Code: Select all
#### Who is Versi 1.1 by dono
### +Update host +Whois Automation With IP Info
bind pub - !whois msg_whois
proc msg_whois {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick
if {$text == ""} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :You have to use true command for look up whois information. Command: <!whois domain>"; return }
package require tls
::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
if {[string match "*.id" $text]} {
set connect [::http::geturl$text]
set files [::http::data $connect]
::http::cleanup $files
set l [regexp -all -inline -- {Creation Date:(.*?)T.*?Expiration Date:(.*?)T.*?Sponsoring Registrar:(.*?)Status:.*?Registrant ID:(.*?)Admin Contact.*?Name Server:(.*?)Access to WHOIS} $files]
foreach {black a b c d e} $l {
set a [string trim $a " \n"]
set b [string trim $b " \n"]
set c [string trim $c " \n"]
set d [string trim $d " \n"]
set e [string trim $e " \n"]
regsub -all {<.+?>} $a {} a
regsub -all {<.+?>} $b {} b
regsub -all {<.+?>} $c {} c
regsub -all {<.+?>} $d {} d
regsub -all {<.+?>} $e {} e
if {[info exists a]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[\002$text\002\] Created: $a - Exp: $b - Registrar: $c - Registrant: $d - DNS: $e"
set connect2 [::http::geturl$text]
set files2 [::http::data $connect2]
::http::cleanup $files2
set l2 [regexp -all -inline -- {<td headers="th-ip-1">(.*?)</td>} $files2]
foreach {blue z } $l2 {
set a [string trim $z " \n"]
regsub -all {<.+?>} $z {} z
if {[info exists z]} {
set connect3 [::http::geturl$z]
set files3 [::http::data $connect3]
::http::cleanup $files3
regexp -- {ISP:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr><tr><th>Organization} $files3 - isp
regexp -- {Country:</th><td>(.*?) <img src=} $files3 - country
regexp -- {Hostname:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - hostname
regexp -- {State/Region:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - state
regexp -- {City:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - city
if {[info exists country]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :\[\002$text\002\] IP: $z - ISP: $isp - Hostname: $hostname - Country: $country" }
if {[info exists state]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :\[\002$text\002\] State: $state - City: $city"}
# tutup info exists f
# tutup foreach
# tutup string match "*.id"
} elseif {[string match "*.org" $text]} {
set connect [::http::geturl$text]
set files [::http::data $connect]
::http::cleanup $files
set l [regexp -all -inline -- {Created On:(.*?)UTC.*?Last Updated On:(.*?)UTC.*?Expiration Date:(.*?)Sponsoring Registrar:(.*?)Status:.*?Registrant Street1:(.*?)Registrant Street2:.*?Registrant City:(.*?)Registrant State/Province:(.*?)Registrant Postal Code:(.*?)Registrant Country:(.*?)Registrant Phone:.*?Registrant Email:(.*?)Admin ID} $files]
foreach {black a b c d e f g h i j} $l {
set a [string trim $a " \n"]
set b [string trim $b " \n"]
set c [string trim $c " \n"]
set d [string trim $d " \n"]
set e [string trim $e " \n"]
set f [string trim $f " \n"]
set g [string trim $g " \n"]
set h [string trim $h " \n"]
set i [string trim $i " \n"]
set j [string trim $j " \n"]
regsub -all {<.+?>} $a {} a
regsub -all {<.+?>} $b {} b
regsub -all {<.+?>} $c {} c
regsub -all {<.+?>} $d {} d
regsub -all {<.+?>} $e {} e
regsub -all {<.+?>} $f {} f
regsub -all {<.+?>} $g {} g
regsub -all {<.+?>} $h {} h
regsub -all {<.+?>} $i {} i
regsub -all {<.+?>} $j {} j
if {[info exists a]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[\002$text\002\] Created: $a - Update: $b - Exp: $c - Registrar: $d - Email: $j"
set connect2 [::http::geturl$text]
set files2 [::http::data $connect2]
::http::cleanup $files2
set l2 [regexp -all -inline -- {<td headers="th-ip-1">(.*?)</td>} $files2]
foreach {blue z } $l2 {
set a [string trim $z " \n"]
regsub -all {<.+?>} $z {} z
if {[info exists z]} {
set connect3 [::http::geturl$z]
set files3 [::http::data $connect3]
::http::cleanup $files3
regexp -- {ISP:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr><tr><th>Organization} $files3 - isp
regexp -- {Country:</th><td>(.*?) <img src=} $files3 - country
regexp -- {Hostname:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - hostname
regexp -- {State/Region:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - state
regexp -- {City:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - city
if {[info exists country]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :\[\002$text\002\] IP: $z - ISP: $isp - Hostname: $hostname - Country: $country" }
if {[info exists state]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :\[\002$text\002\] State: $state - City: $city"}
# tutup info exists f
# tutup foreach
# }
# tutup string match "*.org"
} else {
set connect [::http::geturl$text]
set files [::http::data $connect]
::http::cleanup $files
set l [regexp -all -inline -- {Domain Name:(.*?)Registrar:(.*?)Whois Server:.*?Updated Date:(.*?)Creation Date:(.*?)Expiration Date:(.*?)>>>} $files]
foreach {red a b c d e } $l {
set a [string trim $a " \n"]
set b [string trim $b " \n"]
set c [string trim $c " \n"]
set d [string trim $d " \n"]
set e [string trim $e " \n"]
regsub -all {<.+?>} $a {} a
regsub -all {<.+?>} $b {} b
regsub -all {<.+?>} $c {} c
regsub -all {<.+?>} $d {} d
regsub -all {<.+?>} $e {} e
if {[info exists b]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : \[\002$text\002\] Registrar: $b - Updated Date: $c - Creation Date: $d - Expiration Date: $e" }
set connect2 [::http::geturl$text]
set files2 [::http::data $connect2]
::http::cleanup $files2
set l2 [regexp -all -inline -- {<td headers="th-ip-1">(.*?)</td>} $files2]
foreach {blue z } $l2 {
set a [string trim $z " \n"]
regsub -all {<.+?>} $z {} z
if {[info exists z]} {
set connect3 [::http::geturl$z]
set files3 [::http::data $connect3]
::http::cleanup $files3
regexp -- {ISP:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr><tr><th>Organization} $files3 - isp
regexp -- {Country:</th><td>(.*?) <img src=} $files3 - country
regexp -- {Hostname:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - hostname
regexp -- {State/Region:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - state
regexp -- {City:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files3 - city
if {[info exists country]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan : \[\002$text\002\] IP: $z - ISP: $isp - Hostname: $hostname - Country: $country" }
if {[info exists state]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan : \[\002$text\002\] State: $state - City: $city" }
#bind pub - !ip msg_ipwhois
#proc msg_ipwhois {nick uhost hand chan text} {
# global botnick
# if {$text == "" } {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :You have to use true command for look up whois information. Command: !ip ipnumber";return}
# if {[string match "*" $text]} {
# set connect [::http::geturl$text]
# set files [::http::data $connect]
# ::http::cleanup $files
# regexp -- {ISP:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr><tr><th>Organization} $files - isp
# regexp -- {Country:</th><td>(.*?) <img src=} $files - country
# regexp -- {Hostname:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files - hostname
# regexp -- {State/Region:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files - state
# regexp -- {City:</th><td>(.*?)</td></tr>} $files - city
#if {[info exists country]} {
# puthelp "privmsg $chan :IP: $text - ISP: $isp - Hostname: $hostname - Country: $country"
#if {[info exists state]} {
# puthelp "privmsg $chan :State: $state - City: $city"
#} else { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Invalid address or IP not found" }
# }
set whoisinfo(port) 43
set whoisinfo(ripe) ""
set whoisinfo(arin) ""
set whoisinfo(apnic) ""
set whoisinfo(lacnic) ""
set whoisinfo(afrinic) ""
bind pub - !ip pub_whoisinfo
bind pub - .ip pub_whoisinfo
proc whoisinfo_setarray {} {
global query
set query(netname) "(none)"
set query(country) "(none)"
set query(orgname) "(none)"
set query(orgid) "(none)"
set query(range) "(none)"
proc whoisinfo_display { chan } {
global query
putlog "Firstline: $query(firstline)"
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Range : $query(range) - NetName : $query(netname) - Organization : $query(orgname) - Country : $query(country)"
proc pub_whoisinfo {nick uhost handle chan search} {
global whoisinfo
global query
if {[whoisinfo_whois $whoisinfo(arin) $search]==1} {
if {[string compare [string toupper $query(orgid)] "RIPE"]==0} {
if {[whoisinfo_whois $whoisinfo(ripe) $search]==1} {
whoisinfo_display $chan
} elseif {[string compare [string toupper $query(orgid)] "APNIC"]==0} {
if {[whoisinfo_whois $whoisinfo(apnic) $search]==1} {
whoisinfo_display $chan
} elseif {[string compare [string toupper $query(orgid)] "LACNIC"]==0} {
if {[whoisinfo_whois $whoisinfo(lacnic) $search]==1} {
whoisinfo_display $chan
} elseif {[string compare [string toupper $query(orgid)] "AFRINIC"]==0} {
if {[whoisinfo_whois $whoisinfo(afrinic) $search]==1} {
whoisinfo_display $chan
} else {
whoisinfo_display $chan
} else {
if { [info exist query(firstline)] } {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$query(firstline)"
} else {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Error!"
proc whoisinfo_whois {server search} {
global whoisinfo
global query
set desccount 0
set firstline 0
set reply 0
putlog "Whois: $server:$whoisinfo(port) -> $search"
if {[catch {set sock [socket -async $server $whoisinfo(port)]} sockerr]} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Error: $sockerr. Try again later."
close $sock
return 0
puts $sock $search
flush $sock
while {[gets $sock whoisline]>=0} {
putlog "Whois: $whoisline"
if {[string index $whoisline 0]!="#" && [string index $whoisline 0]!="%" && $firstline==0} {
if {[string trim $whoisline]!=""} {
set query(firstline) [string trim $whoisline]
set firstline 1
if {[regexp -nocase {netname:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(netname) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {owner-c:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(netname) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {country:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(country) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {descr:(.*)} $whoisline all item] && $desccount==0} {
set query(orgname) [string trim $item]
set desccount 1
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {orgname:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(orgname) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {owner:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(orgname) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {orgid:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(orgid) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {inetnum:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(range) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {netrange:(.*)} $whoisline all item]} {
set query(range) [string trim $item]
set reply 1
close $sock
return $reply
bind pub - !check msg_domain
proc msg_domain {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick
if {$text == "" } {putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :You have to use true command for look up whois information. Command: !check domain";return}
if {[string match "*" $text]} {
set connect [::http::geturl$text]
set isup [::http::data $connect]
::http::cleanup $isup
regexp -- {class="domain">.*?</a></span> (.*?)
<p><a href.*?</a></p>} $isup - hasil
if {[info exists hasil]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :$nick, web server na $text $hasil" } else { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Kayaknya down br0 ?" }
bind pub - !help msg_help
proc msg_help {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick
if {$text == "" } {putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :!help twitter";return}
puthelp "privmsg $nick : Silahkan baca full commandnya di"
putlog "whois.tcl v1.1 by dono Loaded..."
I found an error when running this
Code: Select all
TCL Tcl error [msg_whois]: invalid command name "::http::register"