OK - The answer for that one is read tcl-commands.doc. It shows what is needed by a command, and as such, it will inform you which one is needed.
In the script, he could have used
proc do_kill {a b c d e}
All the "nick host hand chan text" defines, is what varibale names should be used when running the script.
To state the differance between each of the argiuments.
nick: the nickname of the person that triggere the event EG: ppslim
host: the ident and hostname of the user that triggered the event EG:
look@host54.328.ntlworld.com - You can put together the nickname and the host to form a ban mask
hand: The handle is a little more complex. It is basicaly a username. So my nickname on IRC could be "TCLfreak", but my handle would still be ppslim. People without a user-record on the bot, could still trigger a bind, so for these users, hand would be "*".
chan: Obviously, the channel the bind was triggered on.
text: The rest of the text sent when the bind was triggered EG "!pub hehe lala". If !pub was a trigger, then text would equal "hehe lala".
NOTE text is a string, and not a list, and as such, can could accidental backdoors to be made, if the text in this string is not handled correctly. If you are unsure as to handle the text, just ask.
These are not all the arguemts that could be placed in a bind, only the ones used in the pub bind. If you read tcl-commands.doc, in the bind section, you will see what each bind has sent to it. Some of the values will be obvoius, others will be explained.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ppslim on 2001-11-06 09:54 ]</font>