For a location specified with the country name only with 2 letters can either have a , at the end of the city name or not, up to you, doesn't matter.
Code: Select all
!w london, GB or !london GB
Code: Select all
!w london, united kingdom
TLDR: Stick to using alpha codes for country names
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Code: Select all
ComputerTech !w london gb
Alpha [Weather] London, GB | 15.14C | 4.63mph | few clouds | 67%
ComputerTech !w london, gb
Alpha [Weather] London, GB | 15.14C | 4.63mph | few clouds | 67%
ComputerTech !w london Great britain
Alpha Page not found, be more specific
ComputerTech !w london, Great britain
Alpha [Weather] London, GB | 15.14C | 4.63mph | few clouds | 67%
Code: Select all
namespace eval ctweather {
# Start of configuration #
# Trigger
variable ::trig "!w"
# Flags
# Owner = n
# Master = m
# Op = o
# Voice = v
# Friend = f
# Everyone = -
variable ::flag "-"
# API Key
variable ::api "8c2a600d5d63d7fb13432fd58dcc419b"
variable ::met "0"
package require json
package require tls
package require http
bind PUB $::flag $::trig [namespace current]::weather:call
proc weather:call {nick host hand chan text} {
http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket]
switch -- $::met {
"0" {variable metr "metric"
variable met2 "C"
variable met3 "mph"}
"1" {variable metr "imperial"
variable met2 "F"
variable met3 "kmph"}
if { [string length [lindex [split $text] end]] == 2 } {
set text [regsub { ([^ ]+)$} $text {,\1}]
variable url ""
variable params [::http::formatQuery q $text units metric APPID $::api]
putlog "$url?$params"
variable data [http::data [http::geturl "$url?$params" -timeout 10000]]
http::cleanup $data
http::unregister https
variable data2 [::json::json2dict $data]
variable cod [dict get $data2 "cod"]
if {$cod == "404"} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan \00304Page not found, be more specific\003"
if {$cod == "200"} {
variable name [dict get $data2 "name"]
variable sys [dict get $data2 "sys"]
variable country [dict get $sys "country"]
variable main [dict get $data2 "main"]
variable temp [dict get $main "temp"]
variable humidity [dict get $main "humidity"]
variable wind [dict get $data2 "wind"]
variable speed [dict get $wind "speed"]
variable weather2 [dict get $data2 "weather"]
variable current [dict get [lindex [dict get $data2 weather] 0] description]
variable name [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $name]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[\00309Weather\003\] ${name}, $country | ${temp}$met2 | ${speed}$met3 | $current | ${humidity}%"
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Sidenote: will try add default location setting as soon as i can
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
@CrazyCat, yeah i'll change the namespace variables later