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Need Help With Files Area in bot.

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by daytrader »

I am currently trying to set up my bot to send files via /ctcp <botname> xdcc list
and I keep getting 0 files in file system..
the .tcl script I have says to set the files with the internal description feature in eggdrop but I have done that and doesnt seem to work...
I have also tried sharing the folder but that also does not work.....Any input on this topic would be a godsend.....I have been fighting for over 2 months with this and havent gone3 anywhere.....


Revered One
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Post by ppslim »

Well ya aint gonna get much further either.

You have pasted no code, so we don't understand where any problem is.

Post by daytrader »

<Rochelle> XDCC THiNGiE - To get a list of available packets /CTCP Rochelle XDCC LIST
<Rochelle> XDCC THiNGiE - [0 file(s) totaling 0k] [Sends 0/3]

This is what is showing on my irc page for users to see what files are available.....
I would like to put some files in there for people to access for download, but dont know how.....

The commands for the bot are:

get <file> [nick] send a file over IRC (DCC send)
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> pending list queued file transfers
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> cancel <file> cancel a queued file transfer
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> ls [filemask] show list of files in this directory
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> pwd display present working directory
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> cd <dir> change current directory
> desc <file> <desc> set description of <file> to <desc>
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> stats see your upload/download statistics
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> quit leave the file system
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> Janitor only:
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> hide share mkdir cp rm lsa
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> unhide unshare rmdir mv ln optimise
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> filestats
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> You can get help on any command via: help <command>
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> (To upload a file, just start your dcc transfer.)
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> As a bot owner, there are a number of setting that can be set to configure the file area, use '.help set <setting>' for more info.
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> Settings:
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> files-path incoming-path
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> filedb-path max-filesize
[5:58pm] <Rochelle> max-file-users upload-to-pwd

Those are the bot commands in the file system.....I have no clue on how to get a file from my system and make the bot know there is a file in there.....

Any help would be great...



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: daytrader on 2001-10-30 18:05 ]</font>

Post by SniperAC »

To me it would seam like there should be a "Readme" some where...

#1.Whats the ".tlc" scripts name?

#2.Did you edit The "Script" (notepad, vi, pico)?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SniperAC on 2001-10-30 19:26 ]</font>

Post by daytrader »

the name of the .tcl script is called XDCC THINGIE in which I got from the slennox page...

Here is thre actual readme without the actual script....

########### XDCC THiNGiE 0.1 ############
# designed and programmed by FlyBoyUSA #
# for original use in #emuroms Undernet #
# Thanks for bass for helping me think the right way to approach
# getting rid of queueing files
# Also thanks to AshToreth for letting me use his XDCC script from
# Askrypt to get a idea of how the XDCC list and stuff should visualy look
# Any questions, comments, hate letters, etc goto
# Also available is PiNG THiNGiE, URL THiNGiE, XW LoGoN THiNGiE, and
# soon WoF(Wheel of Fortune) THiNGiE will be available.
# Features
# - You use the eggdrops internal description command to set the
# description of files for the xdcc script to use and you don't
# have to make any changes to the script when you add files
# - No queueing... so people don't keep xdcc getting files confusing
# the bot
# limit, instead of total dcc connections! I love this feature :smile:
# - Two different timer options for advertising the XDCC
# Tried getting it to allow linked files from other bots, but I can't
# figure out how to send w/o the person being on the filesystem
# One problem I did run into... I can get the gots in the file system for
# the eggdrop but couldn't figure a way to increase them effeciently
# If you have any idea (w/o including a modified module) that I can increase
# them (also w/o moving the files to the bot directory) then please e-mail me
# or contact me

# Variables #

# set this to a directory under files-path in the config
set xdccpath "/eggdrop/filesys/leech"

# set this to the maximum xdcc total gets and pending gets allowed
set xdcclimit 3

# if your config doesn't have the max-dloads variable set, set it
# below to designate how many gets per person
set max-dloads 1

# set this variable to the channels you want the timer to notice
# seperate channels with a space
set xdccchans "#haha"

# for a full xdcc list every time the timer goes off, set this to 1 or
# set this to 0 or comment it outfor a two line timer advertising the
# xdcc server
# (if you remove the binds below this then this command is useless)
set xdcctimer 0

# set the binds below or add your own depending on when you what the
# timer to notice the channels you have set
# syntax in the quotes is "min hour day month year"
# ex 20 * * * * would activate the notice in the channels every hour 20 past
# *0 * * * * would activate the notice in the channels every 10 minutes
bind time - "20 * * * *" *xdcc:timer
bind time - "40 * * * *" *xdcc:timer
bind time - "00 * * * *" *xdcc:timer

# remove this line or your bot will die

# You do NOT have to edit anything below here and #
# should NOT unless you know what you are doing #

I did not redo the script at all...Im not too familiar with .TCL scripting so I left it as is..

That is all I have to work with my friend.....

I hope this helps......



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: daytrader on 2001-10-31 17:08 ]</font>
Posts: 685
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Blackpool, UK

Post by Petersen »

you need to enable and configure the filesys module. read eggdrop.complete.conf for info on how to do this.

Post by daytrader »

The file system is enabled..
Getting into the filesystem is not the problem...Its knowing the commands to put files from one folder, to the next so it can be viewed via my xdcc file server......
Thats it.....


Post by SniperAC »

As you said

# set this variable to the channels you want the timer to notice
# seperate channels with a space
set xdccchans "#haha"
Did you set "#haha" as your channel?
What I am asking is did you confgure it/ any thing that sys "set"

Post by daytrader »

Yes I did Sniper...It's all set up to my preferences.....

Post by SniperAC »

Well I have no idea...

Post by daytrader »

The problem is not with XDCC showing in the channel,that works fine...The problem is , it says I have no files ...It says something like this...

XDCC THINGIE type /ctcp rochelle xdcc list to see a list of available files
After I type that, i get a response from the bot saying something like this...

To request a pack type /ctcp rochelle xdcc send # <the pack you want>
the problem that lies is 5that there is no files to be shared....All I want to know is how to put files in that area so the bot reads them and displays "1/3 files instead of 0/3 files

That is all I am asking.....
Maybe my wording was wrong ..I dunno.....

Any help would be great.....

Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by GTM »

Have you tried any other xdcc scripts?

Post by daytrader »

actually I havent because I could not find any other XDCC script ..If you know where I could download one, please let me know.....Thx

Revered One
Posts: 3914
Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

What exactly is your problem.

I see conflicting posts here, one saying the script doesn't work, others saying you don't understand commands.

COmmands for where, for the shell, eggdrop or a nuclear reactor??

Post by daytrader »


As far as I know, the script works..It post's an XDCC ad every 20 minutes as coinfigured in the .tcl script...

The problem lies in getting files in the file system (eggdrop) so the XDCC see's them as files.....
As I stated above, when the XDCC posts an ad in my channel it says the total number of files and total number of sends ..(ie 0/3 sends and 0/5 files available)

Now what I want to know is "How do I put files in the file system so the .tcl script that posts XDCC in my channel actually sees some files instaed of always showing 0/5 files available...

Now to answer your question on whether its an eggdrop thing, im not sure..The reason being is because I could get into my file system and see the folders and some files that were placed manually, but the XDCC script just dont see them.....

I hope that clarified ur response..
