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BogusTrivia - time between questions more than 60 seconds?

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BogusTrivia - time between questions more than 60 seconds?

Post by fusionx »


I've just installed BogusTrivia ( Full Release) and it's working great.

I'd like to have it wait longer between questions - the max wait in "normal time" is 60 seconds. Can someone help me out extending this to a few minutes?

I did try entering "120" and it sends the next question at 60 seconds anyway.

I'd prefer to have much more time between questions - as it it, the trivia is taking over the channel - hehe.
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Post by CrazyCat »

!summon SpiKe^^

If the config file says "between 1 and 60" (it does), it means that actually it's impossible to use more than 60s.
The script is really complex, I can't read it now and say why there is this limitation
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Post by fusionx »

CrazyCat wrote: The script is really complex, I can't read it now and say why there is this limitation
I tried to read through all the "rest" and "slow" logic and don't really get it. I'm not a TCL programmer, that's a fact :)
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Post by willyw »

CrazyCat wrote:!summon SpiKe^^

I like that ! ... I have to remember it, for future use.

For a fun (and popular) Trivia game, visit us at: #science-fiction . Over 300K Q & A to play in BogusTrivia !
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Change min-max,default for BogusTrivia settings

Post by SpiKe^^ »


Change the min-max,default for most BogusTrivia script settings:

Note: this works for most script settings that expect a number.

Let's say we want to always have 2 minutes between all questions.
So you go to the t-2.settings.tcl file and find the setting for time between questions...

Code: Select all

set t2(ptime) "20"    ;# play time between questions (6 to 60 seconds) #
The default maximum time for this setting is 60 seconds.

Make note of the setting-element-name, in this case, ptime

While yer here, edit that line in the settings file to be more like...

Code: Select all

set t2(ptime) "120"    ;# play time between questions (6 to 300 seconds) #

BogusTrivia has one process that does verification of all input from the settings file.
Search the t-2.tcl file for this line of code (around line 432)...

Code: Select all

proc TFixSettins {} {  global t2
The data you wish to find & change is somewhere in the next 30 or so lines...

Code: Select all

 set v(nls0) "randfil maxanti match restart custclr stripcolor stripspace"
 set v(nls1) "otherhist shonum shothe descend givansr givkaos ever tda twe tmo lda lwe lmo"
 set v(nls2) "history usrqes krest"
 set v(nds2) "0-2,2   0-2,2  0-2,1"
 set v(nls3) "voice autostart kstyle v-top3 v-top10 v-op l-match"
 set v(nds3) "0-3,3   0-3,2   0-3,1  0-3,3  0-3,3  0-3,3  0-3,3"
 set v(nls4) "maxhow bakhow v-mhow v-msg"
 set v(nds4) "1-2,2  1-2,1  1-2,2  1-2,2"
 set v(nls5) "greet color today yesterda bakupu bakuph newweek kbonus v-how v-max jflud jqtime"
 set v(nds5) "0-4,3 0-8,1 1-3,3  1-3,3   0-9,2  0-9,2   1-7,1  0-9,5  0-4,3 1-9,3 2-9,5 1-9,4"
 append v(nls5) " l-rnum roundques roundbonus roundkaos roundkbon"
 append v(nds5) " 0-9,1  0-9,0     0-9,0      0-9,0     0-9,0"
 set v(nls6) "lpoint hpoint maxbonus klpoint khpoint kbonlo kbonhi"
 set v(nds6) "5000   10000  15000    5000    10000   5000   10000"
 set v(nls7) "dobonus kaos pubcmd randad qslow pslow rest   oldusr v-min   limit minbonus"
 set v(nds7) "99,10  99,10 60,10  99,4   90,20 90,25 120,30 +,365 1000000,0 +,0  +,0"
 append v(nls7) " p-tmax-d p-tmax-w p-tmax-m p-tmax-e"
 append v(nds7) " 500,30   500,60   800,120  2000,250"
 set v(nls8) "qtime   ptime   ktime    maxchar    sqcnt  rqcnt   usrmax"
 set v(nds8) "6-60,15 6-60,20 6-90,20 200-999,400 3-99,6 5-99,15 200-+,500"
 append v(nls8) " a-delay a-same  g-same  v-same  jftime  p-activ"
 append v(nds8) " 5-30,10 1-60,10 1-60,10 1-60,10 5-60,20 1-365,7"
 set v(tls0) "mflag oflag sflag pflag pqflag hflag p-gflag p-tflag"
 set v(tls1) "a-xflag g-xflag v-xflag"
 set v(tls2) "chan on off upubq hint p-cmdpre m-cmdpre hintchar"
 set v(tls3) "p-mystat p-opstat p-info p-owner p-page p-top-d p-t20-d p-tmor-d"
 append v(tls3) " p-top-w p-t20-w p-tmor-w p-top-m p-t20-m p-tmor-m p-top-e p-t20-e p-tmor-e"
 set v(tls4) "a-xnick g-xnick v-xnick"
 set v(tls5) "rndlin g-say g-fludsay p-pwww l-stxt l-rtxt"
 set v(tlsdef) "on .t2 mflag o|o"
Search those lines for the setting-element-name noted earlier, in this case, ptime

Note that line and the one just after it....

Code: Select all

 set v(nls8) "qtime   ptime   ktime    maxchar    sqcnt  rqcnt   usrmax"
 set v(nds8) "6-60,15 6-60,20 6-90,20 200-999,400 3-99,6 5-99,15 200-+,500"
The code you would edit is just below the found setting-element-name, in this case, 6-60,20
Note that the 6-60 part is code for: (6 to 60 seconds)

Make those two lines look more like...

Code: Select all

 set v(nls8) "qtime   ptime    ktime    maxchar    sqcnt  rqcnt   usrmax"
 set v(nds8) "6-60,15 6-300,20 6-90,20 200-999,400 3-99,6 5-99,15 200-+,500"
Goodluck, let me know

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Re: Change min-max,default for BogusTrivia settings

Post by fusionx »

SpiKe^^ wrote:fusion,

Change the min-max,default for most BogusTrivia script settings:

Goodluck, let me know
Spike^^ - thanks so much for the reply!

I literally just went through the script and modified those very values, moments before reading your reply. I also modified the equivalents for slow and rest, to make sure they were also set high enough to match/exceed the standard speed. I haven't uploaded the changes yet, but will do so right now.

Thanks again! Your script is awesome :)

Edit: uploaded and tested, working fine. Thanks again!
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