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mc.moretools.tcl commands

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by Commari »

I just dld mc.moretools.tcl. And now I don't have a clue what the commands are.

Here's a part of the script. There are the commands. But how to trigger them???
like .strip or /msg Bot strip !strip or something! Please help

# strip:all <string>
# Strips all, color uline reverse bold from the string.
# returns: text after striped

# lremove <string> <character(s) to remove>
# Removed characters from the string
# You may specify as many characters as you wish to remove
# returns: text after removed

# wholetime
# A time display in another format, the way I like it :razz:~
# example: 1:05am Oct 8, 1999
# returns: time-am/pm month day, year

# resolve <host/ip>
# Preforms a dns lookup on the host/ip.
# returns: If host is supplied, ip is returned; if ip is supplied, host is returned
# if unresolvable, 0 is the return.

# llowest <numbers>
# Finds the smalest number out of <numbers>
# returns: the lowest of value

# lbigest <numbers>
# Finds the largest number out of <numbers>
# returns: the biggest of value

# islink <bot>
# Checks to see if <bot> is linked to the botnet.
# returns: 0 = no / 1 = yes

# isparty <nick[!ident@host]>
# Looks on the partline fo find a user. wild cards accepted
# returns: 0 = no / nick@bot

Revered One
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Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

mc.moretools is a scripting pack.

It isn't designed for normal public use. It is used by scripters to make some of there work simpler, by providing functions for there use, saving there time writting them.

You should only need to load mc.moretools if a script you are running, state you need them.