I have been told by a number of people that eggdrops don't seem to work on XP, but 1 person reported his did. We distrobuted that version, and it still failed to work on other systems.
I guess eggdrop just doesn't like XP, for the reason, it wasn't specificaly designed for windows.
Got 4 windrops running perfectly (almost) on XP platform, only prob I got is they won't share userfile with other non-XP bots (tho they can share without prob from XP to XP...) Using 1.6.6 w/ netbots 4.05 here...
Try using the Windrop versions which were recently updated to Cygwin 1.3.3 at http://windrop.sourceforge.net/
Cygwin is used to compile the Windrops and previous versions didn't support Windows XP. The Cygwin homepage no longer has any Windows XP warnings since 1.3.3 update though so I think Cygwin 1.3.3 might have proper Windows XP support.
Not worth trying Windrop 1.7cvs, that version is out dated due to current Eggdrop 1.7cvs no longer compiling under Cygwin and that last Windrop 1.7cvs used the older Cygwin 1.3.2 which had more Windows XP issues.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kirben on 2001-09-29 21:43 ]</font>
(Bot1): [23:17] Linked to Bot2.
(Bot1): *** Linked to Bot2
(Bot1): [23:17] Downloading user file from Bot2
(Bot1): [23:17] (!) Could not find bot responsible for sending us the userfile for which the transfer failed.
(Bot1): [23:17] Failed connection; aborted userfile transfer.
That's what I get while debugging one of the faulty leaf bots... U got any idea how I could fix that [censored] ?