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Join all channels script

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by woffer »

Hi, i was wondering is there a "join-all-channels-on-the-current-irc-network" script some where?.. (it's for a private LAN IRC-Server). need it to join every channel on the IRC-Network and check for new channels about every 30min or so. Anyone know where i can find this kind of script ? =)
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Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

What exactly would you need this for?

There are some limitations that need to be addressed before this could work.

Most IRCD's have a limit as to how many channels, one clinet can join per connection. This would limit the ability for such a script to work.

An eggdrop managing 20+ would have a very nice time chewing up CPU sycles and the available RAM.

Depending on the purpose of this script, there are alternatives to eggdrop for some of these purposes.

Post by woffer »

i'm hosting a IRCD at a local little LAN with about 100ppl and i want it to idle in all the channels so that everyone that joins the server can use the "pub bot" scripts any where.
Revered One
Posts: 3914
Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

The following should work, I aint 100% sure, coz I hate RAW binds.

Code: Select all

bind time - "03 *" time:chkchan
bind time - "33 *" time:chkchan
proc time:chkchan {min hour day month year} {
  putserv "LIST"
bind raw - "322" raw:addchan
proc raw:addchan {from key arg} {
  set chan [lindex [split $arg] 0]
  if {![validchan $chan]} {
    channel add $chan {}

Post by woffer »

Thanks! =)
I'll try that on... well of to the LAN.