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adduser command problem please help

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adduser command problem please help

Post by DarkOne- »

Ok... so when I try and add new users to my channel this is what happens...

•DarkOne-• .adduser sherryc
<slutgirl> Added [sherryc]*!*@sherryc! with no password.

Check out the host *!*@sherryc! .... it used to add them with the correct host and now it doesnt...

Anyone seen this... before.

Another issue.... bots are opped but they dont see themselves as opped. so they wont op or voice or kick ban anyone.... weird. Seems like it started when I changed to 1.6.12 and a new shell provider. But I can deop them then reop them.... then they see each other as opped. Now thats ok but if I have to be there to do that all the time why have a bot :lol:

Oh.. I am running 1.6.12 compiled wiht tcl 8.3.2 on FreeBSD 4.7
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Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2002 5:33 pm
Location: Malta

Post by darko`` »

This smells like another of those non RFC compliant networks. Does your network use hostmask hashing or wierd /who replies (broken or none at all) ?
Ignorant and lazy people will save 30 minutes by chosing simple config file. Smart ones will save 3000 minutes of *everyone's* time by opting for complete config file.

This is on undernet...

Post by DarkOne- »

Is that what you mean by network?
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

The groups of IRC servers you connect to are called a network.

EG, EFnet, Dalnet, Undernet.

Post by DarkOne- »

yeah its Undernet...
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Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

First off, can you post what the real (full) host of the user you where adding was.

There may be an issue with the masking function, though this can't be chacked without that information.

How do the bots gain OP's?
Can you use the .say command int he bot, for that channel?

Post by DarkOne- »

here is her info... [ whois ] sherryc (

thanks for the help this is weird as hell....

and yes I can use the .say command I manually added the bots hosts, whats weird also is sometimes they dont see they are oped and I can deop and reop the bots then the see they have ops and will use GetOps to op each other.... weird stuff man.

Well after some research...

Post by DarkOne- »

I fixed my own problem... seems 1.6.12 has an issue with the "names" command and I have a script that loads that uses it BanChan.tcl that checks for people in kiddie porn channels and what not.....

Unloaded the script and everything works now.... just in case anyone has a similar issue.
