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Help for tcl modification

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Help for tcl modification

Post by Suratka »

Hello friends. I need a favor. I have installed a tcl that records the links that are posted in the channel. create the various files_nick_user.log in a logs folder and when in public we type :! link nick
Eggdrop returns the last three links NICK posted on the channel.
This tcl only works on one channel at a time. in fact the channel must be set in the tcl. I wish it could work on multiple channels.
Now the tcl is set to one channel only, and records user links in that channel only, but the command! Link nick returns the response in other non-enabled channels as well. I would like to avoid this.
Indeed if possible, I would like you to create db files belonging to each channel I enable. so I would like to modify the tcl in such a way that it is multichan settable and that it keeps the db for each channel.
it's possible?

Code: Select all

#	 link logger v 1.1 by m00nie
#   Mostly written as a way to practice TCL....
# V1.1 Added Global Stats
# V1.0 Original release
# Settings to edit below
# chan to use
set linklog(chanset) "#siamosolonoi"

# Debug? Enabling debug is very verbose!
set linklog(debug) 1

# Users to ignore? E.g other bots
set linklog(ignore) "some people"

# Command to search for link
set linklog(call) "!link"

# Command for stats
set linklog(stats) "!linkstats"

# Location of the file to store links
set linklog(location) "/home/server/arale/loglink/links_"

# output line start
set linklog(out) "\002\[\002Link\002\]\002 "

# No need to edit anything from below here

set linklog(debugstring) "Link Logger Debug: "

bind pub - $linklog(call) linkcall 
bind pub - $linklog(stats) linkstats
bind pubm - "$linklog(chanset) *://*" linklogger

# Link logging process
proc linklogger {nick host hand chan arg} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) nick = $nick"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) host = $host"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) hand = $hand"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) chan = $chan"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) arg = $arg"
	# Checking the channel has been set
	if {$chan != $linklog(chanset)} {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $chan is not set to log links!"
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) chan is set to $linklog(chanset)"
	# Check is user ignored
	set linklog(ignoretest) [regexp -nocase $nick $linklog(ignore)]
	if {$linklog(ignoretest) == 1} {
		 if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			puts "$linklog(debugstring) $nick is being ignored"
			puts "$linklog(debugstring) Ingnore variable is $linklog(ignore)"
	# Check for a link
	if {[regexp -- {(https?://[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+(?:/|(?:/[a-zA-Z0-9!#\$%&'\*\+,\-\.:;=\?@\[\]_~]+)*))} $arg match linklog(url)]} {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Found link, chan set and not ignoring user!"
			putlog "Link is $linklog(url)"
		# Open the file append and close
		set time [clock seconds]
		set linklog(fileappend) [open $linklog(location)$nick a]
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location) opened at $time"
		puts $linklog(fileappend) "Linked to $linklog(url) @ [clock format $time]"
		close $linklog(fileappend) 
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location) closed"
	} else {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) This shouldnt really happen....."
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Channel set, user not ignored but no valid link!"

# Link searching
proc linkcall {nick host hand chan arg} {
	global linklog
	# Check for no arguments then spam help
	if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
                puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(call) <username>"
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(stats) <username>"
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(stats) for global stats"	
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $linklog(call) triggered linkcall"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) The argument was $arg"
	# Check a file exists
	set linklog(fileresult) [linkfilecheck $linklog(location)$arg]
	if {$linklog(fileresult) != 1} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) No links found for $arg :("
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg doesnt exist??"
	# Open and read the file line by line
	set loop 0
	set linklog(fileopen) [open $linklog(location)$arg r]
	set lines [split [read -nonewline $linklog(fileopen)] "\n"]
	puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) $arg's most recent links"
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $linklog(location)$arg File open and split"
	for {set i [llength $lines]} {$i} {incr i -1} {
		set line [lindex $lines $i-1]
		if {$loop > 2} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $line"
	        if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
                        putlog "$linklog(debugstring) loop = $loop "
		incr loop
	close $linklog(fileopen)
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg closed"

# Get some stats
proc linkstats {nick host hand chan arg} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) link stats called with arg $arg"
	if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) No arg given to $linklog(stats)"
		set files [glob $linklog(location)*]
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Files to be checked are $files"
		if { [llength $files] > 0 } {
			foreach f [lsort $files] {
				set name [regsub -nocase {.*links\_} $f {}]
				set size [linklinecount $f]
				lappend thelist "$name $size"
		 } else {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) Nobody has linked to anything :o"
	         if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
                        putlog "$linklog(debugstring) unsorted list is $thelist "
		 lappend outputlist [lsort -index 1 -decreasing -integer $thelist]
		 if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
                         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Sorted list is $outputlist"
                 set x "0"
		 while {$x < 3} {
			set list [lindex $outputlist 0 $x]
			incr x
			lassign $list user count
			if {$count < 0} {
			if {$x == 1} {
				puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) Top link spammers"
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $x. $user spammed $count links"
	# Check the file exists first
	set linklog(fileresult) [linkfilecheck $linklog(location)$arg]
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) files we try to open will be $linklog(fileresult)"
	if {$linklog(fileresult) != 1} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) No links found for $arg :("
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg doesnt exist??"
	# Count the links
	set linkcount [linklinecount $linklog(location)$arg]
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $arg has spammed $linkcount links"

# Count the lines in a file
proc linklinecount {FILENAME} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linklinecount called with arg $FILENAME"
	# c
        set i 0
        set fid [open $FILENAME r]
        while {[gets $fid line] > -1} {incr i}
        close $fid
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
                putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linklinecount returning $i lines counted"
        return $i

# Check file exsists
proc linkfilecheck {FILENAME} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linkfilecheck called with arg $FILENAME"
	# checking the file exists
        if [file exists $FILENAME] then {
        # file exists
		return 1
        } else {
        # file not exists
		return "0"
putlog "link logger v 1.1 by m00nie :)"
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Revered One
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Post by CrazyCat »

Wow, such a complex script for a simple feature.

I can correct it to work as you want, and I can modify it to use a sqlite DB. This second alternative will do a simplest script, and probably more secured :)
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sq lite ???

Post by Suratka »

sorry what do you mean by sqlite db?
I don't know how to get started with the sqlite db.

I only use tcl which creates simple db files inside the eggdrop.
Creating a tcl that needs sqlite would mean to me working on sqlite and I don't even know what it is.

I only know how to install an eggdrop and simple tcls, in fact many complex tcls that require other dependencies I avoid them like the plague. : D

I just want this script to be settable and that it can choose which channels to run in, and that each channel has its own folder where it puts the txt nicknames that have written links to that channel.
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Post by CrazyCat »

Here is a short untested modification.
do a .chanset #chan +linklog to enable the script in your chan.

Beware that omd files must be renamed to add the chan name before the nick.
Exemple: links_lamer must become links_siamosolonoi_lamer

Code: Select all

#    link logger v 1.1 by m00nie
#   Mostly written as a way to practice TCL....
# V1.1 Added Global Stats
# V1.0 Original release
# Settings to edit below
# Debug? Enabling debug is very verbose!
set linklog(debug) 1

# Users to ignore? E.g other bots
set linklog(ignore) "some people"

# Command to search for link
set linklog(call) "!link"

# Command for stats
set linklog(stats) "!linkstats"

# Location of the file to store links
set linklog(location) "/home/server/arale/loglink/links_"

# output line start
set linklog(out) "\002\[\002Link\002\]\002 "

# No need to edit anything from below here

set linklog(debugstring) "Link Logger Debug: "

bind pub - $linklog(call) linkcall
bind pub - $linklog(stats) linkstats
bind pubm - "$linklog(chanset) *://*" linklogger
setudef flag linklog

# Link logging process
proc linklogger {nick host hand chan arg} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) nick = $nick"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) host = $host"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) hand = $hand"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) chan = $chan"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) arg = $arg"
	# Checking the channel has been set

	if {[channel get $chan linklog]!=0} {
		set tchan [string tolower $chan]
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $chan is not set to log links!"
	# Check is user ignored
	set linklog(ignoretest) [regexp -nocase $nick $linklog(ignore)]
	if {$linklog(ignoretest) == 1} {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			puts "$linklog(debugstring) $nick is being ignored"
			puts "$linklog(debugstring) Ingnore variable is $linklog(ignore)"
	# Check for a link
	if {[regexp -- {(https?://[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+(?:/|(?:/[a-zA-Z0-9!#\$%&'\*\+,\-\.:;=\?@\[\]_~]+)*))} $arg match linklog(url)]} {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Found link, chan set and not ignoring user!"
			putlog "Link is $linklog(url)"
		# Open the file append and close
		set time [clock seconds]
		set linklog(fileappend) [open $linklog(location)${tchan}_$nick a]
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location) opened at $time"
		puts $linklog(fileappend) "Linked to $linklog(url) @ [clock format $time]"
		close $linklog(fileappend)
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location) closed"
	} else {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) This shouldnt really happen....."
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Channel set, user not ignored but no valid link!"

# Link searching
proc linkcall {nick host hand chan arg} {
	global linklog
	if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
		return 0
	} else {
		set tchan [string tolower $chan]
	# Check for no arguments then spam help
	if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(call) <username>"
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(stats) <username>"
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(stats) for global stats"   
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $linklog(call) triggered linkcall"
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) The argument was $arg"
	# Check a file exists
	set linklog(fileresult) [linkfilecheck $linklog(location)${tchan}_$arg]
	if {$linklog(fileresult) != 1} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) No links found for $arg :("
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg doesnt exist??"
	# Open and read the file line by line
	set loop 0
	set linklog(fileopen) [open $linklog(location)$arg r]
	set lines [split [read -nonewline $linklog(fileopen)] "\n"]
	puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) $arg's most recent links"
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $linklog(location)$arg File open and split"
	for {set i [llength $lines]} {$i} {incr i -1} {
		set line [lindex $lines $i-1]
		if {$loop > 2} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $line"
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) loop = $loop "
		incr loop
	close $linklog(fileopen)
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg closed"

# Get some stats
proc linkstats {nick host hand chan arg} {
	global linklog
	if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
		return 0
	} else {
		set tchan [string tolower $chan]
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) link stats called with arg $arg"
	if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) No arg given to $linklog(stats)"
		set files [glob $linklog(location)${tchan}_*]
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Files to be checked are $files"
		if { [llength $files] > 0 } {
			foreach f [lsort $files] {
				set name [lindex [split $f "_"] end]
				set size [linklinecount $f]
				lappend thelist "$name $size"
		} else {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) Nobody has linked to anything :o"
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) unsorted list is $thelist "
		lappend outputlist [lsort -index 1 -decreasing -integer $thelist]
		if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
			putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Sorted list is $outputlist"
		set x "0"
		while {$x < 3} {
			set list [lindex $outputlist 0 $x]
			incr x
			lassign $list user count
			if {$count < 0} {
			if {$x == 1} {
				puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) Top link spammers"
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $x. $user spammed $count links"
	# Check the file exists first
	set linklog(fileresult) [linkfilecheck $linklog(location)$arg]
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) files we try to open will be $linklog(fileresult)"
	if {$linklog(fileresult) != 1} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) No links found for $arg :("
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg doesnt exist??"
	# Count the links
	set linkcount [linklinecount $linklog(location)$arg]
	puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $arg has spammed $linkcount links"

# Count the lines in a file
proc linklinecount {FILENAME} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linklinecount called with arg $FILENAME"
	# c
	set i 0
	set fid [open $FILENAME r]
	while {[gets $fid line] > -1} {incr i}
	close $fid
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linklinecount returning $i lines counted"
	return $i

# Check file exsists
proc linkfilecheck {FILENAME} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linkfilecheck called with arg $FILENAME"
	# checking the file exists
	if [file exists $FILENAME] then {
		# file exists
		return 1
	} else {
		# file not exists
		return "0"
putlog "link logger v 1.1 by m00nie :)" 
I'll do a sqlite version, you'll see how it' simplest and it only requires one package.
If you don't want to use this evolution, some could be interested in it.
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Post by Suratka »

Hi. i just tested the tc you edited.

Now I can enable it in the channels where I want via .chanset
The rest doesn't work.

when in the set channel a user types a link it is not registered, the tcl does not create any log file.
I tried to create it by hand example:
links_ # channel_nick
and when that nick spams a link in the channel here is the response of the bot in partyline:

Code: Select all

[15:41:08] Link Logger Debug:  nick = UNKNOWN
[15:41:08] Link Logger Debug:  host = SMCV@8780DF14.233F274D.EC498D0F.IP
[15:41:08] Link Logger Debug:  hand = *
[15:41:08] Link Logger Debug:  chan = #siamosolonoi
[15:41:08] Link Logger Debug:  arg =
[15:41:08] Link Logger Debug:  #siamosolonoi is not set to log links!
after which I try to type in channel:! link nick and I get this:

Code: Select all

[15:48:19] Link Logger Debug:  !link triggered linkcall
[15:48:19] Link Logger Debug:  The argument was UNKNOWN
[15:48:19] Link Logger Debug:  Linkfilecheck called with arg /home/server/arale/                                                                                                                     loglink/links_#siamosolonoi_UNKNOWN
[15:48:19] Tcl error [linkcall]: couldn't open "/home/server/arale/loglink/links                                                                                                                     _UNKNOWN": no such file or directory
and even if it worked, it would have been impractical. Because from what I understand, you have to create the files by hand. The original tcl created a file for each user who wrote a links, which could then be called up via the public command! Link nick.

So it doesn't make sense.
I thought once it became multichan, tcl would create a directory for each channel. instead it puts everyone in the same directory, but that's not the point. The fact is that the system does not create the log files.
I think I will keep it as it was and at most I will only use the modification you made to enable it via chanset. so there is no danger that it will work in other channels.
Thanks: D
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Post by CrazyCat »

As I said, my changes weren't tested, I'll look further tomorrow.

But you haven't to create the files by the hand, it's just the old files which cannot be used and that you have to rename if you want to keep the old datas.
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Post by CrazyCat »

So... I just made 2 errors in my previous script.
Here is the working one:

Code: Select all

#    link logger v 1.1 by m00nie
#   Mostly written as a way to practice TCL....
# V1.1 Added Global Stats
# V1.0 Original release
# Settings to edit below
# Debug? Enabling debug is very verbose!
set linklog(debug) 1

# Users to ignore? E.g other bots
set linklog(ignore) "some people"

# Command to search for link
set linklog(call) "!link"

# Command for stats
set linklog(stats) "!linkstats"

# Location of the file to store links
set linklog(location) "databases/links_"

# output line start
set linklog(out) "\002\[\002Link\002\]\002 "

# No need to edit anything from below here

set linklog(debugstring) "Link Logger Debug: "

bind pub - $linklog(call) linkcall
bind pub - $linklog(stats) linkstats
bind pubm - "*://*" linklogger
setudef flag linklog

# Link logging process
proc linklogger {nick host hand chan arg} {
   global linklog
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) nick = $nick"
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) host = $host"
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) hand = $hand"
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) chan = $chan"
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) arg = $arg"
   # Checking the channel has been set

   if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
      return 0
   } else {
      set tchan [string tolower $chan]
   # Check is user ignored
   set linklog(ignoretest) [regexp -nocase $nick $linklog(ignore)]
   if {$linklog(ignoretest) == 1} {
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         puts "$linklog(debugstring) $nick is being ignored"
         puts "$linklog(debugstring) Ingnore variable is $linklog(ignore)"
   # Check for a link
   if {[regexp -- {(https?://[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+(?:/|(?:/[a-zA-Z0-9!#\$%&'\*\+,\-\.:;=\?@\[\]_~]+)*))} $arg match linklog(url)]} {
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Found link, chan set and not ignoring user!"
         putlog "Link is $linklog(url)"
      # Open the file append and close
      set time [clock seconds]
      set linklog(fileappend) [open $linklog(location)${tchan}_$nick a]
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location) opened at $time"
      puts $linklog(fileappend) "Linked to $linklog(url) @ [clock format $time]"
      close $linklog(fileappend)
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location) closed"
   } else {
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) This shouldnt really happen....."
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Channel set, user not ignored but no valid link!"

# Link searching
proc linkcall {nick host hand chan arg} {
   global linklog
   if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
      return 0
   } else {
      set tchan [string tolower $chan]
   # Check for no arguments then spam help
   if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(call) <username>"
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(stats) <username>"
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $linklog(stats) for global stats"   
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $linklog(call) triggered linkcall"
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) The argument was $arg"
   # Check a file exists
   set linklog(fileresult) [linkfilecheck $linklog(location)${tchan}_$arg]
   if {$linklog(fileresult) != 1} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) No links found for $arg :("
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg doesnt exist??"
   # Open and read the file line by line
   set loop 0
   set linklog(fileopen) [open $linklog(location)${tchan}_$arg r]
   set lines [split [read -nonewline $linklog(fileopen)] "\n"]
   puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) $arg's most recent links"
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) $linklog(location)$arg File open and split"
   for {set i [llength $lines]} {$i} {incr i -1} {
      set line [lindex $lines $i-1]
      if {$loop > 2} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $line"
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) loop = $loop "
      incr loop
   close $linklog(fileopen)
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg closed"

# Get some stats
proc linkstats {nick host hand chan arg} {
   global linklog
   if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
      return 0
   } else {
      set tchan [string tolower $chan]
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) link stats called with arg $arg"
   if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) No arg given to $linklog(stats)"
      set files [glob $linklog(location)${tchan}_*]
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Files to be checked are $files"
      if { [llength $files] > 0 } {
         foreach f [lsort $files] {
            set name [lindex [split $f "_"] end]
            set size [linklinecount $f]
            lappend thelist "$name $size"
      } else {
         puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) Nobody has linked to anything :o"
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) unsorted list is $thelist "
      lappend outputlist [lsort -index 1 -decreasing -integer $thelist]
      if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
         putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Sorted list is $outputlist"
      set x "0"
      while {$x < 3} {
         set list [lindex $outputlist 0 $x]
         incr x
         lassign $list user count
         if {$count < 0} {
         if {$x == 1} {
            puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) Top link spammers"
         puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $x. $user spammed $count links"
   # Check the file exists first
   set linklog(fileresult) [linkfilecheck $linklog(location)$arg]
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) files we try to open will be $linklog(fileresult)"
   if {$linklog(fileresult) != 1} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $linklog(out) No links found for $arg :("
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) File $linklog(location)$arg doesnt exist??"
   # Count the links
   set linkcount [linklinecount $linklog(location)$arg]
   puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $arg has spammed $linkcount links"

# Count the lines in a file
proc linklinecount {FILENAME} {
   global linklog
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linklinecount called with arg $FILENAME"
   # c
   set i 0
   set fid [open $FILENAME r]
   while {[gets $fid line] > -1} {incr i}
   close $fid
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linklinecount returning $i lines counted"
   return $i

# Check file exsists
proc linkfilecheck {FILENAME} {
   global linklog
   if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
      putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linkfilecheck called with arg $FILENAME"
   # checking the file exists
   if [file exists $FILENAME] then {
      # file exists
      return 1
   } else {
      # file not exists
      return "0"
putlog "link logger v 1.1 by m00nie :)" 
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Post by CrazyCat »

The sqlite version:

Code: Select all

# sqlink logger

namespace eval sqlink {

	# path to the database (the directory must exists)
	variable dbpath "databases/"
	# list of ignored users
	variable ignore {john roger guru}

	# Command to search for link
	variable call "!link"
	# Command for stats
	variable stats "!linkstats"

	# output line start
	variable out "\002\[\002Link\002\]\002 "
	variable debug 1

	if { [catch { package require sqlite3 }] } { putloglev o * "Error : you need sqlite3 package" ; return }

	variable db
	proc opendb {} {
		sqlite3 ::sqlink::db ${::sqlink::dbpath}/linklogger.sqlite

	proc closedb {} {
		::sqlink::db close

	proc init {} {
		::sqlink::db eval {CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS links (id integer primary key, chan text, nick text, url text, seentime datetime)}
		::sqlink::db eval {CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS id ON links(id)}
		::sqlink::db eval {CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS chan ON links(chan)}
		::sqlink::db eval {CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS nick ON links(nick)}
	variable debugstring "Link Logger Debug: "

	bind pub - $::sqlink::call ::sqlink::linkcall
	bind pub - $::sqlink::stats ::sqlink::linkstats
	bind pubm - "*://*" ::sqlink::linklogger
	setudef flag linklog

	proc linklogger {nick host hand chan arg} {
		if {$::sqlink::debug == 1} {
			putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring nick = $nick"
			putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring host = $host"
			putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring hand = $hand"
			putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring chan = $chan"
			putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring arg = $arg"
		if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
			return 0
		if {[lsearch -nocase $::::sqlink::ignore $nick] != -1} {
			if {$::sqlink::debug == 1} {
				puts "$::sqlink::debugstring $nick is being ignored"
		if {[regexp -- {(https?://[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+(?:/|(?:/[a-zA-Z0-9!#\$%&'\*\+,\-\.:;=\?@\[\]_~]+)*))} $arg match url]} {
			if {$::sqlink::debug == 1} {
				putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring Found link, chan set and not ignoring user!"
				putlog "Link is $url"
			::sqlink::db eval {INSERT INTO links (chan, nick, url, seentime) VALUES (LOWER($chan), LOWER($nick), $url, strftime('%s','now'))}
	proc linkcall {nick host hand chan arg} {
		if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
			return 0
		if {[string length $arg] < 1} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $::sqlink::call <username>"
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $::sqlink::stats <username>"
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :usage: $::sqlink::stats for global stats"   
		if {$::sqlink::debug == 1} {
			putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring $::sqlink::call triggered linkcall"
			putlog "$::sqlink::debugstring The argument was $arg"
		set ulinks [::sqlink::db eval {SELECT * FROM links WHERE LOWER(nick)=LOWER($arg) AND chan=LOWER($chan) ORDER BY seentime desc}]
		if {[llength $ulinks]==0} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $::sqlink::out No links found for $arg :("
			return 0
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan $::sqlink::out $arg's most recent links"
		for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $ulinks]} {incr i 5} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Linked [lindex $ulinks $i+3] on [clock format [lindex $ulinks $i+4] -format %d/%m/%Y\ \@\ %H:%M:%S]"
	proc linkstats {nick host hand chan text} {
		if {[channel get $chan linklog]==0} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :not activated here"
			return 0
		if {[llength [split $text]] == 1} {
			set where " AND LOWER(nick)=LOWER($nick)"
		} else {
			set where ""
		set top [::sqlink::db eval {SELECT COUNT(*) AS top, nick FROM links WHERE chan=LOWER($chan)$where GROUP BY nick ORDER BY top DESC LIMIT 3}]
		if {[llength $top]==0} {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :No links where posted here"
			return 0
		putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Top spammers for $chan"
		for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $top]} {incr i 2} {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[lindex $top $i+1] with [lindex $top $i] links"

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