Hello, I managed to sort out the script in another way but I have a question in regards to some conversion. My question is how to replace certain numbers to become names.
The moon phase number represents the fractional portion through the current moon lunation cycle ranging from 0 (the new moon) to 0.5 (the full moon) and back to 1 (the next new moon).
Traditional, western moon cycles are therefore represented by the following values:
0 –> new moon
0-0.25 –> waxing crescent
0.25 –> first quarter
0.25-0.5 –> waxing gibbous
0.5 –> full moon
0.5-0.75 –> waning gibbous
0.75 –> last quarter
0.75 -1 –> waning crescent
Hi again I've been puzzling around something I'm trying to achieve, but don't know where to start from. I'm trying to implement the table below and change the words depending on the type of the day "Day" or "Night"
Well, this is it, not much different of what I posted earlier:
I'm trying to identify from the "sunset" if it's day or night. Then based on this, I'm trying to make the bot tell me the cloudcover info from the api (returns in percents) and post this: https://ibb.co/xJTTDBK
If it's Day -> The text from the column for the Day
If it's Night -> The text from the column for the Night
Cloudcover from the api shows (example) - 74.1
Info from Api Docs: cloudcover – how much of the sky is covered in cloud ranging from 0-100%
### The Fourth Stack
set sun_moon_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.ipgeolocation.io/astronomy?[http::formatQuery apiKey $::Visualcrossing::apikey location $arg]]
if {$sun_moon_data == 0} { return }
set sunmoon_dict [::json::json2dict $sun_moon_data]
set current_time [string range [dict get $sunmoon_dict current_time] 0 4]
set sunset [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunset]
set sunrise [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunrise]
if {$current_time <= $sunset} { set currtime "Day" } else { set currtime "Night" }
Hello all, I'm trying to figure out how to create the API so I can replace (in this case LONDON,UK) with any location by search. The API link at the bottom:
Sure would be easier to help with a script if you posted that entire script?!
Guessing at context and variable names is challenging for others.
Every API is different, you can't just copy and reuse that ?[::http::formatQuery string from your earlier api query and expect it to work with this new API.
# @UniBG irc.chatpat.bg #
# @FreeUniBG irc.interbg.org #
# Credits: MeMoreX & SpiKe^^ #
# Est: 01\2022 #
namespace eval Visualcrossing {
### Requirements
package require json
package require tls
package require http
### Binding
bind PUB -|- !g ::Visualcrossing::group_weather
bind PUB -|- !w ::Visualcrossing::pub_weather
### The API Keys
set appid "Openweather api website"
set apiKey "ipgeoinfo website"
set key "visualcrossing website"
### Procedures start here
proc ::Visualcrossing::download_weather {url} {
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)"
set socket [http::geturl $url -timeout 5000]
set items_data [http::data $socket]
if {[http::status $socket] ne "ok" || [http::ncode $socket] != 200} {
set code [http::code $socket]
putlog "\00304***\003 Weather HTTP error: $code"
putlog "\00304***\003 Request url is: $url"
http::cleanup $socket
return 0
http::cleanup $socket
return $items_data
### The Main Proc
proc ::Visualcrossing::pub_weather {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
set items_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/weatherdata/forecast?[::http::formatQuery location $arg aggregateHours 24 forecastdays 3 includeAstronomy true locationMode lookup unitGroup metric shortColumnNames false contentType json alertLevel event lang en nonulls true key $::Visualcrossing::key]]
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Правилно: !w града/локацията" ; return }
### The Main Dict
set connect [::json::json2dict $items_data]
### The First Stack
set locations [dict get $connect locations]
set cityname [lindex $locations 0]
set citydata [lindex $locations 1]
set tz [dict get $citydata tz]
set long [dict get $citydata longitude]
set lat [dict get $citydata latitude]
### The Second Stack
set current [dict get $citydata currentConditions]
if {$current != "null"} { set conditions $current }
if {$current == "null" || $current == "" || $current == " "} { set currCond "Няма информация. Моля опитайте по-късно." } else { set currCond $current }
set wdir [join [::Visualcrossing::deg_to_dir [dict get $current wdir]]]
set wspd [dict get $current wspd]
if {$wdir == "null" || $wdir == "" || $wdir == " "} { set windir "Няма информация. Моля опитайте по-късно." } else { set windir $wdir }
if {$wspd == "null" || $wspd == "" || $wspd == " "} { set wspeed "Нe се усеща" } else { set wspeed [expr round($wspd)]км/ч}
if {$wspd != "null"} {set wspd [expr round($wspd)]}
set wgust [dict get $current wgust]
if {$wgust == "null" || $wgust == "" || $wgust == " "} { set wgustmsg "Нe се усеща" } else { set wgustmsg [expr round($wgust)]км/ч}
if {$wgust != "null"} {set wgust [expr round($wgust)]}
set temp [dict get $current temp]
set temp [expr round($temp)]
### The Third Stack
set values [dict get $citydata values]
set alert [dict get [lindex $values 0] alerts]
if {$alert == "null"} { set alertmsg "Няма!" } else { set alertmsg $alert }
set mint [dict get [lindex $values 0] mint]
set mint [expr round($mint)]
set maxt [dict get [lindex $values 0] maxt]
set maxt [expr round($maxt)]
set humi [dict get [lindex $values 0] humidity]
set humi [expr round($humi)]
set cond [dict get [lindex $values 0] conditions]
if {$cond == "Rain, Overcast"} {set condmsg "\u2614 Дъжд"
} elseif {$cond == "Snow"} { set condmsg "\u2744 Сняг"
} elseif {$cond == "Rain, Partially cloudy"} { set condmsg "Дъжд, превалява на моменти"
} elseif {$cond == "Snow, Overcast"} { set condmsg "Сняг, сиво, мрачно"
} elseif {$cond == "Overcast"} { set condmsg "Облачно, сиво, мрачно"
} elseif {$cond == "Clear"} { set condmsg "Ясно"
} elseif {$cond == "Partially cloudy"} { set condmsg "Частична облачност"
} else { set condmsg $cond }
set cloud [dict get [lindex $values 0] cloudcover]
### The Fourth Stack
set sun_moon_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.ipgeolocation.io/astronomy?[http::formatQuery apiKey $::Visualcrossing::apiKey location $arg]]
if {$sun_moon_data == 0} { return }
set sunmoon_dict [::json::json2dict $sun_moon_data]
set sunrise [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunrise]
set sunset [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunset]
set current_time [string range [dict get $sunmoon_dict current_time] 0 4]
if {$current_time > $sunset} { set currtime "Нощ" } { set currtime "Ден" }
if {$cloud < 10} {
if {$currtime eq "Ден"} { set sky "Слънчево" } else { set sky "Ясно" }
} elseif {$cloud < 20} {
if {$currtime eq "Ден"} { set sky "Приятно" } else { set sky "Меко" }
} elseif {$cloud < 30} {
if {$currtime eq "Ден"} { set sky "Предимно слънчево" } else { set sky "Предимно ясно" }
} elseif {$cloud < 60} {
if {$currtime eq "Ден"} { set sky "\u26c5 Слънчево на моменти" } else { set sky "Облачно на моменти" }
} elseif {$cloud < 90} { set sky "Предимно облачно" } else { set sky "Облачно" }
#putlog "Day\Night -> $currtime | CloudCover% -> $cloud | Conditions -> $cond | Sunset time: $sunset and Current time is $current_time ?"
### The Fifth Stack
set weather_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?[http::formatQuery q $arg appid $::Visualcrossing::appid lang bg units metric]]
if {$weather_data == 0} { return }
set weather_dict [::json::json2dict $weather_data]
set city [dict get $weather_dict name]
set country [join [dict get $weather_dict sys country]]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00307\002$city, $country\003\002 \00314в момента: \00307$condmsg\003 \002\00307$temp°C\002\003 \00314Влажност \00307$humi\%\003 \00314Вятър\003 \00307$wspeed \00314от \00307$wdir\003 \00314Скорост на поривите\003 \00307$wgustmsg\003 \00314Облачна покривка\003 \00307$sky\003 \00314Утре: Мин/Макс (\003\00307↓$mint\°C\003\00314/\00307↑$maxt\C°\003\00314)\003"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Сигнали за опасност:\003 \00304$alertmsg\003"
set alerts [dict get $citydata alerts]
if {$alerts != "null"} { set alert $alerts }
set head [dict get [lindex $alerts 0] headline]
set onsetEpoch [dict get [lindex $alerts 0] onsetEpoch]
set endsEpoch [dict get [lindex $alerts 0] endsEpoch]
set ondate [clock format $onsetEpoch -format "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M"]
set offdate [clock format $endsEpoch -format "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M"]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[\00304!\003\00314Опасност\00304!\003]\ \00304$head \003\[\00314FROM:\003]\00304 $ondate \003\[\00314TO:\003]\00304 $offdate\003"
### The Second proc for the group cities by ID
proc ::Visualcrossing::group_weather {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
set group_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/group?[http::formatQuery id 727447,726051,727011,2643743,7839805 appid $::Visualcrossing::appid lang bg units metric]]
if {$group_data == 0} { return }
set group_dict [::json::json2dict $group_data]
set cities [dict get $group_dict list]
set cities_info ""
foreach city $cities {
set temp [dict get $city main temp]
set temp [expr round($temp)]
if {$temp >=0} {
set temp "$temp"
set name [dict get $city name]
set des [dict get [lindex [dict get $city weather] 0] description]
lappend cities_info "\00307$name \00304$temp°C\003 /\00314$des\003/"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Времето в момента:\003 [join $cities_info " "]"
### Calculates the degrees from the API and converts them to words expresion like the string below
### Attached to the Second Stack of the Main proc
proc ::Visualcrossing::deg_to_dir {value} {
set calc [expr ($value / 22.5) + 0.5]
set dirs "Север Север-Североизток Североизток Изток-Североизток Изток Изток-Югоизток Югоизток Юг-Югоизток Юг Юг-Югозапад Югозапад Запад-Югозапад Запад Запад-Северозапад Северозапад Север-Североизток"
return [lindex $dirs [expr int($calc) % 16]]
### Sets the crontab expresion like the string below
proc ::Visualcrossing::auto_say {min hour day month week} {
::Visualcrossing::group_weather "-" "-" "-" "#Forbidden"
### Timer for making the weather posted in a channel, depends on the preference (refer to https://crontab.guru/)
bind cron -|- "0 */6 * * *" ::Visualcrossing::auto_say
### The Third Proc for 3 days Forecast
#proc ::Visualcrossing::forecast_weather {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
# set group_data [::Visualcrossing::download_weather https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/timeline/
namespace eval SunMoon {
### Requirements
package require json
package require http
package require tls
package require Trf
### Binding
bind PUB - !a ::SunMoon::pub_sun_moon
### The API Keys
set appid "a12c83435763f3cc1342eecb4de4d48e"
set apiKey "388be6b288bd45b8966c90dcf40517b0"
### The Main Astro Proc
proc ::SunMoon::download_data {url} {
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)"
set sun_moon [http::geturl $url -timeout 5000]
set sun_moon_data [http::data $sun_moon]
if {[http::status $sun_moon] ne "ok" || [http::ncode $sun_moon] != 200} {
set code [http::code $sun_moon]
putlog "\00304***\003 SunMoon HTTP error: $code"
putlog "\00304***\003 Requested url is: $url"
http::cleanup $sun_moon
return 0
http::cleanup $sun_moon
return $sun_moon_data
proc ::SunMoon::pub_sun_moon {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Правилно: !a <Град/Локация>" ; return }
set sun_moon_data [::SunMoon::download_data https://api.ipgeolocation.io/astronomy?[http::formatQuery apiKey $::SunMoon::apiKey location $arg]]
if {$sun_moon_data == 0} { return }
set sunmoon_dict [::json::json2dict $sun_moon_data]
set current_time [string range [dict get $sunmoon_dict current_time] 0 4]
set sunrise [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunrise]
set sunset [dict get $sunmoon_dict sunset]
set daylength [dict get $sunmoon_dict day_length]
set moonrise [dict get $sunmoon_dict moonrise]
set moonset [dict get $sunmoon_dict moonset]
set moon_status [dict get $sunmoon_dict moon_status]
if {$current_time < $sunset} { set currtime "Ден" } { set currtime "Вечер" }
set items_data [::SunMoon::download_data https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/weatherdata/forecast?[::http::formatQuery location $arg aggregateHours 24 forecastDays 3 includeAstronomy true locationMode lookup unitGroup metric shortColumnNames false contentType json alertLevel event lang en nonulls true key $::SunMoon::key]]
### The Main Astro Dict
set connect [::json::json2dict $items_data]
###The First Astro Stack
set locations [dict get $connect locations]
set cityname [lindex $locations 0]
set citydata [lindex $locations 1]
set tz [dict get $citydata tz]
## The Second Astro Stack
set current [dict get $citydata currentConditions]
set moon [dict get $current moonphase]
if {$moon==0 || $moon== 1} { set phase "Новолуние"
} elseif {$moon<0.25} { set phase "Изгряващ полумесец"
} elseif {$moon==0.25} { set phase "Първа четвърт"
} elseif {$moon<0.5} { set phase "Растяща луна"
} elseif {$moon==0.5} { set phase "Пълнолуние"
} elseif {$moon<0.75} { set phase "Намаляваща луна"
} elseif {$moon==0.75} { set phase "Последна четвърт"
} elseif {$moon<1} { set phase "Залязващ полумесец"
} else { set phase "Грешка. Опитайте пак." }
### The Third Astro Stack
set values [dict get $citydata values]
set uv [dict get [lindex $values 0] uvindex]
if {$uv==0} { set index "Нисък"
} elseif {$uv<5 || $uv==6} { set index "Умерен"
} elseif {$uv<7 || $uv==8} { set index "Висок"
} elseif {$uv<9 || $uv==10} { set index "Много висок"
} elseif {$uv>11} { set index "Екстремен"
} else { set index "Грешка. Няма данни." }
set radiation [dict get [lindex $values 0] solarradiation]
set energy [dict get [lindex $values 0] solarenergy]
### The Fourth Astro Stack
set weather_data [::SunMoon::download_data https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?[http::formatQuery q $arg appid $::SunMoon::appid lang bg units metric]]
if {$weather_data == 0} { return }
set weather_dict [::json::json2dict $weather_data]
set city [dict get $weather_dict name]
set country [join [dict get $weather_dict sys country]]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : \002\00314 ---=== Астрономическа информация ===---\003\002"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Часът в \00307\002$city, $country\003\002 \00314е \00307$current_time\ч.\003 \00314Часова зона\003 \00307$tz ($currtime) \003\00314Продължителност на деня\003 \00304$daylength\ч."
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Слънцето: \00307Изгрев в\003 \00304$sunrise\ч\003 \00314и\003 \00307Залез в\003 \00304$sunset\ч.\003 \00307УВ индекс: \00304$index\003 ☀️ \00314радиация \00304$radiation\W/m2\003 ☀️\u26a1 \00314енергия \00304$energy\kWh/m2\003"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\00314Луната: \00307Ще изгрее в\003 \00304$moonrise\ч\003 \00314и\003 \00307ще залезе в\003 \00304$moonset\ч.\00307 Лунна фаза: \00304$phase\003"
### Lastly, help section on NOTICE for a bit more information
### Binding
bind pub -|- !weather pub:help
proc pub:help {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick
set text [cleanarg $text]
if {[llength $text]<1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :----------==========\002Weather Commands\002==========--------------"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!w града/локация - показва времето в момента."
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!a града/локация - показва астрономическа информация"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!3 града/локация показва времето за три дни напред."
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!g - показва информация за предварително зададени градове в една група"
putlog "The complete Weather Tcl ...Loaded"