I've seen it on IRCnet. Bot had +r nick mode, which means it was not able to do anything with op - connection restricted, and that's why it changes server with i-lines suck reason. Prolly +,-,^ appeared in the front of identd
ie nick!+ident@host
I lines in this sence means they are on a restricted connection.
Meaning they have limited power within a chat room,even when granted the +o flag.
For eggdrop, it is not ideal to be running on one of these servers, due to the sinple fact, it can't provide you with channel protection properly.
There are everal ways around this.
There is the cheating way, which is to edit your config file, and prevent eggdrop from jumping when it detects this. Though, you are left with a limited bot.
Or you can get tot he bottom of the problem and fix it.
This can be down to using servers that you are not supposed to, not running a identd deamon, or simply that the server restricts all connections.