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eggdrop doesn`t say that he needs OP!

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eggdrop doesn`t say that he needs OP!

Post by ProXy »

Hi there.

I just reinstalled my eggdrop and configured the complete.conf. I set #rootbash to my static channel, so the eggdrop should ask for op after joining. But the eggdrop doesn`t. This is the result of .status:

Code: Select all

[21:40:24] <(Hack|The|Planet>     Stats-userbase contains 1 users and 0 hosts
[21:40:24] <(Hack|The|Planet>     Channels: #rootbash(want ops!)
[21:40:24] <(Hack|The|Planet>     Online as: Hack|The|Planet!~Hack|The|@ (Hack::The::Planet)
[21:40:24] <(Hack|The|Planet>     Server (connected for 00:08)
[21:40:24] <(Hack|The|Planet>     #rootbash :  7 members, enforcing "+tn-klim" (greet)
Does anyone knows, what could be the reason for this?
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Post by ppslim »

DO you mean ask the channel, using text, for ops?

If yes, did you delete the channel file, when re-doing the config file?
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Post by ProXy »

I mean the default text like "op me cause I`m lame". I didn`t remove any of the lines. I configured the eggdrop.complete.conf several times, but this is the first time, that the eggdrop is quiet...

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Post by ppslim »

You state you re-comfigured eggdrop.

When you did this, did you delete the CHANNEL file?
AKA, did it still exist when you started eggdrop?
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Post by tainted »

Check the conf for the line similiar to (maybe exact):

Code: Select all

need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #rootbash :op me cos i'm lame!" }
It should be after the "channel add #chan {" line and before the "}" at the bottom. Make sure you changed #lamest to #rootbash too.. :P

ppslim: He said it was a static channel. ;)
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Post by ppslim »

Statis channels are stored in the channel file too.

As such, you delete the static channel from the config file, and eggdrop will convert it to a dynamic channel. So you still have to use .-chan.

He stated he had to re-compile, but he didn't say that he deleted the channels file.

Thus. when eggdrop loads, it first reads the config file, and creates the channel, based on the setting in there. It then loads the channels file, which, if it has not been deleted, will over-write the settings used in the config file.

It's exactly the same, as when a user complains, that changes made ot the channel in the config file, are not working after a rehash.
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Post by tainted »

Ahh.. I always thought any static channels would not be overwritten. Learn something new every day! :)
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Post by ppslim »

They can have therte settings changed, but they can't be removed.
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Post by ProXy »

Code: Select all

channel add #rootbash {
  chanmode "+nt-likm"
  idle-kick 0
  stopnethack-mode 3
  revenge-mode 1
  aop-delay 5:30
  need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #rootbash :op me!" }
  need-invite { putserv "PRIVMSG #rootbash :invite me!" }
  need-key { putserv "PRIVMSG #rootbash :give me the key!" }
  need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG #rootbash :unban me!" }
  need-limit { putserv "PRIVMSG #rootbash :change the limit!" }
  flood-chan 10:60
  flood-deop 3:10
  flood-kick 3:10
  flood-join 5:60
  flood-ctcp 3:60
  flood-nick 5:60
This is the conect of the config file. I restarted the ggdrop several times but there`s no success. What others settings could be worng so that he is not asking?
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Post by ppslim »

Goto the partyline of the bot, and type ".chaninfo #rootbash".

What settings does it say there.
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Post by ProXy »

I found the error. I started my eggdrop with a wrong channel in thiese settings. I changed this when the eggdrop was already running and used .restart. Now I went to my channel-file, there was still the wrong channel. I just killed the eggdrop, deleted the file and restarted. Now it works fine :)

Thx to all, especially ppslim

Post by mamo »

I'm having the opposite problem of this situation.

I comment out the line:

need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #Extum :op me cause im lame!" }

I've restarted and killed the bot several times. I Even edited the op me message to something different. The bot will continue to say 'op me cause im lame'

It still exists in the .chaninfo

Please Help!
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Post by ppslim »

From what I remember, there is a comment in the config file about this.

You can't place comments inside the channel command block/settings.

Maybe this should be corrected, as it seems a trivial change.