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waiting time for public command reverse counting

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waiting time for public command reverse counting

Post by simo »

greetingz gentz,

i was trying out this small code to count time remaining before able to use a public command again i found here : ... -countdown

i came up with this:

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bind pub -|- !rdigits pub:testwait

proc pub:testwait {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 global last_used
  if {![isop $nick $chan] && ![ishalfop $nick $chan] && ![matchattr $hand o|o $chan]} { return 0 }
 if {[info exists last_used($nick!$uhost)]} {
    if {[clock seconds] - $last_used($nick!$uhost) < 60*1*1 } {
        set calctime [duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $last_used($nick!$uhost)}]]
       putserv "notice $nick :$uhost you cant because you need to wait $calctime"
  set last_used($nick!$uhost) [clock seconds]   
 putserv "privmsg $chan checked!!!!!!!"

so instead of output the remaining time to wait it seems to output the time that has been waited
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Post by CrazyCat »

This is simple mathematics.
If you want remaining time, just substract $duration from your delay:

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set calctime [duration [expr {60 - ([clock seconds] - $last_used($nick!$uhost))}]]
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Post by simo »

excellent thanks CrazyCat
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Post by simo »

would the variable needs to be unset after threshold has been reached or is that cleared by eggdrop ?
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Post by CrazyCat »

I think you play with tcl since enough time to be able to read and understand the code, and what it does or does not.
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Post by simo »

thank you CrazyCat i tried it this way would this be a proper way to clear the variable after the the threshold has been reached ?

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bind pub -|- !wait pub:testwaitingtime

proc pub:testwaitingtime {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 global last_used
 if {![isop $nick $chan] && ![ishalfop $nick $chan] && ![matchattr $hand o|o $chan]} { return 0 }
 if {[info exists last_used($nick!$uhost)]} {
    if {[clock seconds] - $last_used($nick!$uhost) < 60*1*1 } {
        set calctime [duration [expr {60*1*1 - ([clock seconds] - $last_used($nick!$uhost))}]]
        set calctime2 [expr {60*1*1 - ([clock seconds] - $last_used($nick!$uhost))}]
       putserv "notice $nick :$uhost you cant because you need to wait $calctime"
        if {$calctime2 < 2} { array unset last_used($nick!$uhost) }
 set last_used($nick!$uhost) [clock seconds]   
 putserv "privmsg $chan checked!!!!!!!"
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