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identify more nick every 2 day

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identify more nick every 2 day

Post by Kerbau »

hello there

i had more nickname and i want it sidentify with every 2 day by changing 1 by 1 nick.

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Re: identify more nick every 2 day

Post by CrazyCat »

Not sure to understand...
You want the eggdrop to change its nick each 2 days and identify, according to a nicklist you set, to keep them alive ?

If the network you're on has services (like anope), using group nick may help.
If you can't use this feature, we've to know how much nicks you need to keep alive, and if they have separate password or if they share the same one.
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Re: identify more nick every 2 day

Post by Kerbau »

i can't use that feature,
i had 17 nick and have separate password.
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Re: identify more nick every 2 day

Post by CrazyCat »

Here is the simplest script:
# Fill np with nicks and password
set np {
   "nick1" "pass1" \
   "nick2" "pass2" \
   ... \
   "nick17" "pass17"

set cnp 0

proc identnick {min hour day month wod} {
   putserv "NICK [lindex $::np $::cnp]"
   incr ::cnp
   putserv "PRIVMSG NickServ :identify [lindex $::np $::cnp]"
   #change previous command to the one used on your server
   if {$::cnp >= [llength $::np]} {
      set ::cnp 0
   } else {
      incr ::cnp
   putserv "NICK $::botnick"
bind cron - 14 3 */2 * * identnick
It can be more complex whith controls that the nickserv ask for identification or validate it before sending the pass or regain the original botnick.
And notice that if you rehash the eggdrop (or restart it), it will restart the cycle from the first entry in $np.
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