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Need help ASAP

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Need help ASAP

Post by privatedss3ms »

I am new to all this bot stuff i have got my bot in a room and set up. All my bot is for is for file download. I have added a script called xdcc.tcl, what i am trying to do it make it so someone can come in the room and enter a trigger. (example !files) and when they do that it will dcc chat them and show them the files that are there to offer for download. If possible i need help. try to keep the hard deffinition words down. I have the complete.conf file completed. I usualy ask for help on #eggdrop but they get rude with me. PPL are asking me to set this up so please i need help as much as possible.

And if also i would like to set up a script so when ppl enter my room it will leave like a message to them.
Thanks alot.
Posts: 121
Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2002 5:33 pm
Location: Malta

Post by darko`` »

About second part of the question, either get a greet script or use this:

bind join - "#yourchannel*" proc:greethim
proc greethim {nick uhost handle chan} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Welcome, blah.."

As for the first part, there is a nice little file serv script called (i belive) jircoff, and it is at Btw, tho a bit harsh, i couldn't agree that people in #eggdrop@undernet are rude towards new users. At least not the official helpers. It might get to rudeness after repeting the directions several times and a guy who asked the question fails to get the drift that those are *only* the directions and clues - not nececerilly the complete solution. Also, people who are not computer literate enough are bound to be refused the help concerning certain issues for the simple reason that any meaningfull kind of answer to their question *cannot* be given without using (to quote yourself) "hard definition" words.

So please bear with us and learn how to make use of the clues given to you.
Ignorant and lazy people will save 30 minutes by chosing simple config file. Smart ones will save 3000 minutes of *everyone's* time by opting for complete config file.