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Ping error ?

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Ping error ?

Post by pektek »

I ran tcl for myself but I got an error


[02:48:07] Tcl error [ping_cevabi]: can't read "ping_suresi(cengiz)": no such element in array

Code: Select all

set ping_bklm_srsi 15000
set ping_kanal "#Sohbet"
bind pub - !ping ping
bind ctcr - PING ping_cevabi

proc ping {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
    global botnick ping_suresi ping_kanal ping_bklm_srsi
    if {[lindex $arg 0] == ""} { set nick $nick }
    if {[lindex $arg 0] != ""} { set nick [string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] }
    set ms [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    if {[info exists ping_suresi($nick)]} {
	if {[expr $ms - $ping_suresi($nick)] < $ping_bklm_srsi} {
	    putserv "NOTICE $nick :Henüz bir ping istediniz, lütfen biraz sonra tekrar deneyin."
    set ping_suresi($nick) $ms
    set ping_kanal $chan
    putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001PING $ping_suresi($nick)\001";

proc ping_cevabi {nick uhost handle {dest ""} keyword text} {
    global botnick ping_suresi ping_kanal
    set cnick [string tolower $nick]
    if {$dest == ""} {set dest $botnick}
    if {$dest == $botnick} {
	set ms [clock clicks -milliseconds]
	set fark [expr [expr $ms - $ping_suresi($cnick)]/1000.0]
	putserv "PRIVMSG $ping_kanal :$nick ping süreniz $fark saniye."
putlog "pingkanal.tcl"
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Re: Ping error ?

Post by CrazyCat »

This is because if you don't put any argument when doing !ping, you use the nick of the person without lowercase it:
if {[lindex $arg 0] == ""} { set nick $nick }
Correct that with:
if {[lindex $arg 0] == ""} { set nick [string tolower $nick] }
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Re: Ping error ?

Post by aslpls »

it is working with the updated code from Crzy..

the output is

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<Botname> aslpls ping süreniz 2.177 saniye.
<Botname> aslpls ping süreniz 2.321 saniye.
2 ping results in the channel. how can we remove the second ping output? it is redundant to have two output when you
type !ping in the channel.
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Re: Ping error ?

Post by CrazyCat »

Check if you don't have 2 binds ctcr loaded (multiple loading of script without restarting it ?)
When I tested it, I only got one response from the eggdrop. And as your ping aren't the same, I suspect it's due to a side-effect in your eggdrop (restart could be a good idea) or the network you're on, or anything else but not related to the script itself.
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Re: Ping error ?

Post by aslpls »

Restarted the bot last night, after 8hrs of sleep. I tried it and it is working perfect. You are right Crzy.
Pektek, now you're script is working properly.
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Re: Ping error ?

Post by pektek »

thank you everyone in advance
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