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## ircCloudBan v.0.1 ##
bind mode - "#% +b" ircCloudBan
proc ircCloudBan {nk uh hn ch md banmask} {
if {![botisop $ch]} return
if {![string match -nocase "*" $banmask]} return
pushmode $ch -b $banmask ; set ::irccloudban $banmask
bind kick - * ircCloudKick
proc ircCloudKick {nk uh hn ch target why} {
if {![info exists ::irccloudban]} return
if {[botisop $ch]} {
set chhost [getchanhost $target $ch]
if {[string match -nocase "*" $chhost]} {
lassign [split $chhost "@"] user
pushmode $ch +b "*!$user@*"
unset ::irccloudban
when i ban cloud ip then bots remove the ban . but did not set the ident ban .
[09:04] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:04] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b *!*
[09:09] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:09] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b *!*
[09:09] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:09] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b *!*
but in kick ban it works good
[09:11] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:11] * Day-Night was kicked by F|irT (F|irT)
[09:11] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b+b *!* *!uid246043@*
i want when any op ban the cloud ip it does not remove the ban .
of if it can be like remove ip and get ident like it's doing on kick ban .
not doing on simple ban.
hope u underatand.
My English is weak