I have a fun project as I don't know much tcl and would love this to work with tcl
Code: Select all
class serve_mod extends module {
public $title = "iRC SerVe";
public $author = "g2x3k";
public $version = "0.2";
public function init() {
// init
// not working atm .. *TODO
$this->serve["settings"]["antispam"] = "1/3"; //1 trigger each 3 sec ...
$this->serve["settings"]["spamreplies"][] = "Hey hey there dont you think its going a bit to fast there only [since] since youre last ...";
$this->serve["settings"]["spamreplies"][] = "iam busy ...";
$this->serve["settings"]["spamreplies"][] = "havent you just had ?";
$this->serve["settings"]["dateformat"] = "h:i:s";
// config of avaible stuff for serving ...
$this->serve["triggers"]["bar"] = "This Bar have: !coffee !bang !cola !beer !joint !head !mix !whisky !pipe !pussy !coke !icecream";
$this->serve["triggers"]["coke"] = "Are you stupid? We doesn't do [censored] like this... GO SLAP YOUR SELF IN THE NUTS! :P";
$this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"] = "Making a cup of coffee for [nick], [today] made today of [total] ordered wich make it the [sumtotal] time i make coffee";
$this->serve["triggers"]["bang"][] = "fills a bang from stash and serves it to [nick] ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["cola"][] = "Serves icecold cola ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["cola"][] = "Serves cola that been laying in pile of [censored] ~45c ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["cola"][] = "Serves cola been standing close to box of dryice ~1,3c ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["cola"][] = "Serves cola that been standing next to comp for few hrs ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["beer"][] = "Serves icecold beer ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["joint"][] = "Grabs a joint to [nick] from the stash ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["head"][] = ".h.e.a.d. ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["head"][] = "head for you sir. ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["wine"][] = "pours up some fine stuff from the basement ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["wine"][] = "here you are, found something out back ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["wine"][] = "lucky you we just got one of this left enjoy ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["wine"][] = "so youre hit hard, where you want it ?, dont cry";
$this->serve["triggers"]["mix"][] = "grinding up some weed for a mix ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["mix"][] = "grabs some the good stuff for a mix ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["mix"][] = "sneaks into g2x3ks stash and steals for a mix, here you go ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["mix"][] = "goes strain hunting in india for some good [censored] for your mix ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["mix"][] = "goes strain hunting in morocco for some good [censored] for your mix ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["pipe"][] = "goes strain hunting in morocco for some good [censored] for your pipe ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["pipe"][] = "saw some [censored] in corner, fills a pipe ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["pipe"][] = "skunky just arrieved peace all over ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["whiskey"][] = "serves whiskey on the rocks ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["whiskey"][] = "found some weird looking bottle in corner, might hit gold cheers ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["whiskey"][] = "cola and bad whiskey for you ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["pussy"][] = "slaps [nick] in face with a smelly pussy ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["pussy"][] = "Sends some pussy [nick]`s way .. ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["pussy"][] = "not enough money to suply you aswell ... ([total])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["icecream"][] = "here [nick]... one ball for you only ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["icecream"][] = "finds a biig icecream for [nick] eat and you get for free (50$ to use toilet) ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
$this->serve["triggers"]["icecream"][] = "dusts off something that look like icecream from the corner of fridge, here [nick] ([today]/[total]/[sumtotal])";
// - docu:
// [nick] = nick that triggered, [today] how many heads/coffee person had today
// [total] = how many nick had it total, [last] time of last, [since] time since last
// [sumtotal], [sumchannel], [sumnetwork] = how many all had
// - reply syntax (random reply) :
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["replies"][] = "some reply here";
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["replies"][] = "another reply here";
// - reply syntax - two line reply:
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["replies"][1] = "Line 1 of the reply 1";
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["replies"][1] = "Line 2 of the reply 1";
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["replies"][2] = "Line 1 of the reply 2";
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["replies"][2] = "Line 2 of the reply 2";
// * [1/2] binds the two replies togeter must be incremented
// - default settings syntax
// $this->serve["settings"]["antispam"] = "1/3"; //1 trigger each 3 sec ...
// $this->serve["settings"]["dateformat"] = "h:i:s";
// - trigger settings syntax (overrides default settings if set)
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["settings"]["antispam"] = "1/60"; one a minute
// $this->serve["triggers"]["coffee"]["settings"]["spamreplies"][] = "hey stop that iam burning my hands on this coffee ... one per minute shuld be enough";
// set timer to clear "today" stats every 24hr
// timer stuff
//timerinfo for nxt day
$args = new argClass();
$args->timerid = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00", time()+86400).":00:00");
$settimer = $args->timerid-time();
//start timers
$this->ircClass->privMsg("#coders", "timer set to run at $args->timerid / ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$args->timerid));
$this->timerClass->addTimer("serveclear" . $args->timerid, $this, "timer_serve", $args, $settimer, false);
public function timer_serve($args = false) {
//clear daily stats
$res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `layer13`.`servestats` SET `today` = '0'");
$this->ircClass->privMsg("#coders", "cleared serve_today");
//timerinfo for nxt day
$args = new argClass();
$args->timerid = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00", time()+86400).":00:00");
$settimer = $args->timerid-time();
//start timers
$this->ircClass->privMsg("#coders", "timer set to run at $args->timerid / ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$args->timerid));
$this->timerClass->addTimer("serveclear" . $args->timerid, $this, "timer_serve", $args, $settimer, false);
public function priv_serve($line, $args) {
$chan = strtolower($line['to']);
$nick = $line['fromNick'];
$address = $line["fromIdent"]."@".$line["fromHost"];
$network = $this->ircClass->getServerConf ("NETWORK");
// failsafes ...
if (strpos ( $chan, "#" ) === false)
if ($this->ircClass->getStatusRaw () != STATUS_CONNECTED_REGISTERED)
if ($line['to'] == $this->ircClass->getNick())
return; // dont work in private ...
foreach ($this->serve["triggers"] as $trigger => $reply) {
if (preg_match("/(!|\.)$trigger\b/i", $line["text"])) {
// parse trigger settings and replies
$rid = rand(0, count($reply)-1);
if (is_array($reply)) $reply = $reply[$rid];
// check for nick in db
$ures = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM servestats WHERE nick LIKE ".sqlesc($nick)." AND network LIKE '$network' AND type LIKE ".sqlesc($trigger)." LIMIT 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($ures) >= 1) {
$urow = mysql_fetch_assoc($ures);
$nres = $this->db->query("UPDATE `layer13`.`servestats` SET `today` = today+1, `total` = total+1 WHERE `servestats`.`id` = $urow[id]");
else {
// check for address in db'
$ures = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM servestats WHERE address LIKE ".sqlesc($address)." AND network LIKE '$network' AND type LIKE ".sqlesc($trigger)."");
if (mysql_num_rows($ures) >= 1) {
$urow = mysql_fetch_assoc($ures);
//$this->ircClass->privMsg("$chan", "found in db using address .. setting nick and updateing");
$nres = $this->db->query("UPDATE `layer13`.`servestats` SET `today` = today+1, `total` = total+1, `nick` = ".sqlesc($nick)." WHERE `servestats`.`id` = $urow[id]");
else {
// else add
//$this->ircClass->privMsg("$chan", "not found in db ($nick - $address) .. adding");
$ires = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `layer13`.`servestats` (`id`, `nick`, `address`, `type`, `last`, `today`, `total`, `channel`, `network`)
VALUES (NULL, ".sqlesc($nick).", ".sqlesc($address).", ".sqlesc($trigger).", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '1', '1', ".sqlesc($chan).", ".sqlesc($network).");");
// grab info from db parse reply and return result
$ures = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM servestats WHERE nick LIKE ".sqlesc($nick)." AND network LIKE '$network' AND type LIKE ".sqlesc($trigger)." LIMIT 1");
$urow = mysql_fetch_assoc($ures);
//grap totals
$tres = $this->db->query("SELECT sum(total) as sumtotal, sum(today) as sumtoday FROM servestats WHERE network LIKE '$network' AND type LIKE ".sqlesc($trigger)." LIMIT 1");
$trow = mysql_fetch_assoc($tres);
$message = str_replace(array("[nick]", "[today]", "[total]", "[sumtotal]", "[sumtoday]"), array("$nick", $urow["today"], $urow["total"], $trow["sumtotal"],$trow["sumtoday"]), $reply);
//lookup nick or insert, update stats and reply
//$this->ircClass->privMsg("$chan", "trigger: $trigger - $reply @ $chan/$network");
$this->ircClass->privMsg("$chan", "$message");
function addOrdinalNumberSuffix($num) {
if (!in_array(($num % 100),array(11,12,13))){
switch ($num % 10) {
// Handle 1st, 2nd, 3rd
case 1: return $num.'st';
case 2: return $num.'nd';
case 3: return $num.'rd';
return $num.'th';
Code: Select all
`nick` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
`address` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
`type` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
`last` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL,
`today` int(11) NOT NULL,
`total` int(11) NOT NULL,
`channel` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
`network` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,