: invalid command name "addhost"
Some friend who can help me.

Code: Select all

# recognise.tcl  for arfer DALnet channel #atlantis
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- syntax --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# syntax assuming default command 'recognise'
# /msg <botnick> recognise <password>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# set here the \msg command to use
set vRecogniseCommand "access"
# set here the password, only a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9 (6 characters minimum)
set vRecognisePassword "PaSSord27"
# set here how long in minutes the bot should recognise you 180 min. = 3 hours
set vRecogniseTime 180
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
set vRecogniseVersion 1.0
bind MSG - $vRecogniseCommand pRecogniseCommand
proc pRecogniseCommand {nick uhost hand text} {
    global vRecognisePassword
    if {[regexp -nocase -- {^[a-z0-9]{6,}$} $vRecognisePassword]} {
        set arguments [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [stripcodes bcruag [string trim $text]] { }]
        if {[llength [split $arguments]] == 1} {
            if {[string equal $arguments $vRecognisePassword]} {
                if {[onchan $nick]} {
                    pRecognisePromote $nick $uhost
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 001 $nick $hand 0}
            } else {pRecogniseOutput 002 $nick $hand $arguments}
        } else {pRecogniseOutput 003 $nick $hand 0}
    } else {pRecogniseOutput 004 $nick $hand 0}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseOutput {number nick hand xtra1} {
    global vRecogniseCommand vRecogniseTime
    switch -- $number {
        001 {set output "-error- you must be on a bot channel to use this command"}
        002 {set output "-error- password $xtra1 not recognised"}
        003 {set output "-error- correct usage /msg <botnick> $vRecogniseCommand <password>"}
        004 {set output "-error- incorrectly configured password in script"}
        005 {set output "a new userfile record has been temporarily created giving you +n (global owner status). it will be deleted $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        006 {set output "the flag +n (global owner status) has been temporarily granted in your userfile record. it will be rescinded $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        007 {set output "you are already recognised by the handle $hand as having +n (global owner status)"}
        008 {set output "a temporary host $xtra1 has been added to your userfile record giving you +n (global owner status). it will be removed $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        default {}
    putserv "NOTICE $nick :$output"
    return 0
proc pRecognisePromote {nick uhost} {
    global vRecogniseTime
    scan $uhost {%[^@]@%s} user host
    set user [string trimleft $user ~]
    set mask *!*$user@[pRecogniseMaskhost $host]
    switch -- [validuser $nick] {
        0 {
            # nick not in userfile and host not recognised
            # create user record with +n
            if {[string equal [nick2hand $nick] \*]} {
                set hand $nick
                adduser $hand
                chattr $hand +n
                pRecogniseOutput 005 $nick $hand 0
                timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 001]
            # nick not in userfile but host recognised
            } else {
                set hand [nick2hand $nick]
                # hand does not have +n flag
                # add +n to userfile record
                if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] n]} {
                    set flags [chattr $hand]
                    set hosts [getuser $hand HOSTS]
                    chattr $hand +n
                    pRecogniseOutput 006 $nick $hand 0
                    timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
                # hand already has +n
                # do nothing
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 007 $nick $hand 0}
        1 {
            set hand $nick
            set flags [chattr $hand]
            set hosts [getuser $hand HOSTS]
            # nick in userfile record but host not recognised
            # add host and +n if not already there
            if {[string equal [nick2hand $nick] \*]} {
                addhost $hand $mask
                if {![matchattr $hand n]} {
                    chattr $hand +n
                pRecogniseOutput 008 $nick $hand $mask
                timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
            } else {
                # nick in userfile and host recognised
                # add +n if not already there
                if  {![matchattr $hand n]} {
                    chattr $hand +n
                    timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
                # +n already there
                # do nothing
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 007 $nick $hand 0}
        default {}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseDemote {nick hand type {flags ""} {hosts ""}} {
    switch -- $type {
        001 {
            # delete the newly created userfile record
            deluser $hand
        002 {
            # remove all user flags and reinstate only the ones that existed previously
            chattr $hand -nmtaoylgvfpqrdkxjcbwzeuh
            chattr $hand +$flags
            # remove all hosts and reinstate only the ones that existed previously
            setuser $hand HOSTS
            foreach host $hosts {
                addhost $hand $host
        default {}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseMaskhost {host} {
    switch -- [regexp -- {^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$} $host] {
        0 {
            switch -- [regexp -all -- {\.} $host] {
                0 - 1 {set mask $host}
                2 - 3 {set mask *.[join [lrange [split $host .] 1 end] .]}
                default {set mask *.[join [lrange [split $host .] 2 end] .]}
        1 {set mask [join [lrange [split $host .] 0 end-1] .].*}
        default {}
    return $mask

putlog "recognise.tcl for arfer version $vRecogniseVersion loaded"
# eof
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Re: tcl recognizes with temporary access for nicks

Post by willyw »

I think that addhost is an old command, no longer used. It has been replaced.

You have a few options, as to how to proceed.

The 'right' way would be look up the newer command, see how it works, and edit the script - replacing the old addhost command with the new one.

Next, you could look in your bot's scripts/ dir for a script named
Text search it for addhost, and find a proc named addhost. You could just copy that one proc from compat.tcl and paste it in your script, thus loading proc addhost when you rehash or start your bot.

Lastly, you could look in eggdrop.conf for a line like this:
#source scripts/compat.tcl
and it is probably commented out, just like the above line.
If you uncomment it, and rehash your bot, that too will load the addhost proc - along with everything else in compat.tcl too, though. Notice in the comment in eggdrop.conf the brief warning about doing that.

and text search it for:
command, and read about it.

I hope this helps.
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Re: tcl recognizes with temporary access for nicks

Post by Arnold_X-P »

line 105

Code: Select all

 addhost $hand $mask

line 149

Code: Select all

 addhost $hand $host

replace and it does not work

line 105

Code: Select all

 HOSTS $hand $mask
line 149

Code: Select all

 HOSTS $hand $host

and I do not use or have activated the compat.tcl never used that tcl
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Post by caesar »

If you have looked inside scripts/compact.tcl as willyw said you would have seen the:

Code: Select all

proc addhost {hand host} {
  setuser $hand HOSTS $host
So you have two options:
a) load that compat.tcl in your eggdrop.conf file
b) change the 'addhost $hand $host' lines with 'setuser $hand HOSTS $host' inside the script you use.
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

thanks willyw and caesar

I chose option number two and it worked very well..

-Kantuta- a temporary host *!*ix@* has been added to your userfile record giving you +n (global owner status). it will be removed 180 minutes from now

Code: Select all

# recognise.tcl  for arfer DALnet channel #atlantis
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- syntax --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# syntax assuming default command 'recognise'
# /msg <botnick> recognise <password>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# set here the \msg command to use
set vRecogniseCommand "access"
# set here the password, only a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9 (6 characters minimum)
set vRecognisePassword "PaSSord27"
# set here how long in minutes the bot should recognise you 180 min. = 3 hours
set vRecogniseTime 180
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
set vRecogniseVersion 1.0
bind MSG - $vRecogniseCommand pRecogniseCommand
proc pRecogniseCommand {nick uhost hand text} {
    global vRecognisePassword
    if {[regexp -nocase -- {^[a-z0-9]{6,}$} $vRecognisePassword]} {
        set arguments [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [stripcodes bcruag [string trim $text]] { }]
        if {[llength [split $arguments]] == 1} {
            if {[string equal $arguments $vRecognisePassword]} {
                if {[onchan $nick]} {
                    pRecognisePromote $nick $uhost
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 001 $nick $hand 0}
            } else {pRecogniseOutput 002 $nick $hand $arguments}
        } else {pRecogniseOutput 003 $nick $hand 0}
    } else {pRecogniseOutput 004 $nick $hand 0}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseOutput {number nick hand xtra1} {
    global vRecogniseCommand vRecogniseTime
    switch -- $number {
        001 {set output "-error- you must be on a bot channel to use this command"}
        002 {set output "-error- password $xtra1 not recognised"}
        003 {set output "-error- correct usage /msg <botnick> $vRecogniseCommand <password>"}
        004 {set output "-error- incorrectly configured password in script"}
        005 {set output "a new userfile record has been temporarily created giving you +n (global owner status). it will be deleted $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        006 {set output "the flag +n (global owner status) has been temporarily granted in your userfile record. it will be rescinded $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        007 {set output "you are already recognised by the handle $hand as having +n (global owner status)"}
        008 {set output "a temporary host $xtra1 has been added to your userfile record giving you +n (global owner status). it will be removed $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        default {}
    putserv "NOTICE $nick :$output"
    return 0
proc pRecognisePromote {nick uhost} {
    global vRecogniseTime
    scan $uhost {%[^@]@%s} user host
    set user [string trimleft $user ~]
    set mask *!*$user@[pRecogniseMaskhost $host]
    switch -- [validuser $nick] {
        0 {
            # nick not in userfile and host not recognised
            # create user record with +n
            if {[string equal [nick2hand $nick] \*]} {
                set hand $nick
                adduser $hand
                chattr $hand +n
                pRecogniseOutput 005 $nick $hand 0
                timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 001]
            # nick not in userfile but host recognised
            } else {
                set hand [nick2hand $nick]
                # hand does not have +n flag
                # add +n to userfile record
                if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] n]} {
                    set flags [chattr $hand]
                    set hosts [getuser $hand HOSTS]
                    chattr $hand +n
                    pRecogniseOutput 006 $nick $hand 0
                    timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
                # hand already has +n
                # do nothing
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 007 $nick $hand 0}
        1 {
            set hand $nick
            set flags [chattr $hand]
            set hosts [getuser $hand HOSTS]
            # nick in userfile record but host not recognised
            # add host and +n if not already there
            if {[string equal [nick2hand $nick] \*]} {
                setuser $hand HOSTS $mask
                if {![matchattr $hand n]} {
                    chattr $hand +n
                pRecogniseOutput 008 $nick $hand $mask
                timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
            } else {
                # nick in userfile and host recognised
                # add +n if not already there
                if  {![matchattr $hand n]} {
                    chattr $hand +n
                    timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
                # +n already there
                # do nothing
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 007 $nick $hand 0}
        default {}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseDemote {nick hand type {flags ""} {hosts ""}} {
    switch -- $type {
        001 {
            # delete the newly created userfile record
            deluser $hand
        002 {
            # remove all user flags and reinstate only the ones that existed previously
            chattr $hand -nmtaoylgvfpqrdkxjcbwzeuh
            chattr $hand +$flags
            # remove all hosts and reinstate only the ones that existed previously
            setuser $hand HOSTS
            foreach host $hosts {
                setuser $hand HOSTS $host
        default {}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseMaskhost {host} {
    switch -- [regexp -- {^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$} $host] {
        0 {
            switch -- [regexp -all -- {\.} $host] {
                0 - 1 {set mask $host}
                2 - 3 {set mask *.[join [lrange [split $host .] 1 end] .]}
                default {set mask *.[join [lrange [split $host .] 2 end] .]}
        1 {set mask [join [lrange [split $host .] 0 end-1] .].*}
        default {}
    return $mask

putlog "recognise.tcl for arfer version $vRecogniseVersion loaded"
# eof

Code: Select all

line 105  
addhost $hand $mask  it changed to    setuser $hand HOSTS $mask
line 149
addhost $hand $host    it changed to   setuser $hand HOSTS $host
Last edited by Arnold_X-P on Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

the tcl now does not work correctly
To identify myself and have access, I have to give the same command twice, just so it gives me full access

example in IRCD

Code: Select all

/msg kantuta access PaSSord27
[21:36] -Kantuta- a new userfile record has been temporarily created giving you +n (global owner status). it will be deleted 180 minutes from now

/msg kantuta access PaSSord27
[21:37] -Kantuta- a temporary host *!*x@x.x.x.* has been added to your userfile record giving you +n (global owner status). it will be removed 180 minutes from now
Now for it to work you have to give the same command twice
before it was only once and you already had access
check and everything is fine and when the 180 minutes pass the bot removes access
the detail is only that to have access you have to identify twice
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

it doesn't work very well, something is missing or fails, I made immune tests and only the second order adds.
on the first request he only responds to me like that, but he doesn't add me as the owner:

Code: Select all

-> *JulieTa0* acceso massegg
-JulieTa0- a new userfile record has been temporarily created giving you +n (global owner status). it will be deleted 1 minutes from now
Only on the second request does he add me as an owner, when I launch the same command again

Code: Select all

-> *JulieTa0* acceso massegg
-JulieTa0- a temporary host *!* has been added to your userfile record giving you +n (global owner status). it will be removed 180 minutes from now.
I would like to know what the error is because I do not add the owner on the first request
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

it was fixed so that it recognizes nicknames with special characters. [] {}
thanks for your help. :D

Code: Select all

# recognise.tcl  for arfer DALnet channel #atlantis
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- syntax --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# syntax assuming default command 'recognise'
# /msg <botnick> recognise <password>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# set here the \msg command to use
set vRecogniseCommand "access"
# set here the password, only a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9 (6 characters minimum)
set vRecognisePassword "PaSSord27"
# set here how long in minutes the bot should recognise you 180 min. = 3 hours
set vRecogniseTime 180
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------- code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
set vRecogniseVersion 1.0
bind MSG - $vRecogniseCommand pRecogniseCommand
proc pRecogniseCommand {nick uhost hand text} {
    global vRecognisePassword
    if {[regexp -nocase -- {^[a-z0-9]{6,}$} $vRecognisePassword]} {
        set arguments [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [stripcodes bcruag [string trim $text]] { }]
        if {[llength [split $arguments]] == 1} {
            if {[string equal $arguments $vRecognisePassword]} {
                if {[onchan $nick]} {
                    pRecognisePromote $nick $uhost
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 001 $nick $hand 0}
            } else {pRecogniseOutput 002 $nick $hand $arguments}
        } else {pRecogniseOutput 003 $nick $hand 0}
    } else {pRecogniseOutput 004 $nick $hand 0}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseOutput {number nick hand xtra1} {
    global vRecogniseCommand vRecogniseTime
    switch -- $number {
        001 {set output "-error- you must be on a bot channel to use this command"}
        002 {set output "-error- password $xtra1 not recognised"}
        003 {set output "-error- correct usage /msg <botnick> $vRecogniseCommand <password>"}
        004 {set output "-error- incorrectly configured password in script"}
        005 {set output "a new userfile record has been temporarily created giving you +n (global owner status). it will be deleted $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        006 {set output "the flag +n (global owner status) has been temporarily granted in your userfile record. it will be rescinded $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        007 {set output "you are already recognised by the handle $hand as having +n (global owner status)"}
        008 {set output "a temporary host $xtra1 has been added to your userfile record giving you +n (global owner status). it will be removed $vRecogniseTime minutes from now"}
        default {}
    putserv "NOTICE $nick :$output"
    return 0
proc pRecognisePromote {nick uhost} {
    global vRecogniseTime
    scan $uhost {%[^@]@%s} user host
    set user [string trimleft $user ~]
    set mask *!*$user@[pRecogniseMaskhost $host]
    switch -- [validuser $nick] {
        0 {
            # nick not in userfile and host not recognised
            # create user record with +n
            if {[string equal [nick2hand $nick] \*]} {
                set hand $nick
                adduser $hand $hand!*@*
                chattr $hand +n
                pRecogniseOutput 005 $nick $hand 0
                timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 001]
            # nick not in userfile but host recognised
            } else {
                set hand [nick2hand $nick]
                # hand does not have +n flag
                # add +n to userfile record
                if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] n]} {
                    set flags [chattr $hand]
                    set hosts [getuser $hand HOSTS]
                    chattr $hand +n
                    pRecogniseOutput 006 $nick $hand 0
                    timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
                # hand already has +n
                # do nothing
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 007 $nick $hand 0}
        1 {
            set hand $nick
            set flags [chattr $hand]
            set hosts [getuser $hand HOSTS]
            # nick in userfile record but host not recognised
            # add host and +n if not already there
            if {[string equal [nick2hand $nick] \*]} {
                setuser $hand HOSTS $mask
                if {![matchattr $hand n]} {
                    chattr $hand +n
                pRecogniseOutput 008 $nick $hand $mask
                timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
            } else {
                # nick in userfile and host recognised
                # add +n if not already there
                if  {![matchattr $hand n]} {
                    chattr $hand +n
                    timer $vRecogniseTime [list pRecogniseDemote $nick $hand 002 $flags $hosts]
                # +n already there
                # do nothing
                } else {pRecogniseOutput 007 $nick $hand 0}
        default {}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseDemote {nick hand type {flags ""} {hosts ""}} {
    switch -- $type {
        001 {
            # delete the newly created userfile record
            deluser $hand
        002 {
            # remove all user flags and reinstate only the ones that existed previously
            chattr $hand -nmtaoylgvfpqrdkxjcbwzeuh
            chattr $hand +$flags
            # remove all hosts and reinstate only the ones that existed previously
            setuser $hand HOSTS
            foreach host $hosts {
                setuser $hand HOSTS $host
        default {}
    return 0
proc pRecogniseMaskhost {host} {
    switch -- [regexp -- {^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$} $host] {
        0 {
            switch -- [regexp -all -- {\.} $host] {
                0 - 1 {set mask $host}
                2 - 3 {set mask *.[join [lrange [split $host .] 1 end] .]}
                default {set mask *.[join [lrange [split $host .] 2 end] .]}
        1 {set mask [join [lrange [split $host .] 0 end-1] .].*}
        default {}
    return $mask

putlog "recognise.tcl for arfer version $vRecogniseVersion loaded"
# eof
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