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High bit characters in Tcl & eggdrop

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by stere0 »

i get and recompile my eggdrop with 1.6-current and everything is run perfectly with this case. thanks
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Post by stdragon »

Maybe the problem is with the script. It sounds like your bot is able to join the channel with the weird letter in it, so it must be handling the utf correctly.

Post by Sendron »

Yeah.. the bot has no trouble with joining the channel, but when its supposed to run tcl scripts in this channel, it goes bananas..

Post by |^Raven^| »

Well, I don't know about problems with the character in the #channel, but I use this quite often in 1.6.5:

if {[info commands realputserv] == ""} {
rename putserv realputserv
proc putserv { thestring } {
realputserv [encoding convertfrom identity $thestring]
if {[info commands realputdcc] == ""} {
rename putdcc realputdcc
proc putdcc { idx thestring } {
realputdcc $idx [encoding convertfrom identity $thestring]

- does anyone know if stdarg's patch will fix my need to have to use this snippet of code anymore?



Post by Baerchen »

being the author of CHATstats, I'm interested in knowing where exactly the problem can be within the script, from a theoretical point of view.

There's no encoding transformation/converting in the script. For channel names or nick names, whatever strange characters they contain, the script just takes the characters, does some list and/or string processing and outputs them. Where could be the point where the script messes up?
The problem is, even a simple one-line-script (bound to join or whatever) like

if {[onchan $channel $nick]} {do_this}

would mess up if the nick contained strange characters.

So I'd like to know what I can include as a workaround. Any ideas ?

Thnx in advance,
