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ack stupid shell

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ack stupid shell

Post by mattyp »

I just got a shell from and they're down. Anyone know anything about this company? I thought they were supposed to be good but I dunno. Just thought everyone should know..Im rather new to this so maybe it's normal?
Revered One
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

Define down.

Every company has downtime, the smaller ones more than the large. This is plainly due to the lack of access to a machine, or the man power that can be placed into them.

THough, there are a few rotton apples in the bowl.

There is not much you can do, unless the contract between yourself and the shell provider, includes some form of uptime gurantee.

Have you tried contacting the shell provider in anyway?

How did you pay for the shell? If by credit card, you can claim the money back, for lack of service provided, though, you would normaly have to show at least a third of the time you have had the shell is downtime.
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Jul 07, 2002 10:15 pm

Post by Sharpnet »

I heard they moved to foonet from their cogent line because of ddos attacks..

Don't hold me to that though.
Devon Dunham
Sharpnet Communications, Inc. - -- Unbiased, no non-sense, shell discussion..