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Channel logging help

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Channel logging help

Post by Osiris »

Here is what I need a little help with. ChanServ on DALnet will send a notice to the ops whenever a change is made to the aop/sop/akick list. What i was wondering is if someone could give me some ideas as to making this script.
Posts: 114
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:41 am
Location: Tuchola, Poland

Post by Nexus6 »

bind notc - "*\[VERBOSE\]*" procname
You can do anything you want when ChanServ sends verbose notice just get a clue - read tcl-commands.doc and remember to check whether notice is done by ChanServ in proc.
Posts: 109
Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2002 9:46 pm

Post by Gothic-Angel »

Code: Select all

bind notc - "*\[VERBOSE\]*" verbose
 proc verbose {nick uhost hand text dest} {
 putlog "Verbose logged by $nick and was $text"
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%m %D"]
set file "verb.txt"
set fs [open $file a+]
puts $fs "$nick $text $timestamp"
close $fs

odd I just wrote this one tonight for myself but have at.

Logs to /eggdrop/verb.txt

I may put in a dcc send of the text file, but im still pretty new to tcl sooo. I dunno about all that hehe.