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Define channels with special chars in bot.conf

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Define channels with special chars in bot.conf

Post by jbe »

Hello how can i define a channel like #Mañana or #Caçoilo ?

Eggdrop doesn't understand those chars and goes to strange channels. I already tried #Ca\çoilo but doesn't work

Thank you for any help
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Post by darko`` »

Try /msg bot #manana or whatever the channelname, so you will get it the way bot sees it. My bot sees your (wierd) letter 'n' like combination of two chars: A with 2 dots ontop and a plusminus sign. Wierd :| but it might work.
Ignorant and lazy people will save 30 minutes by chosing simple config file. Smart ones will save 3000 minutes of *everyone's* time by opting for complete config file.
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Post by stere0 »

Wich is your eggdrop version? I have a "ç" in my bot.conf and its works. Maybe an old tcl version.