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Counter help

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Counter help

Post by ORATEGOD »

I found this counter with time and date but I can't get it to work correctly, I hope someone can help me or guide me how to correct it so that it can work

Thank you in advance as always for your help in the forum

excuse my bad english

Code: Select all

# Script to greet new users and count their visits

# Path to the counter file
set contadorFile "scripts/Lobby.txt"

# Define a function to greet new users and count their visits
proc greetAndCount {nick chan} {
    # Get the current date and time
    set fecha [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
    set hora [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"]

    # Increment the counter
    set contador [expr {file exists $contadorFile ? [readfile $contadorFile] + 1 : 1}]

    # Save the counter
    writefile $contadorFile $contador

    # Build the greeting message with colors and bold
    set saludo "Hello, \002$nick\002! Welcome to channel \002$chan\002. The current date is: \002$fecha\002, and the current time is: \002$hora\002. This is visit number \002$contador\002 to the channel."

    # Send the message to the channel
    putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$saludo"

# Function to read a file
proc readfile {filename} {
    set file [open $filename]
    set content [read $file]
    close $file
    return $content

# Function to write to a file
proc writefile {filename content} {
    set file [open $filename w]
    puts -nonewline $file $content
    close $file

# Bind the join event to the greetAndCount function for the #Lobby channel
bind join - "chan #Lobby greetAndCount"

# Define the global variable `argv`
global argv

# Check for errors in the counter file
if {![file exists $contadorFile]} {
    set contador 1

# Initialize the global variable `nick`
global nick
set nick ""

# Assign the value of the first element of the `argv` list to the `nick` variable
set nick [lindex $argv 1]

putlog "=== #Lobby @ Count ==="
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Post by simo »

lets start with :

what are u expecting it to do?

and what error does it output if any ?
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Post by caesar »

Look at the bind statement and take it from there. If i where to guess, he asked ChatGTP to make this piece of code. :lol:
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Post by ORATEGOD »

This error is the one that shows when turning on the eggdrop

Code: Select all

can't read "argv": no such variable
    while executing
"lindex $argv 1"
    (file "scripts/welcome.tcl" line 56)
    invoked from within
"source scripts/welcome.tcl"
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Post by ORATEGOD »

caesar wrote:Look at the bind statement and take it from there. If i where to guess, he asked ChatGTP to make this piece of code. :lol:

Hello.... I don't know if it was written by ChatGPT, if so, could that be the error?
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Post by CrazyCat »

The script isn't designed to be used with an eggdrop but to be run from shell.
$argv is the list of arguments sent to a script.
The bind is not complete (bind join - "#lobby *" greetAndCount) and the greetAndCount defintion is false (proc greetAndCount {nick uhost handle chan} { ... })

Want some other errors ?
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Post by ORATEGOD »

CrazyCat wrote:The script isn't designed to be used with an eggdrop but to be run from shell.
$argv is the list of arguments sent to a script.
The bind is not complete (bind join - "#lobby *" greetAndCount) and the greetAndCount defintion is false (proc greetAndCount {nick uhost handle chan} { ... })

Want some other errors ?

I understand... thank you very much for the clarification
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