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Eggdrop + PvPGN - anyone tried it?

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Eggdrop + PvPGN - anyone tried it?

Post by cinder »

If anyone has heard (or used) of PvPGN (, I was just wondering if anyone has managed to get an eggdrop to connect to it. In the latest builds, an IRC feature has been implemented, which basically allows you to logon to the server's chat channels without having to via a Blizzard game. It is only an IRC emulator, so i'm not expecting much compatibility, but some tcl scripts could be implemented (i.e. public triggers), but anyone who has already tried and either succeded or failed I would like to hear from. Thank you.
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Post by ppslim »

If it's an IRC emulator, then eggdrop should run on it.

SO long as the basic commands, that allow messages to be sent, join channels, part channels and any replies are sent fromt he server.