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yhoo.tcl finance script

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yhoo.tcl finance script

Post by SpiKe^^ »

If you know the financial symbol, you can get the current quote info from

Please suggest what else this script needs:)

Code: Select all

###########  yhoo.tcl  ver. 0.1  by SpiKe^^  ########## 08Apr2023 ###########

#### public yhoo.tcl command ####
# command syntax:  !yh <symbol>
# example:  !yh csl
#           .q gm

namespace eval yhoo {   variable yh

package require Tcl 8.5
package require http
package require tls

setudef flag yhoo   ;# <= Use  .chanset #chan +yhoo  to enable this script by channel.

################### begin settings ###################

# set active channel(s) for this script  (or set empty to only use .chanset #ch +yhoo)
#  or use:  set yh(chan) "*"  to make the script active in all bot channels.
# note:  the channels set here can not be disabled by using  .chanset #ch -yhoo
set yh(chan) "*"

# Command Char(s) to use for public binds
# Examples:  "!" or "."
# Or a Space Separated List: "! . ?"
set yh(cmdchars) "! ."

# set public Stock/Futures/Crypto Quote Command(s): #
# This command shows current price & change, plus recent stats. #
set yh(cmds_q) "q quote yh"

# set public Custom Command Triggers:   () #
set yh(cust_cmds) {

gold au go GC=F
silver ag si sil silv SI=F
crude cr cru crud crudeoil CL=F

eur eurusd eur/usd EURUSD=X
gbp gbpusd gbp/usd GBPUSD=X

usdjpy usd/jpy JPY=X

bitcoin btc btcusd BTC-USD
ethereum eth ethusd ETH-USD
dogecoin doge dog dogeusd DOGE-USD

s&p500 s&p snp500 snp ^GSPC
dow dow30 dowjones ^DJI

} ;# End of: set yh(cust_cmds) #

# script logo  (placed before almost every line sent to the channel)
set yh(logo) "\00306\[yhoo\]\003 "

############ end settings ############ end settings ############


::http::register https 443 {::tls::socket -autoservername true}

proc bindpubm {nk uh hn ch tx} {   variable yh

  set c [slower $ch]
  if {![channel get $ch yhoo] && ("*" ni $yh(chan)) && ($c ni $yh(chan))} {
    return 0
  set tls [lassign [split [set tx [strim $tx]]] cmd arg1]
  set cm [string range $cmd 1 end]

  if {[set x [lsearch -nocase -inline $yh(cust_cmds) "* $cm *"]] ne ""} {
    set custln [split [string trim $x]]
    set arg1 [lindex $custln end]
    set cm [lindex $yh(cmds_q) 0]   ;   set cmd "[string index $cmd 0]${cm}"

  set allcmds [concat $yh(cmds_q) $yh(cmds_fq)]
  if {[lsearch -nocase $allcmds $cm] == -1} {  return 0  }

  set sym [supper $arg1]
  if {$arg1 eq "" || [string length $arg1]>10 || [regexp {[^0-9A-Z^.=-]} $sym]} {
    set say "$yh(logo)Command syntax: \002$cmd <symbol>\002"
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$say  example: \002$cmd csl\002"
    return 0

  if {[matchstr "*=F" $sym]} {        set doing "f"
  } elseif {[matchstr "^*" $sym]} {   set doing "i"
  } elseif {[matchstr "*=X" $sym]} {  set doing "x"
  } else {   set doing ""   }

  set fq [::http::formatQuery p $sym]
  set pr "https://"  ;  set la ""  ;  set ar "finance."  ;  set do ""
  set addr "${pr}${la}${ar}${do}"  ;# ;#

  set address "${addr}/quote/[lindex [split $fq =] 1]?${fq}"


  set uagent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1"
  set emap [list "\n" " | "]

  foreach try {1 2} {  ::http::config -useragent $uagent

    if {[catch {::http::geturl $address -timeout 7500} tok]} {
      set err "1 ::http::geturl error: [string map $emap $tok]"
    } elseif {[::http::status $tok] ne "ok"} {
      set err "2 TCP error: [::http::status $tok]"
    } else {   set ncode [::http::ncode $tok]
      if {($try == 1 && $ncode ni {200 302}) || ($try == 2 && $ncode != 200)} {
        set err "3 HTTP error: [::http::code $tok]"

    if {$try == 1 && [info exists ncode] && $ncode == 302} {
      upvar #0 $tok state

      if {[dict exists $state(meta) location]} {
        set loc [dict get $state(meta) location]

        if {[matchstr /lookup* $loc]} {   set address "${addr}$loc"
          ::http::cleanup $tok  ;   unset tok  ;   unset ncode
        set err "5 Redirect error: state(meta) 'location' not as expected ( $loc )."
      } else {
        set err "4 Redirect error: Unable to find 'location' in state(meta)."


  if {[info exists err]} {   putlog "$yh(logo) [string range $err 2 end]"
    if {[string index $err 0] > 1} {   ::http::cleanup $tok   }
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$yh(logo)Unable to get the requested data. Try again later."
    return 0


  set html [::http::data $tok]  ;   ::http::cleanup $tok
  #set open [open scripts/yhoo.html.txt w]; puts $open $html; close $open
  #putlog "wrote file: scripts/yhoo.html.txt"
  set html [split $html "\n"]

  if {$try == 1 && $doing eq ""} {
    if {[matchstr "*cryptocurrency*" [lindex $html 0]]} {  set doing "c"  }

  set html [lrange $html 4 36]

  if {$try == 2} {   set similarto ""  ;   set allcount ""  ;   set simdict {}
    set html [join $html {}]

    if {[regexp {\"lookup-page\"(.*?)</tbody></table>} $html - html]} {

      regexp {<h2 [^<]+<span>(.*?)</span></h2>(.*)$} $html - similarto html
      regexp {\"/lookup/all[^<]+<span>(.*?)</span></a></li>(.*)$} $html - allcount html

      set similarto [lindex [split $similarto] end]
      set allcount [lindex [split $allcount "()"] 1]

      if {$similarto eq "" || $allcount eq ""} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$yh(logo)Unable to get the requested data."
        return 0

      set re {<td class=\"data-col0[^>]+>[^>]+>(.*?)</a></td>[^>]+>(.*?)</td>(.*)$}
      while {[dict size $simdict] < 5} {
        if {![regexp $re $html - ssym sname html]} {   break   }
        dict set simdict $ssym $sname

      set say "$yh(logo)Symbol Lookup >"

      if {[set dsize [dict size $simdict]] == 0} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$say Found no symbols similar to: \002${sym}\002"
        return 0
      if {$dsize == 1} {  append say " Found one symbol similar to '${sym}':"
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$say  \002${ssym}\002 $sname"
        return 0

      if {$dsize <= 3} {  append say " Found $dsize symbols similar to '${sym}':"
      } else {  append say " Found $allcount symbols similar to '${sym}'." }

      if {$allcount > 5} {   append say "  Showing the first 5:"
      } elseif {$allcount > 3} {   append say "  Showing all of them:"   }

      dict for {sy co} $simdict {   append say "  \002${sy}\002 $co"   }
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$say"

    } else {  puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$yh(logo)Unable to get the similar symbol list."
      putlog "$yh(logo) Html source error: Unable to find the similar symbol list."

    return 0


  set company ""  ;   set xinfo ""  ;   set sp {            }
  set fnd 0

  foreach hline $html {
    if {![matchstr "$sp<*" $hline] && ![matchstr "$sp    \;*" $hline]} { continue }
    set hline [string trimleft $hline]

    if {$fnd == 0 && [matchstr "[string repeat </div> 7]<div *" $hline]} {

      regexp {<h1 class=\"D\(ib\) Fz\(18px\)\">(.*?)</h1>(.*)$} $hline - company hline
      regexp {^</div>[^>]+><span>(.*?)</span>(.*)$} $hline - xinfo hline

      if {$company eq "" || $xinfo eq ""} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$yh(logo)Invalid Company Symbol:  \002${sym}\002"
        return 0
      set qmap [list %nk $nk %ch $ch %co $company %xi $xinfo]   ;   set fnd 1

      set ils {lastprice change percent notice prevclose prevc_txt open open_txt bid bid_txt}
      lappend ils ask ask_txt dayrange dayra_txt 52weeks 52wee_txt volume volum_txt
      lappend ils avgvolume avgvo_txt marketcap marke_txt 5year 5year_txt peratio perat_txt
      lappend ils epsratio epsra_txt

      # crypto only #
      lappend ils startdate start_txt algorithm algor_txt cirsupply cirsu_txt
      lappend ils maxsupply maxsu_txt vol24hr vol24_txt volall volal_txt

      # futures only #
      lappend ils prevsett prevs_txt datesett dates_txt lprice lpric_txt

      # ETF (exchange-traded funds) only #
      lappend ils netassets netas_txt nav nav_txt yield yield_txt

      foreach vname $ils {  set $vname ""  }

      regexp {regularMarketPrice[^>]+>(.*?)</fin-str(.*)$} $hline - lastprice hline
      regexp {regularMarketChange[^>]+><[^>]+>(.*?)</span(.*)$} $hline - change hline
      regexp {rMarketChangePercent[^>]+><[^>]+>(.*?)</span(.*)$} $hline - percent hline
      regexp {quote-market-notice[^>]+><span>(.*?)</span>(.*)$} $hline - notice hline

      if {[matchstr "-*" $change]} {
        set change "\00304$change\003"  ;  set percent "\00304$percent\003"
      } elseif {[matchstr "+*" $change]} {
        set change "\00303$change\003"  ;  set percent "\00303$percent\003"
      } else {  set change "\00312$change\003"  ;  set percent "\00312$percent\003"  }

      set notice [string map [list "  " " "] $notice]

      lappend qmap %la $lastprice %lc $change %lp $percent %ln $notice

      foreach vname {postprice preprice pchange ppercent pn_txt pn_time pnotice} {
        set $vname ""

      set re {MarketPrice[^>]+>(.*?)</fin-streame(.*)$}
      if {[regexp pre$re $hline - preprice hline]} {
        set tm preMarket   ;   lappend pmap %pm $preprice
      } elseif {[regexp post$re $hline - postprice hline]} {
        set tm postMarket  ;   lappend pmap %pm $postprice

      if {[info exists pmap]} {
        regexp "${tm}Change\"\[^<\]+<\[^>\]+>(.*?)</span>(.*)\$" $hline - pchange hline
        regexp "${tm}ChangePercent\[^<\]+<\[^>\]+>(.*?)</span>(.*)\$" $hline - ppercent hline

        regexp {^</fi[^<]+</span><br/><[^<]+<span>(.*?)</span>(.*)$} $hline - pn_txt hline
        regexp "${tm}Time\"\[^>\]+>(.*?)</fin-streamer>(.*)\$" $hline - pn_time hline

        if {[matchstr "-*" $pchange]} {         set p1 "\00304"  ;  set pe "\003"
          set pchange "\00304$pchange\003"   ;  set ppercent "\00304$ppercent\003"
        } elseif {[matchstr "+*" $pchange]} {   set p1 "\00303"  ;  set pe "\003"
          set pchange "\00303$pchange\003"   ;  set ppercent "\00303$ppercent\003"
        } else {                                set p1 "\00312"  ;  set pe "\003"
          set pchange "\00312$pchange\003"   ;  set ppercent "\00312$ppercent\003"  }

        set pnotice "$pn_txt $pn_time"

        lappend pmap %pc $pchange %pp $ppercent %px $pn_txt %pt $pn_time %pn $pnotice
        lappend pmap %p1 $p1 %pe $pe

    } elseif {$fnd == 1 && [matchstr ";</script></div></div></div></div><scr*" $hline]} {

      set re {summary-table\"><table[^<]+<tbody>(.*?)</tbody></table></div>(.*)$}
      if {[regexp left-$re $hline - rs hline]}  {  append rows $rs  }
      if {[regexp right-$re $hline - rs hline]} {  append rows $rs  }

      if {[info exists rows]} {    set cnt 0

        while {[regexp {^<tr (.*?)></tr>(.*)$} $rows - rw rows]} {   incr cnt

          if {[regexp {<span>(.*?)</span></td><td.*?data-test=(.*)</td$} $rw - lang val]} {
            set val [join [lassign [split $val ">"] name] ">"]
            set name [string trim $name "\""]

            if {[matchstr "<fin-str*" $val]} {
              regexp {^<[^>]+>(.*)</fin-streamer>$} $val - val
            } elseif {[matchstr "<span>*" $val]} {
              set val [string map [list </span> "" <span> ""] $val]

            set got 0

            #### crypto only ####
            if {$doing eq "c"} {
              switch $name {
                "START_DATE-value"     {  lappend qmap %sd $val %sx $lang
                  set startdate $val   ;  set start_txt $lang  ;  set got 1  }
                "ALGORITHM-value"      {  lappend qmap %al $val %ax $lang
                  set algorithm $val   ;  set algor_txt $lang  ;  set got 2  }
                "CIRCULATING_SUPPLY-value"  {  lappend qmap %is $val %ix $lang
                  set cirsupply $val   ;  set cirsu_txt $lang  ;  set got 3  }
                "MAX_SUPPLY-value"     {  lappend qmap %xs $val %xx $lang
                  set maxsupply $val   ;  set maxsu_txt $lang  ;  set got 4  }
                "TD_VOLUME_24HR-value" {  lappend qmap %td $val %tx $lang
                  set vol24hr $val     ;  set vol24_txt $lang  ;  set got 5  }
                "TD_VOLUME_24HR_ALLCURRENCY-value" { lappend qmap %rr $val %rx $lang
                  set volall $val      ;  set volal_txt $lang  ;  set got 6  }
              if {$cnt >= 12 && $got > 0} {   break   }

            #### futures only ####
            } elseif {$doing eq "f"} {
              switch $name {
                "PREV_SETTLEMENT_DATE-value"  {  lappend qmap %rs $val %rx $lang
                  set prevsett $val    ;  set prevs_txt $lang  ;  set got 1  }
                "SETTLEMENT_DATE-value" { lappend qmap %sd $val %sx $lang
                  set datesett $val    ;  set dates_txt $lang  ;  set got 2  }
                "LAST_PRICE-value"     {  lappend qmap %tp $val %tx $lang
                  set lprice $val      ;  set lpric_txt $lang  ;  set got 3  }
              if {$cnt >= 8 && $got > 0} {   break   }

            #### ETF (exchange-traded funds) only ####
            } elseif {$doing eq "e"} {
              switch $name {
                "NAV-value"            {  lappend qmap %na $val %nx $lang
                  set nav $val         ;  set nav_txt $lang    ;  set got 1  }
                "TD_YIELD-value"       {  lappend qmap %yd $val %yx $lang
                  set yield $val       ;  set yield_txt $lang  ;  set got 2  }
              if {$cnt >= 12 && $got > 0} {   break   }

            if {$got > 0} {   continue   }

            switch $name {
              "PREV_CLOSE-value"     {  lappend qmap %cl $val %cx $lang
                set prevclose $val   ;  set prevc_txt $lang   }
              "OPEN-value"           {  lappend qmap %op $val %ox $lang
                set open $val        ;  set open_txt $lang   }
              "BID-value"            {  lappend qmap %bi $val %bx $lang
                set bid $val         ;  set bid_txt $lang   }
              "ASK-value"            {  lappend qmap %as $val %ax $lang
                set ask $val         ;  set ask_txt $lang   }
              "DAYS_RANGE-value"     {  lappend qmap %dr $val %dx $lang
                set dayrange $val    ;  set dayra_txt $lang   }
              "FIFTY_TWO_WK_RANGE-value"  {  lappend qmap %wr $val %wx $lang
                set 52weeks $val     ;  set 52wee_txt $lang   }
              "TD_VOLUME-value"      {  lappend qmap %vo $val %vx $lang
                set volume $val      ;  set volum_txt $lang   }
              "AVERAGE_VOLUME_3MONTH-value"  {  lappend qmap %gv $val %gx $lang
                set avgvolume $val   ;  set avgvo_txt $lang   }

              "MARKET_CAP-value"     {  lappend qmap %mc $val %mx $lang
                set marketcap $val   ;  set marke_txt $lang
                if {$doing eq ""} {  set doing s  }
              "NET_ASSETS-value"     {  lappend qmap %ss $val %sx $lang
                set netassets $val   ;  set netas_txt $lang
                if {$doing eq ""} {  set doing e  }

              "BETA_5Y-value"        {  lappend qmap %5y $val %5x $lang
                set 5year $val       ;  set 5year_txt $lang   }
              "PE_RATIO-value"       {  lappend qmap %ra $val %rx $lang
                set peratio $val     ;  set perat_txt $lang   }
              "EPS_RATIO-value"      {  lappend qmap %er $val %ex $lang
                set epsratio $val    ;  set epsra_txt $lang   }

          if {$cnt >= 12} {  break  }

      set fnd 2   ;   break



  set hmap [list "'" "'" "'" "'" "&" "&" """ "\""]

  ##########  data substitution codes  ##########
  #  %nk  = nick              ex.  GreedyHamster
  #  %ch  = channel           ex.  #MarketHub

  #  %co  = company name      ex.  Apollo Minerals Limited (AON.AX)
  #  %xi  = exchange info     ex.  ASX - ASX Delayed price. Currency in AUD

  #  %la  = last price        ex.  108.66
  #  %lc  = price change      ex.  -0.08
  #  %lp  = change percent    ex.  (-0.07%)
  #  %ln  = market notice     ex.  As of 10:17AM AEDT. Market open.

  #  %pm  = post/pre market   ex.  108.62          (these 6 exist if is post or pre)
  #  %pc  = post/pre change   ex.  -0.04
  #  %pp  = post/pre percent  ex.  (-0.03%)
  #  %pn  = post/pre notice   ex.  After hours: 07:59PM EST
  #  %px  = post/pre text     ex.  After hours:   |OR|  Pre-Market:
  #  %pt  = post/pre time     ex.  07:59PM EST
  #  %p1  = change color      ex.  \00304
  #  %pe  = end color         ex.  \003

  #  %cl  = previous close    ex.  108.74
  #                    %cx    ex.  Previous Close
  #  %op  = open              ex.  108.74
  #                    %ox    ex.  Open
  #  %bi  = bid               ex.  108.66 x 36400
  #                    %bx    ex.  Bid
  #  %as  = ask               ex.  108.69 x 7100
  #                    %ax    ex.  Ask
  #  %dr  = day's range       ex.  108.38 - 109.15
  #                    %dx    ex.  Day's Range
  #  %wr  = 52-week range     ex.  86.98 - 109.20
  #                    %wx    ex.  52 Week Range
  #  %vo  = volume            ex.  3,747,153
  #                    %vx    ex.  Volume
  #  %gv  = avg. volume       ex.  2,190,023
  #                    %gx    ex.  Avg. Volume
  #  %mc  = market cap        ex.  183.463B
  #                    %mx    ex.  Market Cap
  #  %5y  = 5y monthly        ex.  2.36
  #                    %5x    ex.  Beta (5Y Monthly)
  #  %ra  = pe ratio          ex.  5.48
  #                    %rx    ex.  PE Ratio (TTM)
  #  %er  = eps ratio         ex.  8.36
  #                    %ex    ex.  EPS (TTM)

  #### crypto only ####
  #  %sd  = start date        ex.  2010-07-13
  #                    %sx    ex.  Start Date
  #  %al  = algorithm         ex.  N/A
  #                    %ax    ex.  Algorithm
  #  %is  = circ. supply      ex.  19.34M
  #                    %ix    ex.  Circulating Supply
  #  %xs  = max supply        ex.  N/A
  #                    %xx    ex.  Max Supply
  #  %td  = today volume      ex.  16.23B
  #                    %tx    ex.  Volume (24hr)
  #  %rr  = vol. all curr.    ex.  16.23B
  #                    %rx    ex.  Volume (24hr) All Currencies

  #### futures only ####
  #  %rs  = prev settlement   ex.  N/A
  #                    %rx    ex.  Pre. Settlement
  #  %sd  = settlement date   ex.  2023-05-26
  #                    %sx    ex.  Settlement Date
  #  %tp  = last price        ex.  25.09
  #                    %tx    ex.  Last Price



  set s "$yh(logo)%co  %xi.  \002%la %lc %lp\002 %ln"

  if {[info exists pmap]} {   set tm "  %p1\002\[\[\002%pe%px "
    append s [string map $pmap "$tm\002%pm %pc %pp\002 At: %pt%p1\002\]\]\002%pe"]
  lappend say $s

  if {$doing eq "c"} {  ;## crypto (second line) ##
    set s "%cx: \002%cl\002  %ox: \002%op\002  %dx: \002%dr\002  "
    append s "%wx: \002%wr\002  %mx: \002%mc\002  %vx: \002%vo\002"

  } elseif {$doing eq "f"} {  ;## future (second line) ##
    set s "%tx: \002%tp\002  %sx: \002%sd\002  %ox: \002%op\002  %bx: \002%bi\002"
    append s "  %ax: \002%as\002  %dx: \002%dr\002  %vx: \002%vo\002"

  } elseif {$doing eq "i"} {  ;## index (second line) ##
    set s "%cx: \002%cl\002  %ox: \002%op\002  %vx: \002%vo\002  "
    append s "%dx: \002%dr\002  %wx: \002%wr\002  %gx: \002%gv\002"

  } elseif {$doing eq "x"} {  ;## exchange rate (second line) ##
    set s "%cx: \002%cl\002  %ox: \002%op\002  %bx: \002%bi\002  "
    append s "%ax: \002%as\002  %dx: \002%dr\002  %wx: \002%wr\002"

  } else {
    set s "%cx: \002%cl\002  %ox: \002%op\002  %bx: \002%bi\002  "
    append s "%ax: \002%as\002  %dx: \002%dr\002  %vx: \002%vo\002  "

    if {$doing eq "e"} {  append s "%yx: \002%yd\002"  ;# if is "e" (ETF) #
    } else {  append s "%mx: \002%mc\002"  }   ;# else is "s" (stocks) #

  lappend say $s

  foreach ln $say {
    set ln [string map $qmap $ln]  ;   set ln [string map $hmap $ln]
    putserv "PRIVMSG $ch :$ln"
  return 0
}  ;# end:  proc bindpubm #


proc strim {str} {
  return [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [string trim $str] { }]
proc sdigit {str} { return [string is digit -strict $str] }
proc slower {str} { return [string tolower $str] }
proc supper {str} { return [string toupper $str] }


# unused setting variables #
set yh(companylist_filename) "scripts/yhoo.companylist.txt"
set yh(cmds_fq) ""

proc onsource {} {   variable yh

  set yh(chan) [split [slower [strim $yh(chan)]]]
  set yh(companylist_filename) [strim $yh(companylist_filename)]

  set yh(companydict) [dict create]
  if {[file exists $yh(companylist_filename)]} {
    set open [open $yh(companylist_filename) r]
    set yh(companydict) [read -nonewline $open]   ;  close $open

  foreach x {cmdchars cmds_q cmds_fq} {
    set yh($x) [split [strim $yh($x)]]
  foreach ybind [binds [namespace current]::bindpubm] {
    lassign $ybind t f n h p  ;  unbind $t $f $n $p
  foreach char $yh(cmdchars) {
    bind pubm * "?%~\\${char}*" [namespace current]::bindpubm

  set tmpls [split [slower [string trim $yh(cust_cmds)]] "\n"]  ;  set newls {}
  foreach ln $tmpls {   set ln [strim $ln]
    if {[llength [split $ln]] < 2} {  continue  }

    lappend newls " $ln "
  set yh(cust_cmds) $newls


putlog "Loaded yhoo.tcl version 0.1  08Apr2023"

}  ;## end of:  namespace eval yhoo ##


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Post by vam2u »

Tested the script, it's cool :-)
How do I add more currency and cryptos prefix to it?
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yhoo custom commands

Post by SpiKe^^ »

You can add any number of custom commands in the script setting...

Code: Select all

# set public Custom Command Triggers:   () #
set yh(cust_cmds) {

gold au go GC=F
silver ag si sil silv SI=F
crude cr cru crud crudeoil CL=F

eur eurusd eur/usd EURUSD=X
gbp gbpusd gbp/usd GBPUSD=X

usdjpy usd/jpy JPY=X

bitcoin btc btcusd BTC-USD
ethereum eth ethusd ETH-USD
dogecoin doge dog dogeusd DOGE-USD

s&p500 s&p snp500 snp ^GSPC
dow dow30 dowjones ^DJI

} ;# End of: set yh(cust_cmds) #
Each line in that setting represents one custom command:
The last word in each line must be a valid yahoo finance symbol,
All the other words become valid custom commands for that symbol.

Lets say you want a new custom command for Litecoin:
Add a new line to the yh(cust_cmds) setting, to be something like

Code: Select all

ltc lite LTC-USD
and that will add 3 new commands all pointing to LTC-USD:
You can now use:

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Post by CrazyCat »

Is it not :

Code: Select all

litecoin ltc lite LTC-USD
most of your entries has 4 elements

(didn't read the full code, so I'm probably wrong)
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

Each line can have any number of alternate triggers.

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Post by vam2u »

Cool, let me add those in and see how thing's goes :-)
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Re: yhoo.tcl finance script

Post by Dominatez »

It is a shame that this no longer works.
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