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Request songs limit to 2 songs per person

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Request songs limit to 2 songs per person

Post by mabrook »

Hi all,

hope you can help..

Here it is, updated.. as of September 2022

Here it is, updated..

Code: Select all

#Tido's Modified Icecast2 Script
#Heavily Modified by Sircrazy
#Version 1.01
#July 12, 2010
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#Influenced by Domsen's shoutcast1.03.tcl
#Special thanks to the TCL MAN files :D
#Special Release updated by Sircrazy
#Change these varibles to the one for your stream/bot/channel

#Name of Radio Station
set streamname "EDIT THIS"

#IP of the Icecast server.
set streamip "MAKE SURE IT IS THE IP"

#Port that Icecast is using, default is 8000.
set streamport "EDIT THIS"

#Main channel for the radio bot.
set radiochan "#EDIT THIS"

#Other channel that the bot can advertise to. Bot must be in this channel for this to work. Ice2.tcl only
# sends stream advertisements to this channel and does not send song info.

#URL/Link to the stream for listening. This is what listeners need to click to tune in.
set streamurl ""

#How often the bot checks the stream when it knows it is down in minutes. Recommend 1 minute.
set offlinetimer "1"

#How often the bot checks the stream when it knows it is online in seconds. Recommend 15 seconds.
set onlinetimer "15"

#Default interval for how often the bot advertises (in minutes). You want to set it to something that isn't
# pure spammage.
set adtimer "30"

#Enables advertising set to the above frequency. 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. This reminds people that the stream
# is online.
set enableadvertise "1"

#Enables Special Announcement, 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. Special announcements are displayed every 720 minutes.
# This feature of the script is very undeveloped and I don't recommend using it.
set specialannounce "0"

#Special Announcement Message
set announcemsg "SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! On Novemeber 26th @ Midnight GMT, JA Radio will be ON-AIR with a show featuring some exclusive live tracks from some of our favorite bands! Click here for more info:"

#  Don't edit past this stuff unless you're Tido, Henkes, or Sircrazy :P  #
#       Except Line 387 where you need to add DJs and Line 281 where      #
#                    you need to put your mount point.                    #

# Binds
bind pub - "%commands" showcommands
#Shows a list of all commands

bind pub - "%help" showcommands
#same as %commands

bind pub - "%status" status
#Displays the status of the stream

bind pub - "%listeners" listenercheck
#Reports how many listeners there are

bind pub - "%request" request
#Allows users to request songs

bind msg - "request" request_pm
#Allows users to make requests via pm

bind msg - "djon" dj_on
#turns on dj status

bind pub - "%djoff" dj_off
#turns off dj status

bind msg - "djoff" dj_off_pm
#turns off dj status

bind pub - "%fadvert" forceadvertise
#Forces an advertising message to be sent

bind pub - "%version" iceversion
#Displays the Ice2.tcl version

bind pub n| !radio radio_off
#Radio on and off

# Varible Resets
set ice2version "1.01 - 07.12.10"
set streamstatus "0"
set djnickname ""
set dj ""
set oldsong ""
set newsong ""
set newlistener ""
set oldlistener "0"
set forceadsent "0"
set sessionpeak "0"

# Check to make sure StatusCheck timer isn't running when bot rehashes.
if {![info exists statuscheck_running]} {
  timer $offlinetimer [list statuscheck]
  set statuscheck_running 1

# Check to make sure Special Announce timer isn't running when bot rehashes.
if {![info exists specialannounce_running]} {
  if {$specialannounce == "1"} {
    timer 720 [list specialmessage]
    set specialannounce_running 1

# Check to make sure Advertise timer isn't running when bot rehashes.
if {![info exists adtimer_running]} {
  if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
    timer $adtimer [list advertise]
    set adtimer_running 1

# Output for %help or %commands
proc showcommands {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global ice2version streamname botnick dj
  if {$dj == "$nick" && $arg != ""} {
    putserv "notice $arg :>>> $botnick Commands - $ice2version<<<"
    putserv "notice $arg :%status >>> Displays the stream's status. If online it shows the song."
    putserv "notice $arg :%request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song."
    putserv "notice $arg :/msg $botnick request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song by PM."
  if {$dj != "$nick"} {
    set arg ""
    putserv "notice $nick :>>> $botnick Commands - $ice2version<<<"
    putserv "notice $nick :%status >>> Displays the stream's status. If online it shows the song."
    putserv "notice $nick :%request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song."
    putserv "notice $nick :/msg $botnick request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song by PM."

# Turns on and off Advertising. Also lets you set the interval: !advertise X
proc toggle_advertise {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global radiochan enableadvertise adtimer
  if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
    set enableadvertise "0"
    set timerinfo [gettimerid]
    killtimer $timerinfo
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Advertising OFF"
  } else {
    set enableadvertise "1"
    if {$arg == ""} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Advertising ON. Frequency set to $adtimer minutes."
    } else {
      set adtimer $arg
      putserv "privmsg $chan :Advertising ON. Frequency changed to $adtimer minutes."
      timer $adtimer [list advertise]

# Function that finds out the ID of the advertising timer.
proc gettimerid {} {
    set adtimerinfo [timers]
    set loc1 [string first "advertise" $adtimerinfo]
    set loc1 [expr $loc1 + 10]
    set str1 [string range $adtimerinfo $loc1 999]
    set endloc [string first "\}" $str1]
    set endloc [expr $endloc -1]
    set timerinfo [string range $str1 0 $endloc]
    return $timerinfo

# Messages that are displayed when Advertising is enabled.
proc advertise {} {
  global radiochan streamstatus otherchan enableadvertise adtimer forceadsent streamurl streamname
  if {$streamstatus != "0" && $enableadvertise == "1"} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$streamname is currently broadcasting live! Listen in @ $streamurl"
    putserv "PRIVMSG $otherchan :$streamname is currently broadcasting live! Listen in @ $streamurl"
    if {$forceadsent == "0"} {timer $adtimer [list advertise]} else {set forceadsent "0"}
    return 1
  return 0

# Forces the advertising messages to appear
proc forceadvertise {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global streamstatus enableadvertise forceadsent
  if {$streamstatus == "0"} {
    putserv "notice $nick :The stream isn't on-air. Unable to advertise."
    return 0
  } else {
    if {$enableadvertise == "0"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :Advertising isn't enabled."
      return 0
    } else {
      set forceadsent "1"
      set forceadvertised [advertise]
      if {$forceadvertised == "1"} {
        putserv "notice $nick :Done!"
      } else {
        putserv "notice $nick :Advertising message was not sent!"

# Special Announcement Message.
proc specialmessage {} {
  global radiochan specialannounce announcemsg
  putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan : $announcemsg"
  timer 720 [list specialmessage]
  return 0

# StatusCheck
# Function that takes the information from Icecast_Online and creates the proper responses.
proc statuscheck {} {
  global radiochan streamstatus newsong oldsong newlistener oldlistener sessionpeak dj enableadvertise otherchan onlinetimer offlinetimer streamurl streamname

  if {$streamstatus == "0"} {
    set oldstatus "0"
  } else {
    set oldstatus "1"
  set newstatus "[icecast_online]"
  if {$newstatus =="0" && $oldstatus == "0"} {
    timer $offlinetimer [list statuscheck]
  if {$newstatus == "1" && $oldstatus == "0"} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$streamname is now ON-AIR!! Click to listen: $streamurl"
    putlog "(RADIO) On-Air detected."
    utimer $onlinetimer [list statuscheck]
    if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $otherchan :$streamname is now ON-AIR!! Click to listen: $streamurl"

  if {$newstatus == "0" && $oldstatus == "1"} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$streamname is now off-air."
    set oldlistener "0"
    set sessionpeak "0"
    if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $otherchan :$streamname is now off-air."
    putlog "(RADIO) Off-Air detected."
    timer $offlinetimer [list statuscheck]
  if {$newstatus == "1" && $oldstatus == "1"} {
     utimer $onlinetimer [list statuscheck]
     if {$newsong != $oldsong && $newsong != ">inbetween" && $newsong != ">inbetween1" && $newsong != ">inbetween2" && $newsong != ">whatutalkinbout" && $newsong != ">tmsradio80sintro"} {

       if {![info exists ::radio_off]} {
         putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :Now playing on $streamname: $newsong @ $streamurl"

       set oldsong "$newsong"
# Icecast_Online
# This is the HTTP Parser that gathers the various data from the status.xsl file.
proc icecast_online { } {
  global streamip streamport streamstatus newsong newlistener
  set pagedata ""
  if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
    putlog "error: $sockerror"
    return 0
  } else {
    puts $sock "GET /status.xsl?mount=/sircrazy HTTP/1.1"
    puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
    puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
    puts $sock "Connection: close"
    puts $sock ""
    flush $sock
    while {![eof $sock]} { append pagedata "[read $sock]" }
  if {[string match *streamdata* $pagedata] == 1} {
    set streamstatus "1"
    set songlocation [string first "Current Song:" $pagedata]
    set songdata1 [string range $pagedata $songlocation 99999]
    set location2 [string first "</tr>" $songdata1]
    set songdata2 [string range $songdata1 0 $location2]
    set songdata3 [string range $songdata2 42 9999]
    set location3 [string first "</td>" $songdata3]
    set location3 [expr $location3 - 1]
    set newsong [string range $songdata3 0 $location3]

    set llocation [string first "Listeners:" $pagedata]
    set countdata1 [string range $pagedata $llocation 99999]
    set llocation2 [string first "</tr>" $countdata1]
    set countdata2 [string range $countdata1 0 $llocation2]
    set countdata3 [string range $countdata2 39 9999]
    set llocation3 [string first "</td>" $countdata3]
    set llocation3 [expr $llocation3 - 1]
    set newlistener [string range $countdata3 0 $llocation3]
    close $sock
    return 1
  } else {
    set streamstatus "0"
    close $sock
    return 0

# %status function. Diplays the current status of the stream.
proc status {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global dj radiochan newsong newlistener streamstatus streamurl streamname
  if {$streamstatus == 1} {
    if {$newsong != "" &&  $dj == "$nick" && $arg != ""} {putserv "notice $arg :The current song is |$newsong| @ $streamurl"}
    if {$newsong != "" &&  $dj != "$nick"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :The current song is |$newsong| @ $streamurl"
  } else {putserv "notice $nick :$streamname is currently offline."

# /msg %botnick listeners: displays how many current listeners there are.
proc listenercheck {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global newlistener radiochan streamstatus streamname
  if {$streamstatus == "1"} {
    if {$newlistener == "0"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :There aren't any listeners tuned into $streamname :(."
    } elseif {$newlistener =="1"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :There is 1 listener tuned into $streamname."
    } else {
      putserv "notice $nick :There are $newlistener listeners tuned into $streamname."
  } else {
    putserv "notice $nick :$streamname isn't on-air."

# !request X: sends requests to the DJ.
proc request {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }
  global dj radiochan
  if {$dj == ""} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Sorry, there isn't a LIVE 4DJ1 logged in at the moment to take requests."
  } else {
    if {$arg == ""} {
      putserv "notice $nick :You didn't request anything!"
    } else {
      putserv "privmsg $dj :REQUEST($nick)=> $arg"
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : Thanks for the request 「 3 $nick 1 」, will be played soon. "

# /msg $botnick request X: sends a message to dj about the request that was made.
proc request_pm {nick uhost hand arg} {
if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }
  global dj
  if {$dj != ""} {
    if {$arg == ""} {putserv "notice $nick :You didn't request anything!"
    return 0
    } else {
      putserv "privmsg $dj :REQUEST($nick) => $arg"
      putserv "notice $nick :Your request was sent to $dj. Thank you!"
      return 0
  } else {
    putserv "notice $nick :There is no DJ online taking requests."
    return 0

# /msg $botnick djon [password]: Turns DJ on for user
proc dj_on {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global dj radiochan
  if {$dj == ""} {
    if {$arg == ""} {putserv "privmsg $nick :You must enter your password"
      return 0
    } else {
# This is a Test DJ Entry. the $arg here is the password.
# You can have as many of these as you want, just paste
# them directly under one another, within the else { }.   
#      if {$arg == "Test"} {
#        set dj "$nick"
#        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :You are logged in as $dj."
#        putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$dj is now rocking the turntables and accepting requests via %request, enjoy."
#        return 0
#      }
  if {$dj != ""} {
    putsrv "notice $nick :$dj is already active. &dj needs to sign off before you can log in."
    return 0

# %djoff: Turns DJ off for user
proc dj_off {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global dj radiochan
  if {$dj != $nick} {
    putserv "notice $nick :You are not the current DJ or you changed your nickname since becoming one."
  } else {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$dj is signing off and no longer accepting requests."
    set dj ""
    putserv "notice $nick :Your DJ'ness has been deactivated"

# /msg $botnick djoff: Turns DJ off for user
proc dj_off_pm {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global dj radiochan
  if {$dj != $nick} {
    putserv "notice $nick :You are not the current DJ or you changed your nickname since becoming one."
  } else {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$dj is signing off and no longer accepting requests."
    set dj ""
    putserv "notice $nick :Your DJ'ness has been deactivated"

# !version: displays the current version of the Ice2.tcl script.
proc iceversion {nick host hand chan arg} {
   global ice2version radiochan botnick
   if {$chan == $radiochan} {
     putserv "notice $nick :I am $botnick running Ice2.tcl Version $ice2version by Tido, Henkes, and Sircrazy."

# script on/off bind and proc

proc radio_off {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  set opt [string tolower [lindex [split $arg] 0]]

  if {$opt eq "off"} {
    if {[info exists ::radio_off]} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is already Off."
    } else {
      set ::radio_off 1
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is now Off."

  } elseif {$opt eq "on"} {
    if {![info exists ::radio_off]} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is already On."
    } else {
      unset ::radio_off
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is now On."

  } else {
    if {[info exists ::radio_off]} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is Off. To enable, use: !radio on"
    } else {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is On. To disable, use: !radio off"

  return 0

proc too_many {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global toomany
  set nk [string tolower $nick]
  set ut [unixtime]
  set nowls [list]

  if {[info exists toomany($nk)]} {
    foreach expire $toomany($nk) {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }
  set toomany($nk) $nowls

  if {[llength $nowls] >= 2} {
    putserv "notice $nick :No more than 2 requests in 15 minutes!"
    return 1
  lappend toomany($nk) [expr {$ut + (60 * 15)}]
  return 0

bind cron - {*} expire_too_many

proc expire_too_many {mn hr da mo wd} {
  global toomany
  set ut [unixtime]

  foreach {aname avalue} [array get toomany] {
    set nowls [list]
    foreach expire $avalue {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }

    if {[llength $avalue] >= 2 && [llength $nowls] < 2 && [onchan $aname]} {
      putserv "notice $aname :You may make another request."

    if {![llength $nowls]} {  unset toomany($aname)
    } else {  set toomany($aname) $nowls  }

putlog "Ice2 Version $ice2version by Tido, Henkes, and Sircrazy is loaded! :)"

anyone please help, the script is working fine. but need to add something in regards for requesting a song.

every person can request 2 songs at the same time only, and then after sometime maybe around 15min-20min, she/he can again request 2 songs.

thank you for helping ...
Last edited by mabrook on Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Limit requests to 2 per nick per 15 minutes

Post by SpiKe^^ »

This code should limit script requests to 2 per nick for any 15 minute period

First add all of this code to the bottom of your script...

Code: Select all

proc too_many {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global toomany
  set nk [string tolower $nick]
  set ut [unixtime]
  set nowls [list]

  if {[info exists toomany($nk)]} {
    foreach expire $toomany($nk) {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }
  set toomany($nk) $nowls

  if {[llength $nowls] >= 2} {
    putserv "notice $nick :No more than 2 requests in 15 minutes!"
    return 1
  lappend toomany($nk) [expr {$ut + (60 * 15)}]
  return 0

bind cron - {*/10 * * * *} expire_too_many

proc expire_too_many {mn hr da mo wd} {
  global toomany
  set ut [unixtime]

  foreach {aname avalue} [array get toomany] {
    set nowls [list]
    foreach expire $avalue {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }

    if {![llength $nowls]} {  unset toomany($aname)
    } else {  set toomany($aname) $nowls  }

Then add this line to the top of each request process you would like to limit...

Code: Select all

  if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }

In "Tido's Modified Icecast2 Script", you have 2 request procs you will want to modify:
proc request (for public requests)
proc request_pm (for private message requests)

That would make the beginning of your 2 request procs look something like this...

Code: Select all

proc request {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }
  global dj
  if {$dj != ""} {

This all untested, please let me know how it all works out.

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Post by mabrook »

Code: Select all

#Tido's Modified Icecast2 Script
#Heavily Modified by Sircrazy
#Version 1.01
#July 12, 2010
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#Influenced by Domsen's shoutcast1.03.tcl
#Special thanks to the TCL MAN files :D
#Special Release updated by Sircrazy
#Change these varibles to the one for your stream/bot/channel

#Name of Radio Station
set streamname "EDIT THIS"

#IP of the Icecast server.
set streamip "MAKE SURE IT IS THE IP"

#Port that Icecast is using, default is 8000.
set streamport "EDIT THIS"

#Main channel for the radio bot.
set radiochan "#EDIT THIS"

#Other channel that the bot can advertise to. Bot must be in this channel for this to work. Ice2.tcl only
# sends stream advertisements to this channel and does not send song info.

#URL/Link to the stream for listening. This is what listeners need to click to tune in.
set streamurl ""

#How often the bot checks the stream when it knows it is down in minutes. Recommend 1 minute.
set offlinetimer "1"

#How often the bot checks the stream when it knows it is online in seconds. Recommend 15 seconds.
set onlinetimer "15"

#Default interval for how often the bot advertises (in minutes). You want to set it to something that isn't
# pure spammage.
set adtimer "30"

#Enables advertising set to the above frequency. 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. This reminds people that the stream
# is online.
set enableadvertise "1"

#Enables Special Announcement, 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. Special announcements are displayed every 720 minutes.
# This feature of the script is very undeveloped and I don't recommend using it.
set specialannounce "0"

#Special Announcement Message
set announcemsg "SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! On Novemeber 26th @ Midnight GMT, JA Radio will be ON-AIR with a show featuring some exclusive live tracks from some of our favorite bands! Click here for more info:"

#  Don't edit past this stuff unless you're Tido, Henkes, or Sircrazy :P  #
#       Except Line 387 where you need to add DJs and Line 281 where      #
#                    you need to put your mount point.                    #

# Binds
bind pub - "%commands" showcommands
#Shows a list of all commands

bind pub - "%help" showcommands
#same as %commands

bind pub - "%status" status
#Displays the status of the stream

bind pub - "%listeners" listenercheck
#Reports how many listeners there are

bind pub - "%request" request
#Allows users to request songs

bind msg - "request" request_pm
#Allows users to make requests via pm

bind msg - "djon" dj_on
#turns on dj status

bind pub - "%djoff" dj_off
#turns off dj status

bind msg - "djoff" dj_off_pm
#turns off dj status

bind pub - "%fadvert" forceadvertise
#Forces an advertising message to be sent

bind pub - "%version" iceversion
#Displays the Ice2.tcl version

# Varible Resets
set ice2version "1.01 - 07.12.10"
set streamstatus "0"
set djnickname ""
set dj ""
set oldsong ""
set newsong ""
set newlistener ""
set oldlistener "0"
set forceadsent "0"
set sessionpeak "0"

# Check to make sure StatusCheck timer isn't running when bot rehashes.
if {![info exists statuscheck_running]} {
  timer $offlinetimer [list statuscheck]
  set statuscheck_running 1

# Check to make sure Special Announce timer isn't running when bot rehashes.
if {![info exists specialannounce_running]} {
  if {$specialannounce == "1"} {
    timer 720 [list specialmessage]
    set specialannounce_running 1

# Check to make sure Advertise timer isn't running when bot rehashes.
if {![info exists adtimer_running]} {
  if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
    timer $adtimer [list advertise]
    set adtimer_running 1

# Output for %help or %commands
proc showcommands {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global ice2version streamname botnick dj
  if {$dj == "$nick" && $arg != ""} {
    putserv "notice $arg :>>> $botnick Commands - $ice2version<<<"
    putserv "notice $arg :%status >>> Displays the stream's status. If online it shows the song."
    putserv "notice $arg :%request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song."
    putserv "notice $arg :/msg $botnick request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song by PM."
  if {$dj != "$nick"} {
    set arg ""
    putserv "notice $nick :>>> $botnick Commands - $ice2version<<<"
    putserv "notice $nick :%status >>> Displays the stream's status. If online it shows the song."
    putserv "notice $nick :%request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song."
    putserv "notice $nick :/msg $botnick request (artist+track) >>> Sends a Request for a future song by PM."

# Turns on and off Advertising. Also lets you set the interval: !advertise X
proc toggle_advertise {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global radiochan enableadvertise adtimer
  if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
    set enableadvertise "0"
    set timerinfo [gettimerid]
    killtimer $timerinfo
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Advertising OFF"
  } else {
    set enableadvertise "1"
    if {$arg == ""} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Advertising ON. Frequency set to $adtimer minutes."
    } else {
      set adtimer $arg
      putserv "privmsg $chan :Advertising ON. Frequency changed to $adtimer minutes."
      timer $adtimer [list advertise]

# Function that finds out the ID of the advertising timer.
proc gettimerid {} {
    set adtimerinfo [timers]
    set loc1 [string first "advertise" $adtimerinfo]
    set loc1 [expr $loc1 + 10]
    set str1 [string range $adtimerinfo $loc1 999]
    set endloc [string first "\}" $str1]
    set endloc [expr $endloc -1]
    set timerinfo [string range $str1 0 $endloc]
    return $timerinfo

# Messages that are displayed when Advertising is enabled.
proc advertise {} {
  global radiochan streamstatus otherchan enableadvertise adtimer forceadsent streamurl streamname
  if {$streamstatus != "0" && $enableadvertise == "1"} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$streamname is currently broadcasting live! Listen in @ $streamurl"
    putserv "PRIVMSG $otherchan :$streamname is currently broadcasting live! Listen in @ $streamurl"
    if {$forceadsent == "0"} {timer $adtimer [list advertise]} else {set forceadsent "0"}
    return 1
  return 0

# Forces the advertising messages to appear
proc forceadvertise {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global streamstatus enableadvertise forceadsent
  if {$streamstatus == "0"} {
    putserv "notice $nick :The stream isn't on-air. Unable to advertise."
    return 0
  } else {
    if {$enableadvertise == "0"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :Advertising isn't enabled."
      return 0
    } else {
      set forceadsent "1"
      set forceadvertised [advertise]
      if {$forceadvertised == "1"} {
        putserv "notice $nick :Done!"
      } else {
        putserv "notice $nick :Advertising message was not sent!"

# Special Announcement Message.
proc specialmessage {} {
  global radiochan specialannounce announcemsg
  putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan : $announcemsg"
  timer 720 [list specialmessage]
  return 0

# StatusCheck
# Function that takes the information from Icecast_Online and creates the proper responses.
proc statuscheck {} {
  global radiochan streamstatus newsong oldsong newlistener oldlistener sessionpeak dj enableadvertise otherchan onlinetimer offlinetimer streamurl streamname

  if {$streamstatus == "0"} {
    set oldstatus "0"
  } else {
    set oldstatus "1"
  set newstatus "[icecast_online]"
  if {$newstatus =="0" && $oldstatus == "0"} {
    timer $offlinetimer [list statuscheck]
  if {$newstatus == "1" && $oldstatus == "0"} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$streamname is now ON-AIR!! Click to listen: $streamurl"
    putlog "(RADIO) On-Air detected."
    utimer $onlinetimer [list statuscheck]
    if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $otherchan :$streamname is now ON-AIR!! Click to listen: $streamurl"

  if {$newstatus == "0" && $oldstatus == "1"} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$streamname is now off-air."
    set oldlistener "0"
    set sessionpeak "0"
    if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $otherchan :$streamname is now off-air."
    putlog "(RADIO) Off-Air detected."
    timer $offlinetimer [list statuscheck]
  if {$newstatus == "1" && $oldstatus == "1"} {
    utimer $onlinetimer [list statuscheck]
    if {$newsong != $oldsong && $newsong != ">inbetween" && $newsong != ">inbetween1" && $newsong != ">inbetween2" && $newsong != ">whatutalkinbout" && $newsong != ">tmsradio80sintro"} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :Now playing on $streamname: $newsong @ $streamurl"
      set oldsong "$newsong"
# Icecast_Online
# This is the HTTP Parser that gathers the various data from the status.xsl file.
proc icecast_online { } {
  global streamip streamport streamstatus newsong newlistener
  set pagedata ""
  if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
    putlog "error: $sockerror"
    return 0
  } else {
    puts $sock "GET /status.xsl?mount=/sircrazy HTTP/1.1"
    puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
    puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
    puts $sock "Connection: close"
    puts $sock ""
    flush $sock
    while {![eof $sock]} { append pagedata "[read $sock]" }
  if {[string match *streamdata* $pagedata] == 1} {
    set streamstatus "1"
    set songlocation [string first "Current Song:" $pagedata]
    set songdata1 [string range $pagedata $songlocation 99999]
    set location2 [string first "</tr>" $songdata1]
    set songdata2 [string range $songdata1 0 $location2]
    set songdata3 [string range $songdata2 42 9999]
    set location3 [string first "</td>" $songdata3]
    set location3 [expr $location3 - 1]
    set newsong [string range $songdata3 0 $location3]

    set llocation [string first "Listeners:" $pagedata]
    set countdata1 [string range $pagedata $llocation 99999]
    set llocation2 [string first "</tr>" $countdata1]
    set countdata2 [string range $countdata1 0 $llocation2]
    set countdata3 [string range $countdata2 39 9999]
    set llocation3 [string first "</td>" $countdata3]
    set llocation3 [expr $llocation3 - 1]
    set newlistener [string range $countdata3 0 $llocation3]
    close $sock
    return 1
  } else {
    set streamstatus "0"
    close $sock
    return 0

# %status function. Diplays the current status of the stream.
proc status {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global dj radiochan newsong newlistener streamstatus streamurl streamname
  if {$streamstatus == 1} {
    if {$newsong != "" &&  $dj == "$nick" && $arg != ""} {putserv "notice $arg :The current song is |$newsong| @ $streamurl"}
    if {$newsong != "" &&  $dj != "$nick"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :The current song is |$newsong| @ $streamurl"
  } else {putserv "notice $nick :$streamname is currently offline."

# /msg %botnick listeners: displays how many current listeners there are.
proc listenercheck {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global newlistener radiochan streamstatus streamname
  if {$streamstatus == "1"} {
    if {$newlistener == "0"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :There aren't any listeners tuned into $streamname :(."
    } elseif {$newlistener =="1"} {
      putserv "notice $nick :There is 1 listener tuned into $streamname."
    } else {
      putserv "notice $nick :There are $newlistener listeners tuned into $streamname."
  } else {
    putserv "notice $nick :$streamname isn't on-air."

# %request: sends a message to dj about the request that was made.
proc request {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }
  global dj
  if {$dj != ""} {
    if {$arg == ""} {putserv "notice $nick :You didn't request anything!"
    return 0
    } else {
      putserv "privmsg $dj :REQUEST($nick) => $arg"
      putserv "notice $nick :Your request was sent to $dj. Thank you!"
      return 0
  } else {
    putserv "notice $nick :There is no DJ online taking requests."
    return 0

# /msg $botnick request X: sends a message to dj about the request that was made.
proc request_pm {nick uhost hand arg} {
if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }
  global dj
  if {$dj != ""} {
    if {$arg == ""} {putserv "notice $nick :You didn't request anything!"
    return 0
    } else {
      putserv "privmsg $dj :REQUEST($nick) => $arg"
      putserv "notice $nick :Your request was sent to $dj. Thank you!"
      return 0
  } else {
    putserv "notice $nick :There is no DJ online taking requests."
    return 0

# /msg $botnick djon [password]: Turns DJ on for user
proc dj_on {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global dj radiochan
  if {$dj == ""} {
    if {$arg == ""} {putserv "privmsg $nick :You must enter your password"
      return 0
    } else {
# This is a Test DJ Entry. the $arg here is the password.
# You can have as many of these as you want, just paste
# them directly under one another, within the else { }.   
#      if {$arg == "Test"} {
#        set dj "$nick"
#        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :You are logged in as $dj."
#        putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$dj is now rocking the turntables and accepting requests via %request, enjoy."
#        return 0
#      }
  if {$dj != ""} {
    putsrv "notice $nick :$dj is already active. &dj needs to sign off before you can log in."
    return 0

# %djoff: Turns DJ off for user
proc dj_off {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global dj radiochan
  if {$dj != $nick} {
    putserv "notice $nick :You are not the current DJ or you changed your nickname since becoming one."
  } else {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$dj is signing off and no longer accepting requests."
    set dj ""
    putserv "notice $nick :Your DJ'ness has been deactivated"

# /msg $botnick djoff: Turns DJ off for user
proc dj_off_pm {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global dj radiochan
  if {$dj != $nick} {
    putserv "notice $nick :You are not the current DJ or you changed your nickname since becoming one."
  } else {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$dj is signing off and no longer accepting requests."
    set dj ""
    putserv "notice $nick :Your DJ'ness has been deactivated"

# !version: displays the current version of the Ice2.tcl script.
proc iceversion {nick host hand chan arg} {
   global ice2version radiochan botnick
   if {$chan == $radiochan} {
     putserv "notice $nick :I am $botnick running Ice2.tcl Version $ice2version by Tido, Henkes, and Sircrazy."

proc too_many {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global toomany
  set nk [string tolower $nick]
  set ut [unixtime]
  set nowls [list]

  if {[info exists toomany($nk)]} {
    foreach expire $toomany($nk) {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }
  set toomany($nk) $nowls

  if {[llength $nowls] >= 2} {
    putserv "notice $nick :No more than 2 requests in 15 minutes!"
    return 1
  lappend toomany($nk) [expr {$ut + (60 * 15)}]
  return 0

bind cron - {*/10 * * * *} expire_too_many

proc expire_too_many {mn hr da mo wd} {
  global toomany
  set ut [unixtime]

  foreach {aname avalue} [array get toomany] {
    set nowls [list]
    foreach expire $avalue {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }

    if {![llength $nowls]} {  unset toomany($aname)
    } else {  set toomany($aname) $nowls  }

putlog "Ice2 Version $ice2version by Tido, Henkes, and Sircrazy is loaded! :)"

can you please check if i am doing it right..

I put it here..

Code: Select all

# %request: sends a message to dj about the request that was made.
proc request {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }
  global dj
  if {$dj != ""} {
    if {$arg == ""} {putserv "notice $nick :You didn't request anything!"
    return 0
    } else {
      putserv "privmsg $dj :REQUEST($nick) => $arg"
      putserv "notice $nick :Your request was sent to $dj. Thank you!"
      return 0
  } else {
    putserv "notice $nick :There is no DJ online taking requests."
    return 0

# /msg $botnick request X: sends a message to dj about the request that was made.
proc request_pm {nick uhost hand arg} {
if {[too_many $nick $uhost $hand $arg]} {  return 0  }
  global dj
  if {$dj != ""} {
    if {$arg == ""} {putserv "notice $nick :You didn't request anything!"
    return 0
    } else {
      putserv "privmsg $dj :REQUEST($nick) => $arg"
      putserv "notice $nick :Your request was sent to $dj. Thank you!"
      return 0
  } else {
    putserv "notice $nick :There is no DJ online taking requests."
    return 0
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Post by mabrook »

i tried it and it works.. but

after 2 songs request per user is ok..

Code: Select all

-BotName- No more than 2 requests, you can make request again after 15 minutes!
then after 15 minutes, user make a request again..

the script disconnects the dj , it will show

Code: Select all

-Botname- There isn't a DJ logged in at the moment to take requests.
and the bot itself restart
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Post by mabrook »

thank you SpiKe^^ for helping it out.

Now it is working great. :D
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Re: Limit requests to 2 per nick per 15 minutes

Post by flink »

Hi SpiKe, I tried it and it works perfectly, I was wondering if you can put a message so that when the time is up the nickname will be notified that he can requests again, thank you. sorry if my English is not good but I use translator
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Re: Limit requests to 2 per nick per 15 minutes

Post by SpiKe^^ »

flink wrote:I was wondering if you can put a message so that when the time is up the nickname will be notified that he can requests again, thank you.
Try replace this bind and proc...

Code: Select all

bind cron - {*/10 * * * *} expire_too_many

proc expire_too_many {mn hr da mo wd} {
  global toomany
  set ut [unixtime]

  foreach {aname avalue} [array get toomany] {
    set nowls [list]
    foreach expire $avalue {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }

    if {![llength $nowls]} {  unset toomany($aname)
    } else {  set toomany($aname) $nowls  }
with this new bind and proc...

Code: Select all

bind cron - {*} expire_too_many

proc expire_too_many {mn hr da mo wd} {
  global toomany
  set ut [unixtime]

  foreach {aname avalue} [array get toomany] {
    set nowls [list]
    foreach expire $avalue {
      if {$ut < $expire} {  lappend nowls $expire  }

    if {[llength $avalue] >= 2 && [llength $nowls] < 2 && [onchan $aname]} {
      putserv "notice $aname :You may make another request."

    if {![llength $nowls]} {  unset toomany($aname)
    } else {  set toomany($aname) $nowls  }
.restart the bot to load the new code and see what ya got.

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Re: Limit requests to 2 per nick per 15 minutes

Post by flink »

SpiKe ^^ I haven't tried it yet, but it could be instead of

Code: Select all

putserv "notice $aname :You may make another request."
that advertises like this

Code: Select all

putserv "privmsg $chan :$aname :You may make another request."
thank you very much again for your time
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Post by flink »

well I'll keep that I sent a notice to the nick, I would have liked a message per room but ... less is nothing and I have to be grateful for the help once again thanks SpiKe ^^
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Post by mabrook »

i just want to continue this post in connection with the script above.

anyone can help out please,

- need to add this feature turn off and turn on command from the script.

Code: Select all

<user> !radio off
<BOT> Radio turned off 


<user> !radio on
<BOT> Radio turned on 

once the radio is off, it will not display the auto-show in the channel.
once the radio is on, it will display the auto-show in the channel.

hope anyone can help.. thanks
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Post by CrazyCat »

Well, the function (or near) exists but without bind:

Code: Select all

# Turns on and off Advertising. Also lets you set the interval: !advertise X
proc toggle_advertise {nick uhost hand chan arg}
So, just add the following to enable it:

Code: Select all

bind pub o|- !advertise toggle_advertise
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Post by mabrook »

thank you for the response CrazyCat,

but i think the command;

Code: Select all

bind pub o|- !advertise toggle_advertise

is for this;

Code: Select all

#How often the bot checks the stream when it knows it is online in seconds. Recommend 15 seconds.
set onlinetimer "15"
and the proc is this;

Code: Select all

# Turns on and off Advertising. Also lets you set the interval: !advertise X
proc toggle_advertise {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global radiochan enableadvertise adtimer
  if {$enableadvertise == "1"} {
    set enableadvertise "0"
    set timerinfo [gettimerid]
    killtimer $timerinfo
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Advertising OFF"
  } else {
    set enableadvertise "1"
    if {$arg == ""} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Advertising ON. Frequency set to $adtimer minutes."
    } else {
      set adtimer $arg
      putserv "privmsg $chan :Advertising ON. Frequency changed to $adtimer minutes."
      timer $adtimer [list advertise]

am i right? just want to make a clarification. :P :P :P this is to advertise

Code: Select all

# Messages that are displayed when Advertising is enabled.
proc advertise {} {
  global radiochan streamstatus otherchan enableadvertise adtimer forceadsent streamurl streamname
  if {$streamstatus != "0" && $enableadvertise == "1"} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :$streamname is currently broadcasting live! Listen in @ $streamurl"
    putserv "PRIVMSG $otherchan :$streamname is currently broadcasting live! Listen in @ $streamurl"
    if {$forceadsent == "0"} {timer $adtimer [list advertise]} else {set forceadsent "0"}
    return 1
  return 0

I tried your suggestion but still the auto-show of the song still showing in the channel.

Code: Select all

<@BOT> [ Auto Dj  ] - Justin Bieber,Kehlani - Get Me
<@BOT> [ Auto Dj  ] - Andy Williams - The First Time Ever (I Saw Your Face)
<@BOT> [ Auto Dj  ] - Billie Eilish - Come Out And Play

what i need is, when you type !radio off in the channel, it will completely turn-off the radio station and not showing the song/s in the channel ( from the bot).
and when you type !radio on , it will completely show the playing song/s based in the radio station (from the bot).

Code: Select all

<USER> !radio off
<BOT> Radio is turned-off. Nothing to show.

<USER> !radio on
<BOT> Radio is turned-on. please wait..
<@BOT> [ Auto Dj  ] - Billie Eilish - Come Out And Play

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Post by SpiKe^^ »


This code is untested and could surely use some more work.

First, add this code somewhere in the script...

Code: Select all

# script on/off bind and proc

bind pub n| !radio radio_off

proc radio_off {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  set opt [string tolower [lindex [split $arg] 0]]

  if {$opt eq "off"} {
    if {[info exists ::radio_off]} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is already Off."
    } else {
      set ::radio_off 1
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is now Off."

  } elseif {$opt eq "on"} {
    if {![info exists ::radio_off]} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is already On."
    } else {
      unset ::radio_off
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is now On."

  } else {
    if {[info exists ::radio_off]} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is Off. To enable, use: !radio on"
    } else {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Icecast2 script is On. To disable, use: !radio off"

  return 0

Then find this existing code in the proc statuscheck

Code: Select all

  if {$newstatus == "1" && $oldstatus == "1"} { 
     utimer $onlinetimer [list statuscheck] 
     if {$newsong != $oldsong && $newsong != ">inbetween" && $newsong != ">inbetween1" && $newsong != ">inbetween2" && $newsong != ">whatutalkinbout" && $newsong != ">tmsradio80sintro"} { 
       putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :Now playing on $streamname: $newsong @ $streamurl" 
       set oldsong "$newsong" 
and make it look more like this...

Code: Select all

  if {$newstatus == "1" && $oldstatus == "1"} { 
     utimer $onlinetimer [list statuscheck] 
     if {$newsong != $oldsong && $newsong != ">inbetween" && $newsong != ">inbetween1" && $newsong != ">inbetween2" && $newsong != ">whatutalkinbout" && $newsong != ">tmsradio80sintro"} { 

       if {![info exists ::radio_off]} {
         putserv "PRIVMSG $radiochan :Now playing on $streamname: $newsong @ $streamurl" 

       set oldsong "$newsong" 
This should allow the script to continue to run as it always has, just keeping the now playing line from being sent to the channel.

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Post by mabrook »

thank you SpiKe^^ , this works for me. this is what i need. :D :D :D

Now, this is an updated script now (to sum it up)

1. added 2 songs request per user / every 15minutes or the specific time you set
2. added bind for bind pub o|- !advertise toggle_advertise which proc is already in the script
3. added !radio on/off

Thank you Egghelp Community for helping out. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by ]x[ »

Mate can you upload this working modded version to the tcl archive. More people would love to use it if possible hehe
mabrook wrote:thank you SpiKe^^ , this works for me. this is what i need. :D :D :D

Now, this is an updated script now (to sum it up)

1. added 2 songs request per user / every 15minutes or the specific time you set
2. added bind for bind pub o|- !advertise toggle_advertise which proc is already in the script
3. added !radio on/off

Thank you Egghelp Community for helping out. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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