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############### K O M U T L A R B Ö L Ü M Ü #############
## ##
## Botumuzun sunucu üzerindeki çalıştıran komutlarını ##
## kendinize özel yapabilir yada asla değiştirmeden ##
## mevcut hali ile kullanabilirsiniz ##
## ##
set tor(kanal) "#Sohbet,#Radyo,#Oyun"
set tor(sure) "5"
bind raw * notice tor:connection
proc tor:connection {from keyword arg} {
global tor
if {[string match -nocase "*Client connecting on port*" $arg]} {
set nick [lindex $arg 9]
set port [string range [lindex [split [lindex $arg 8] ":"] 0] 0 end]
set ident [string range [lindex [split [lindex $arg 10] "@"] 0] 1 end]
set ip [string range [lindex [split [lindex $arg 10] "@"] 1] 0 end-1]
if {![regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}} $ip]} {
set ip [dnslookup $ip dienes]
set connect [::http::geturl$ip]
set files [::http::data $connect]
if {[string match -nocase "*listed in*other blacklists*" $files]} {
putquick "GLINE *@$ip 12h Tor Koruması v3.0 Coded By CLubber"
::http::cleanup $files
if {[string match -nocase "*not listed in any blacklists*" $files]} {
utimer $tor(sure)[list putquick "sajoin $nick $tor(kanal)"]
::http::cleanup $files
proc dienes {ip host status} {
if {!$status} {return}
return $ip
putlog "Delay Join TCL v2.0 - Written By CLubber"
* With this TCL, you can easily secure your server by scanning users connecting to your server.
* Delay Join and Proxy Protection are combined. In short, when the user connects to your server, it checks whether there is a tor / proxy from the online website without buying bot channels.
* It removes the user it perceives as Proxy / Tor and attracts the users it finds clean to the channels you designate as tor (channel).
* Send a message to the users he finds clean and at the end of the time you specify, “5 - 10 sec.” pulls into channels.
* Since the user is scanned without getting into the channels, there is no mess / pollution across the channel.