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Can players scores be changed?

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Can players scores be changed?

Post by Swift »

Hi, it has been a long time since I have visited this community but I am glad I am still a member

I am hoping someone can help me.. I have had cause to delete a player from all lists but whilst doing this another player was playing unbeknown to me. Therefore, when I returned the edited file all the scores gathered by the player didnt count - he actually lost 500,000 points.

Although he isnt bothered about losing these, I feel i should try and return them to him but cannot find the file in which the scores are kept.

firstly am I actually able to change scores? If so, where do i find the file to edit (eg name, where is it etc)

I hope you can help me with this -- many thanks :)
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Re: Can players scores be changed?

Post by willyw »

Swift wrote:Hi, it has been a long time since I have visited this community but I am glad I am still a member
Welcome back. :)
I am hoping someone can help me.. I have had cause to delete a player from all lists but whilst doing this another player was playing unbeknown to me.
Playing ... what?

If it is BogusTrivia and if I recall correctly, the scores, etc., are sort of encrypted.

After you respond - and if it is BogusTrivia - then your best bet is to talk to Spike^^ about it. And he is in here often. :)
For a fun (and popular) Trivia game, visit us at: #science-fiction . Over 300K Q & A to play in BogusTrivia !
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Post by Swift »


Thanks for the welcome back :)

sorry, I wasnt very clear... i was editing files whilst the trivia game was still running in my chat room so when I uploaded the edited files his scores werent recorded -- they were just sent off in cyber space somewhere lol

Yes, I doubt Spike will remember me, but he helped a lot when we first had the bot -- it runs on knight.irc... i am sure i have altered scores before, or it may just have been the guest list i have edited before... Its been running now on knight since 2013 before that it ran on DarkMyst as far back as 2006

Any help I can get would be appreciated... :D
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BogusTrivia player stats file

Post by SpiKe^^ »

All BogusTrivia player stats are stored in the /scripts/t2/t2.users file.

That file is not intended to be manually edited, but if you are careful it is possible.

It is best to kill the bot before editing any of the BogusTrivia data files.

Get BogusTrivia at
or visit the New Tcl Acrhive at
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Post by Swift »

Great to see you again Spike :)... hope all is good with you

Thanks for the information - I will consider very carefully whether it is worth trying to change anything before I look

I think it might just be safer to leave things as they are - the player concerned didnt seem overly bothered about losing 500,000 points lol

Take care :)
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Post by Swift »

Just to clarify why I was editing the users in the first place, we had a guy playing who we suspected of cheating big time... seems totally pointless in a small game like ours but, nevertheless, he seemed to be doing so. I received many complaints from others about this and when I investigated, it transpired he had been using at least another 20 names when playing. (how that helped I will never know)

He used to make sure his scores were at least 8 million each day after playing for 7 to 8 hours and would always end on a whole number somehow, like 80000000...

I asked him if he would please go to another of our rooms where not many people played - i dont like banning people for playing hard - but he abused my "kindness" and i had no option but to stop him coming in

I have no doubt he will be back at some later date (he did actually play in our room some 8 years ago so was a returnee) but hope he has learned his lesson

thanks again Spike :)
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Post by willyw »

Swift wrote:...
He used to make sure his scores were at least 8 million each day after playing for 7 to 8 hours and would always end on a whole number somehow, like 80000000...

I asked him if he would please go to another of our rooms where not many people played - i dont like banning people for playing hard - but he abused my "kindness" and i had no option but to stop him coming in
You have reminded me of something that I saw in the settings of Bogus. I don't know what version you have. Wanted to be sure that you know this is in Bogus now, just in case it is somehow useful to you. You'd have to experiment with it, and find out.

Code: Select all

################ !! NEW BogusLimits Settings !! ################
# limit the number of points any one player can get in one day ?? #
# set this to "0" to turn off player limiting #
# or set this to the max number of points a player can get per day #
set t2(limit) "0"

# limit will always match players by nick, and ignore them if over limit
# limit can also match players by user name and/or host name
# 0 = limit matches players by nick only (they may continue to play with a different nick)
# 1 = match players by host name (this may limit everyone playing from the same ip address)
# 2 = match players by user name (not sure how well this may work, players can change this:)
# 3 = match by username@hostname (safest, keep from limiting 2 players from the same address)
set t2(l-match) "3"

# set the text to use when someone reaches the point limit for the day #
# set this empty to not say anything # %n = nick # %l = point limit #
set t2(l-stxt) "You have reached the daily point limit of %l."

# set the reminder text to use when someone answers correct but is already limited #
# set this empty to not say anything # %n = nick # %l = point limit #
set t2(l-rtxt) "Sorry, you have already reached the point limit for today."

# set the max times to remind someone that they have reached the daily limit #
# set this to "0" to not do reminders #
# 1 - 9 = max number of reminders before silent ignore of player #
set t2(l-rnum) "1"

For a fun (and popular) Trivia game, visit us at: #science-fiction . Over 300K Q & A to play in BogusTrivia !
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