I have found a script called "Solbu's Slowvoice v1.1"
I have added it to my config, and change tlc file, so it fits my requirements
But the users don't get voice after 60 ~ 120 sec - Nothing happen
Can someone help me out.. or maybe find another script that can do the same?
I need a script that can auto voice after some time
I use eggdrop 1.9.1
Code: Select all
# slowvoice.tcl v1.1 by Solbu.
# Repository: https://github.com/solbu/eggdrop-scripts
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# After the recent join spam tactic on FreeNode and EFnet in the fall of 2018,
# I needed something that voiced all users joining a moderated channel,
# but it needed to randomly delay the voicing to between 60 and 99 seconds after they join.
# And this is the result after looking on the internet for ideas.
# The Spambots this script is made to protect against deliver their spam withing 60 seconds after join.
# Since I deployed this script on the moderated channels I maintain, the spam is gone.
# The spambots stil join, but they can't deliver their cargo since the channels are moderated
# and they don't have voice within the timeframe they deliver their cargo.
# The script has been tested on eggdrop v1.8.3. So it should work fine on this version of eggdrop and
# higher. If you find any bug on this script, you can open a bug repport on Github https://github.com/solbu/eggdrop-scripts
## Features:
# This script will voice any user who joins a channel specified after a preset minimum and maximum time.
# Default is to randomly delay voice to between 60 and 99 seconds.
### Options:
## Delay in seconds before we voice someone:
# x:y random delay; minimum x sec, maximum y sec
set sv(delay) 60:120
## Which channel do you want this script to voice people on?
## If you have more than one channel please leave
## a space between the channels.(e.g "#channel1 #channel2")
set avchan "#futurenode #help"
### Begin Script:
bind join - * join:sv
proc join:sv {nick host hand chan} { global sv
utimer [expr [lindex [split $sv(delay) :] 0] + [rand [lindex [split $sv(delay) :] 1]]] [list sv:voice $nick $host $hand $chan]
bind nick - * nick:sv
proc nick:sv {nick host hand chan newnick} { global sv
utimer [expr [lindex [split $sv(delay) :] 0] + [rand [lindex [split $sv(delay) :] 1]]] [list sv:voice $newnick $host $hand $chan]
proc sv:voice {nick host hand chan} {
global avchan botnick
if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
if { [isvoice $nick $chan] == 1 } { return 0 }
if {$avchan == "" && [botisop $chan]} {
pushmode $chan +v $nick
return 0
set chan [string tolower $chan]
foreach i [string tolower $avchan] {
if {$i == $chan && [botisop $chan]} {
pushmode $chan +v $nick
return 0
foreach c "[channels]" { channel set "$c" -autovoice }
catch { unset $c }
putlog "slowvoice.tcl v1.1 (GPLv3+) by Solbu - Loaded"