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I need difficult TCL to find.

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

I need difficult TCL to find.

Post by Yellow »

Hello boys :)
I need a difficult TCL to find.
I need a intelligent TCL, type channel controller.

I want that when my chan is +i, if a unknown user enter into my chan, (from split for example..) he MUST be immediately banned from the chan, and automatically all linked bots change their nick to random, so the unknown user can't see which botnet is into the chan, also if he is entered in the chan +i.

I think that with a little of patience, this TCL can be writed. :)

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Post by ppslim »

Yes, this can possibly be created.

However, it's rather wimple to get around.

Most clients issue a /who when entering (mirc doesn't, but can do with a simple addition/script) a channel.

Regardless of the nicknames randomly generated, this who information will rpovide all the detail needed.

Post by Yellow »

OK, I've understood.
Are you able to create this TCL?
Or can you find it through some acquaintances ?

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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

I am able to make this Tcl. Though you wouldn't like the price tag it comes with.

Try making it yourself, there are many guides available ont he net, there are hundreds of snippets of code to help you on this forum, there is tonns fo information included with eggdrop and we are here to help with the parts you get stuck with.

Post by Yellow »

I really really, don't know a TCL script. fot nothing.
I don't think to know write also a little easy code.
I have to entrusted to someone. (how you).

Can't you really help me?

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Post by ppslim »

Every1 has to begin one thing or another at one stage.

It is no different to when you started using a computer for the first time.

You didn't have a clue, but you soon learnt.

The same applies with programming.

Post by Yellow »

I can't learn for do a only one TCL.
I need only this TCL and not other.
Is stupid learn all the TCL language for do a only one TCL.

Tell me what do you want for do this TCL.
Money? What?

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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

Thats pretty much like going to school, getting the best garde in every subject, only to use one of them grades in life.

WHy not learn Tcl.

It's pretty damned lazy, to com forwards, make demands/requests of us, and expect to sit back, while we waste our time for you.

Post by Yellow »

If I pay you,
you dont' waste your time.
Is as a little work.
But you have not understood what I mean.

Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2002 4:47 am

Post by lordares »

I've written all the components needed for this already, i just need to put them together for what you want..
I already have a +closed option, and a .botnet nick random, a small bit of code will combine them for what you need...

maybe we can work something out..