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Linking problem

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Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:37 am

Linking problem

Post by scr0llwheel »

Ok, I have 6 different Redhat boxes with 6 different IPs. I want to setup 6 eggdrops on each box with one of the bots being a hub. Then the hubs will all link to one master hub. So far, linking all the bots together on each computer works fine. However, the problem comes when I try to link the hubs together.

So, I've got the master hub Monit0r and a sub-hub c0ntrol. I set up all the flags (I think), etc. but when I try to do .link c0ntrol (on Monit0r), I get errors. Here are the logs:

Monit0r's logs (the master hub):

Code: Select all

Linking to c0ntrol at **.***.***.**:3333 ...
Received challenge from c0ntrol... sending response ...
Linked to c0ntrol.
 *** Linked to c0ntrol
Creating resync buffer for c0ntrol
Sending user file send request to c0ntrol
Disconnected from: c0ntrol. No reason (lost 1 bot and 1 user)
 *** Disconnected from: c0ntrol. No reason (lost 1 bot and 1 user)
(Userlist transmit aborted.)
Ok, now c0ntrol's logs (the sub-hub):

Code: Select all

Telnet connection: ****-**-***-***-****.***.*****
Timeout/EOF ident connection
Challenging Monit0r...
Linked to Monit0r.
 *** Linked to Monit0r
Downloading user file from Monit0r
Lost userfile transfer from Monit0r; aborting.
 *** Monit0r
(Userlist download aborted.)
One thing to note:
-Monit0r is behind a Linksys router. However, I did make the computer the DMZ Host but nothing changed.

Also, at the time of linking, neither Monit0r nor c0ntrol had no other bots connected to it.

Any help/advice/ideas would be greatly appreciated. If you need anymore information, just tell me and I'll post it :)

Thanks in advance,
Posts: 114
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:41 am
Location: Tuchola, Poland

Post by Nexus6 »

make sure all bots, have at least

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 set my-ip 
and even

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set in conf.
I had similar problem and setting my-ip in confs of bots helped.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:37 am

Post by scr0llwheel »

The problem is, though, that 4 of the bots are located on my own network which is controlled by a Linksys router. If I set my-ip for those bots to the external IP, I can't /dcc chat to them. I set the IPs to the external IPs and then I just get:

Code: Select all

Linking to Monit0r at **.***.***.***:3333 ...
 *** [c0ntrol] Couldn't link to Monit0r.
Failed link to Monit0r.
Do you suggest I use the internal IP of the computer?

Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:37 am

Post by scr0llwheel »

After discussing it with other people online, they (and I) think the problem lies with the router. What ports would I need to forward to the linux box (hosting the bots) in order to get it to work? The port that I set in my conf file is 3333. I forwarded that port but I think there are other ports I need to forward.

Any help would be appreciated (especially anyone with a Linksys router)

Edit: I also edited the eggdrop.h file to expand nick-lens to 32. I recompiled on both computers and installed again. I (think) I did it right :). If this could be the problem, please say so.

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Post by ppslim »

First off. Are you sure it is the NICKLEN you want to change, and not HANDLEN?

Next, you should allways use the IP of the interface the eggdrops will be connecting thorugh.

As such, byt eh sound sof it, this will be the internal IP.

While you are connected to IRC< you bots may look as if they have the IP/hostname of your external IP, however, the IP is assigned to the interface of the router, and not the linux box.

Set my-ip to the IP of the linux box (usualy a 192.168. IP) and the value of nat-ip tot he external IP address.