i am the owner of the channel in dalnet, then i've added the bot as channel manager or sop level access just
to add a new user access in the channel. here is the few basic command in dalnet chanserv services
/chanserv aop #docsteam add janedoe
/chanserv aop #docsteam del janedoe
/chanserv sop #docsteam add janedoe
/chanserv sop #docsteam del janedoe
/chanserv HOP #docsteam add bandit
/chanserv HOP #docsteam del bandit
is there a chance that we can add in the script to communicate the chanserv@services.dal.net via bot commands?
Code: Select all
#This script was made by Jer.. To report problems #
#with this script I can be found on irc.wweforums.org #
#in the #scripts channel.. #
# #
#Ok this is the second version of this script and it #
#works great I have added in hop,vop,akick to this version. #
# #
#The first version was not released #
# #
#Ok this script is for adding and removing Vop/Hop/Aop/Sop/Akicks #
#There is a few of these scripts out there and most of them work good #
#what sets this one apart from the rest is when you sop someone if #
#you are not identify to chanserv or nickserv for founder access you #
#can not add sops. So what i have done is when you sop someone it #
#will identify to chanserv and then sop the person as with the remove #
#sop. #
# #
#This script also has a channel uflag so it will only work in #
#channels that are marked with +chanserv . Which is nice if you have #
#your bot in other channels that you dont want them commands to work #
# #
#This script will work on all networks that run with chanserv some #
#verify like dalnet uses chanserv@services.dal.net if your on dalnet #
#you may need to use this..So you would change the #
#set chanserv "chanserv" to set chanserv "chanserv@services.dal.net" #
#but the defult chanserv may work for it as well .. #
# #
#I will also take suggestions on new features for this script #
# #
#Chanserv Script Release Date February 20,2009 #
# #
#Please do not modify my code thanks... #
# #
bind pub o|o ".aop" accessaop
bind pub o|o ".-aop" accessremoveaop
bind pub m|m ".sop" accesssop
bind pub m|m ".-sop" accessremovesop
bind pub o|o ".hop" accesshop
bind pub o|o "-hop" accessremovehop
bind pub o|o ".vop" accessvop
bind pub o|o ".-vop" accessremovevop
###This is to set chanserv some use Differnt things but this is standered For Most
set chanserv "chanserv"
###Your Channel Password Goes Here
set passwd "Your password here"
###This is the udef flag do not change this or the script wont work right
setudef flag chanserv
###Chanserv Add Aop
proc accessaop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :aop $channel add $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who added to $channel Aop list."
putlog "$nick added $who to the Aop list in $channel"
###End Of Chanserv Add Aop
###Chanserv Remove Aop
proc accessremoveaop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :aop $channel del $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who deleted from $channel Aop list."
putlog "$nick removed $who from the Aop list in $channel"
###End Of Chanserv Remove Aop
###Chanserv Add Sop
proc accesssop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv passwd
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :identify $channel $passwd"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :sop $channel add $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who added to $channel Sop list."
putlog "$nick added $who to the Sop list in $channel"
###End Of Chanserv Add Sop
###Start Of Chanserv Remove Sop
proc accessremovesop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv passwd
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :identify $channel $passwd"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :sop $channel del $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who deleted from $channel Sop list."
putlog "$nick removed $who from the Sop list in $channel"
###End Of Chanserv Remove Sop
###Chanserv add Hop
proc accesshop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :hop $channel add $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who added to $channel Hop list."
putlog "$nick added $who to the Hop list in $channel"
###End Of Chanserv Hop
###Chanserv Remove Hop
proc accessremovehop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :hop $channel del $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who deleted from $channel Hop list."
putlog "$nick removed $who from the Hop list in $channel"
###End Of Chanserv Remove Hop
###Chanserv Add Vop
proc accessvop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :Vop $channel add $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who added to $channel Vop list."
putlog "$nick added $who to the Vop list in $channel"
###End Chanserv Add Vop
###Chanserv Remove Vop
proc accessremovevop {nick host handle channel testes} {
global nxg chanserv
if {[channel get $channel chanserv]} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv :vop $channel del $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$who deleted from $channel Vop list."
putlog "$nick removed $who from the Vop list in $channel"
###End Of Chanserv Vop
putlog "Script loaded:Chanserv Script Made By Jer "
salute to all coders who can help.