Code: Select all
set bnickxero {
set kickreasonxero "choose a more apropriate nick thank you"
bind join - * join:RanaUsmanxero
bind nick - * nick:tvrshxero
proc nick:tvrshxero {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
join:RanaUsman $newnick $uhost $hand $chan
proc join:RanaUsmanxero {nick uhost hand chan} {
global bnickxero kickreasonxero temp
regsub -all -- {(.)\1+} $nick {\1} nick2x2
if {($nick != $::botnick)} {
set temp 0
foreach ixo [string tolower $bnickxero] {
if {[string match *$ixo* [string tolower $nick]] && ![string match -nocase *guest* $nick]} {
set badpart $ixo
set temp 1
if {!$temp} { return } {
pushmode $chan +b *$badpart*!*@*
putserv "kick $chan $nick :$kickreasonxero"
like setting bans on host and ident and such while we wanted to store and check on join with *nick*!*@* to see if any bad parts match
also lot of similar tcls that have pub command to add and del badnicks have
stored bad nicks in a text file so it would need to loop the file on each joining nick wich isnt effiecient when the list is potentially large.