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do not ban ops

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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do not ban ops

Post by flink »

as the title says I would like to not ban the @ from the room as it lacks that detail does not distinguish. thanks.

Code: Select all

# Opciones:

# Establece los canales en los que quieres comprobar los usuarios
# incluye el "#" y sepáralos con un espacio.  EG set checkchans "#chan1 #chan3 #otherchan"
set checkchans "#mojo-picon"

# Palabras de los canales que serán prohibidos, separadas por un espacio.  Si pones set badchans "badc list" 
# los canales que serán baneados son #badchan #chanbadc #listchan #chanthatlists etc ......
set badchans "#chan #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 #chan3 #chan3"

# Minutos entre cada comprobación completa de un canal.  NOTA - ¡No pongas este valor bajo si tienes mucha gente! 
# Esto es una gran carga para el servidor/bot, así que no seas un idiota y comprueba cada 1 minuto en un canal con 100 personas.  
# El bot se retrasará (o será k-lined)
set intervalcheck 5

# Duración de la prohibición por estar en el canal equivocado (en minutos)
set idiotbantime 720

# La razón que aparece en la lista de baneos.  También se utiliza cuando el bot les manda un mensaje diciendo por cuánto tiempo fueron baneados y por qué.
set banmsg "Actividad no permitida"

# ¡No edite nada de lo que hay aquí abajo a menos que esté haciendo un cambio de versión!

bind JOIN - * banchan:join
bind RAW - 319 banchan:response
bind RAW - 353 banchan:names

if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
  timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:names {from keyword nicklist} {
  global checkchans
  set nicklist [banchan:charfilter $nicklist]
  set nicklist [lrange $nicklist 3 end]
  set chanfrom ""
  append chanfrom "*" [lindex $nicklist 2] "*"
  set chanfrom [string tolower $chanfrom]
  if {[string match $chanfrom $checkchans]} {
    return 1
  set currnicknum 0
  set currentnick "b4"
  while {$currentnick != ""} {
    set currentnick [lindex $nicklist $currnicknum]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    putserv "WHOIS $currentnick"
    incr currnicknum

proc banchan:scan { } {
  global checkchans intervalcheck
  set tocheck [string tolower $checkchans]
  set ccnum 0
  set total [llength $tocheck]
  while {$ccnum < $total} {
    putlog "BanChan: Scanning [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    putserv "NAMES [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    incr ccnum
  if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
    timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:join {nick uhost handle channel} {
  global checkchans
  set checkchans [string tolower $checkchans]
  set channel [string tolower $channel]
  set matchpattern "*$channel*"
  if {[string match $matchpattern $checkchans] == 1} {
    putserv "WHOIS $nick"
    return 0
  } else {
    return 0

proc banchan:response {from keyword arg} {
  global badchans banmsg idiotbantime checkchans
  set badchans [string tolower $badchans]
  set badchans [concat $badchans]
  set arg [banchan:charfilter $arg]
  set currentchannel "empty"
  set chanlistnum 2
  set nick [lindex $arg 1]
  set matchpattern ""
  while {$currentchannel != ""} {
    set currentchannel [lindex $arg $chanlistnum]
    set currentchannel [string tolower $currentchannel]
    if {$currentchannel == ""} {
    if {$chanlistnum == 2} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "+"} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    set currentbannum 0
    while {[llength $badchans] > $currentbannum} {
      set matchpattern "*[lindex $badchans $currentbannum]*"
      if {[string match $matchpattern $currentchannel]} {
        set uhost [getchanhost $nick]
        if {$uhost == ""} {
           return 0
        set tempi [expr [string first @ $uhost] + 1]
        set uhost "*!*@[string range $uhost $tempi end]"
        set chantomsglist [string tolower $checkchans]
        set chantomsgnum 0
        while {$chantomsgnum < [llength $chantomsglist]} {
          set currentchantomsg [lindex $chantomsglist $chantomsgnum]
          if {[onchan $nick $currentchantomsg] == 1} {
            putserv "PRIVMSG $currentchantomsg"
          incr chantomsgnum
        utimer 5 [banchan:delayedban $uhost]
        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :no eres bien recibid@ ($currentchannel)."
        return 0
      incr currentbannum
    incr chanlistnum
  return 0

proc banchan:delayedban { banhost } {
  global banmsg idiotbantime
  newban $banhost "BanChan3.2" "$banmsg" $idiotbantime

proc banchan:charfilter {x {y ""}} { 
 for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $x]} {incr i} { 
  switch -- [string index $x $i] { 
  "\"" {append y "\\\""}
  "\\" {append y "\\\\"}
  "\[" {append y "\\\["}
  "\]" {append y "\\\]"}
  "\{" {append y "\\\{"}
  "\}" {append y "\\\}"}
  default {append y [string index $x $i]} 
 return $y 

putlog "Anticanales Cargado Correctamente"
Mi ingles: no es el mejor, Manda el traductor... :)
Revered One
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by simo »

you can try this :

Code: Select all

# Opciones:

# Establece los canales en los que quieres comprobar los usuarios
# incluye el "#" y sepáralos con un espacio.  EG set checkchans "#chan1 #chan3 #otherchan"
set checkchans "#mojo-picon"

# Palabras de los canales que serán prohibidos, separadas por un espacio.  Si pones set badchans "badc list" 
# los canales que serán baneados son #badchan #chanbadc #listchan #chanthatlists etc ......
set badchans "#chan #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 #chan3 #chan3"

# Minutos entre cada comprobación completa de un canal.  NOTA - ¡No pongas este valor bajo si tienes mucha gente! 
# Esto es una gran carga para el servidor/bot, así que no seas un idiota y comprueba cada 1 minuto en un canal con 100 personas.  
# El bot se retrasará (o será k-lined)
set intervalcheck 5

# Duración de la prohibición por estar en el canal equivocado (en minutos)
set idiotbantime 720

# La razón que aparece en la lista de baneos.  También se utiliza cuando el bot les manda un mensaje diciendo por cuánto tiempo fueron baneados y por qué.
set banmsg "Actividad no permitida"

# ¡No edite nada de lo que hay aquí abajo a menos que esté haciendo un cambio de versión!

bind join - * ON:Join:AccessChecK
bind RAW - 319 banchan:response
bind RAW - 353 banchan:names

proc ON:Join:AccessChecK  {nick uhost hand chan} {
       after [expr {2*1000*1}] [list banchan:join $nick $uhost $hand $chan]

if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
  timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:names {from keyword nicklist} {
  global checkchans
  set nicklist [banchan:charfilter $nicklist]
  set nicklist [lrange $nicklist 3 end]
  set chanfrom ""
  append chanfrom "*" [lindex $nicklist 2] "*"
  set chanfrom [string tolower $chanfrom]
  if {[string match $chanfrom $checkchans]} {
    return 1
  set currnicknum 0
  set currentnick "b4"
  while {$currentnick != ""} {
    set currentnick [lindex $nicklist $currnicknum]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    putserv "WHOIS $currentnick"
    incr currnicknum

proc banchan:scan { } {
  global checkchans intervalcheck
  set tocheck [string tolower $checkchans]
  set ccnum 0
  set total [llength $tocheck]
  while {$ccnum < $total} {
    putlog "BanChan: Scanning [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    putserv "NAMES [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    incr ccnum
  if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
    timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:join {nick uhost handle channel} {
  global checkchans
  set checkchans [string tolower $checkchans]
  set channel [string tolower $channel]
  set matchpattern "*$channel*"
  if {[string match $matchpattern $checkchans] == 1 && ![isop $nick $channel] && ![ishalfop $nick $channel] && ![isvoice $nick $channel] && ![isbotnick $nick] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] of|of $channel]} {
    putserv "WHOIS $nick"
    return 0
  } else {
    return 0

proc banchan:response {from keyword arg} {
  global badchans banmsg idiotbantime checkchans
  set badchans [string tolower $badchans]
  set badchans [concat $badchans]
  set arg [banchan:charfilter $arg]
  set currentchannel "empty"
  set chanlistnum 2
  set nick [lindex $arg 1]
  set matchpattern ""
  while {$currentchannel != ""} {
    set currentchannel [lindex $arg $chanlistnum]
    set currentchannel [string tolower $currentchannel]
    if {$currentchannel == ""} {
    if {$chanlistnum == 2} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "+"} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    set currentbannum 0
    while {[llength $badchans] > $currentbannum} {
      set matchpattern "*[lindex $badchans $currentbannum]*"
      if {[string match $matchpattern $currentchannel]} {
        set uhost [getchanhost $nick]
        if {$uhost == ""} {
           return 0
        set tempi [expr [string first @ $uhost] + 1]
        set uhost "*!*@[string range $uhost $tempi end]"
        set chantomsglist [string tolower $checkchans]
        set chantomsgnum 0
        while {$chantomsgnum < [llength $chantomsglist]} {
          set currentchantomsg [lindex $chantomsglist $chantomsgnum]
          if {[onchan $nick $currentchantomsg] == 1} {
            putserv "PRIVMSG $currentchantomsg"
          incr chantomsgnum
        if {![isop $nick $chan] && ![ishalfop $nick $chan] && ![matchattr $hand o|o $chan]} { return 0 }

        utimer 5 [banchan:delayedban $uhost]
        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :no eres bien recibid@ ($currentchannel)."
        return 0
      incr currentbannum
    incr chanlistnum
  return 0

proc banchan:delayedban { banhost } {
  global banmsg idiotbantime
  newban $banhost "BanChan3.2" "$banmsg" $idiotbantime

proc banchan:charfilter {x {y ""}} { 
 for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $x]} {incr i} { 
  switch -- [string index $x $i] { 
  "\"" {append y "\\\""}
  "\\" {append y "\\\\"}
  "\[" {append y "\\\["}
  "\]" {append y "\\\]"}
  "\{" {append y "\\\{"}
  "\}" {append y "\\\}"}
  default {append y [string index $x $i]} 
 return $y 

putlog "Anticanales Cargado Correctamente"

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Re: do not ban ops

Post by flink »

Hello simo, thank you for the contribution. Kill the eggdrop, install what you propose again, start it again and ban and kick the @ in the rooms.

Tcl error [banchan:response]: can't read "chan": no such variable
Mi ingles: no es el mejor, Manda el traductor... :)
Revered One
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by simo »

try this :

Code: Select all

# Opciones:

# Establece los canales en los que quieres comprobar los usuarios
# incluye el "#" y sepáralos con un espacio.  EG set checkchans "#chan1 #chan3 #otherchan"
set checkchans "#mojo-picon"

# Palabras de los canales que serán prohibidos, separadas por un espacio.  Si pones set badchans "badc list" 
# los canales que serán baneados son #badchan #chanbadc #listchan #chanthatlists etc ......
set badchans "#chan #chan1 #chan2 #chan3 #chan3 #chan3"

# Minutos entre cada comprobación completa de un canal.  NOTA - ¡No pongas este valor bajo si tienes mucha gente! 
# Esto es una gran carga para el servidor/bot, así que no seas un idiota y comprueba cada 1 minuto en un canal con 100 personas.  
# El bot se retrasará (o será k-lined)
set intervalcheck 5

# Duración de la prohibición por estar en el canal equivocado (en minutos)
set idiotbantime 720

# La razón que aparece en la lista de baneos.  También se utiliza cuando el bot les manda un mensaje diciendo por cuánto tiempo fueron baneados y por qué.
set banmsg "Actividad no permitida"

# ¡No edite nada de lo que hay aquí abajo a menos que esté haciendo un cambio de versión!

bind JOIN - * ON:Join:AccessChecK
bind RAW - 319 banchan:response
bind RAW - 353 banchan:names

proc ON:Join:AccessChecK  {nick uhost hand chan} {
       after [expr {2*1000*1}] [list banchan:join $nick $uhost $hand $chan]

if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
  timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:names {from keyword nicklist} {
  global checkchans
  set nicklist [banchan:charfilter $nicklist]
  set nicklist [lrange $nicklist 3 end]
  set chanfrom ""
  append chanfrom "*" [lindex $nicklist 2] "*"
  set chanfrom [string tolower $chanfrom]
  if {[string match $chanfrom $checkchans]} {
    return 1
  set currnicknum 0
  set currentnick "b4"
  while {$currentnick != ""} {
    set currentnick [lindex $nicklist $currnicknum]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentnick 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == "+" || [string range $currentnick 0 0] == ":"} {
      set currentnick [string range $currentnick 1 end]
    putserv "WHOIS $currentnick"
    incr currnicknum

proc banchan:scan { } {
  global checkchans intervalcheck
  set tocheck [string tolower $checkchans]
  set ccnum 0
  set total [llength $tocheck]
  while {$ccnum < $total} {
    putlog "BanChan: Scanning [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    putserv "NAMES [lindex $tocheck $ccnum]"
    incr ccnum
  if {[string match "*banchan:scan*" [timers]] == 0} {
    timer $intervalcheck banchan:scan

proc banchan:join {nick uhost handle channel} {
  global checkchans
  set checkchans [string tolower $checkchans]
  set channel [string tolower $channel]
  set matchpattern "*$channel*"
 if {[string match $matchpattern $checkchans] == 1 && ![isop $nick $channel] && ![ishalfop $nick $channel] && ![isvoice $nick $channel] && ![isbotnick $nick] &&     ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] of|of $channel]} {
    putserv "WHOIS $nick"
    return 0
  } else {
    return 0

proc banchan:response {from keyword arg} {
  global badchans banmsg idiotbantime checkchans
  set badchans [string tolower $badchans]
  set badchans [concat $badchans]
  set arg [banchan:charfilter $arg]
  set currentchannel "empty"
  set chanlistnum 2
  set nick [lindex $arg 1]
  set matchpattern ""
  while {$currentchannel != ""} {
    set currentchannel [lindex $arg $chanlistnum]
    set currentchannel [string tolower $currentchannel]
    if {$currentchannel == ""} {
    if {$chanlistnum == 2} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    if {[string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "@" || [string range $currentchannel 0 0] == "+"} {
      set currentchannel [string range $currentchannel 1 end]
    set currentbannum 0
    while {[llength $badchans] > $currentbannum} {
      set matchpattern "*[lindex $badchans $currentbannum]*"
      if {[string match $matchpattern $currentchannel]} {
        set uhost [getchanhost $nick]
        if {$uhost == ""} {
           return 0
        set tempi [expr [string first @ $uhost] + 1]
        set uhost "*!*@[string range $uhost $tempi end]"
        set chantomsglist [string tolower $checkchans]
        set chantomsgnum 0
        while {$chantomsgnum < [llength $chantomsglist]} {
          set currentchantomsg [lindex $chantomsglist $chantomsgnum]
          if {[onchan $nick $currentchantomsg] == 1} {
            putserv "PRIVMSG $currentchantomsg"
          incr chantomsgnum
        utimer 5 [banchan:delayedban $uhost]
        putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :no eres bien recibid@ ($currentchannel)."
        return 0
      incr currentbannum
    incr chanlistnum
  return 0

proc banchan:delayedban { banhost } {
  global banmsg idiotbantime
  newban $banhost "BanChan3.2" "$banmsg" $idiotbantime

proc banchan:charfilter {x {y ""}} { 
 for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $x]} {incr i} { 
  switch -- [string index $x $i] { 
  "\"" {append y "\\\""}
  "\\" {append y "\\\\"}
  "\[" {append y "\\\["}
  "\]" {append y "\\\]"}
  "\{" {append y "\\\{"}
  "\}" {append y "\\\}"}
  default {append y [string index $x $i]} 
 return $y 

putlog "Anticanales Cargado Correctamente"

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Re: do not ban ops

Post by flink »

hello simo
I killed eggdrop again, made the changes you recommended and now it's back to how it was at the beginning, it kicks everything, it doesn't distinguish, I even removed @ from the eggdrop and with the voice it sends the message
and it does not release an error in the partyline
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by simo »

all i did really was add a delay on join for the bot to determine if nick isn an chanop/halfop or not and send a whois if not an chanop/halfop or any access to bot.
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by flink »

Simo. thanks for answering
I understand but it doesn't work, this last help you provide doesn't do anything at all, kick it and send the message without further ado.
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by CrazyCat »

I had a look to the script... It could be better.
I think I can redo it, just need to be sure:
The users which are in $checkchans must not be in $badchans, and check is performed on join and each 5 minutes.
And you want to exclude ops (and halfops ?) of the check/ban ?
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by flink »

Hello CrazyCat
Exactly what you described
everything that has and performs the eggdrop but that exclude ops (and halfops
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by CrazyCat »

You can try this one:

... snip ...

P.S.: it's possible to optimize it, but too lazy to do that now :)
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by flink »

hello crazycat i did what you suggested and after a while of starting the eggdrop in the partyline i got an error :
Warning: over maximum server queue!
Tcl error [::badchan::respnames]: invalid command name ‘lmap’.
Tcl error [::badchan::respnames]: can't read "cusers": no such variable

I also get this list of nicknames that are not in any of the rooms where bccheck was activated and the test nickname is not in those rooms either. - 319 - panny :+#luna +#peru +#sexo - 319 - Trans :@#refli @#sol +#sexo+#lucia - 319 - Titan :#la @#mediodia @#sexo - 319 - cuatro :#rias @#pepe #sexo - 319 - chica_madrid :#sexo - 319 - Noeliatrans :#canalsexo #travestis #sexo - 319 - agustin93 :#argentina #travestis #sexo - 319 - jav :#Relatos-Eroticos #españa #sexo #burgos - 319 - travesti5542 :#travestis #mazmorra #Gay #sexo - 319 - Aldo10 :#sexo #mexico - 319 - Novio34 :#chatzona #cibersexo #sexo #cornudos - 319 - Cata :#sumisas #mazmorra #latinoamerica #sexo - 319 - Sipi1414 :#chatzona #Gay #de_ambiente #chueca #sexo #cibersexo #mexico_vip #mexico - 319 - Alvaro__28 :#mazmorra #sexo - 319 - Invitado-2155 :#españa #andalucia #cibersexo #travestis #sexo #canalchat - 319 - paola-rlt{W} :#mazmorra #sexo #Relatos-Eroticos - 319 - anton32 :#sexo - 319 - Carlosss___ :#sexo #chatzona #chatear #general - 319 - Nuee #sexo #venezuela #Gay #de_ambiente
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by CrazyCat »

--- useless comment ....
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by simo »

you also have to consider too much use of commands: names and whois may result in disconnecting due to exceeding server commands limits, so not sure what the max stackable value is wich can be used to send whois in a line on the network you use it on, if you can provide those limits it may be integrated into the code to stay within server limits.
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by flink »

not to belittle the help, but the tcl that i presented at the beginning works great. just add that it does not ban the ops because that is what it lacks and i am happy that it works well.

Code: Select all

Tcl error in file 'Rebujado.conf':
can't read "from": no such variable
    while executing
"putlog "$from - $kw - $text""
    (in namespace eval "::badchan" script line 113)
    invoked from within
"namespace eval badchan {

   # .chanset #channel +bccheck to enable

   # lista de canales "malos"
   variable bclist "#chan #chan1 #chan2..."
    (file "scripts/maloscanales.tcl" line 1)
    invoked from within
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Re: do not ban ops

Post by CrazyCat »

Ok, delete my script, use yours.
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