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Bot not recognizing it's opped

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Bot not recognizing it's opped

Post by Pyr0 »

Code: Select all

[05:22pm] <SamuraiBot|v2> [17:26] SamuraiBot|v2 joined #Pyr0.
[05:22pm] <SamuraiBot|v2> [17:26] #Pyr0: mode change '+a SamuraiBot|v2' by ChanServ!
[05:22pm] <SamuraiBot|v2> [17:26] #Pyr0: mode change '+o SamuraiBot|v2' by ChanServ!
[05:22pm] •HA|[S]Pyr0• .kick iS_Bot #Pyr0
[05:22pm] <SamuraiBot|v2> I can't help you now because I'm not a channel op or halfop on #Pyr0.
There is a snip from DCC. I don't know why it does that. Also if I DEOP the bot and OP it it will see that it is opped...

Any ideas?
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Post by ppslim »

My guess, is one of two things.

Because of the way chanserv works, the bot may be premeturly trying to deop itslef, and/or chanserv. Try adding chanserv as a user to eggdrop, with a random password.

Another possibility, is that the channel data is not complete. Before Chanserv makes the +o, and after (but before you deop and re-op the bot), type ".status" in the partyline. See what information it states regarding channle status.
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Post by Pyr0 »

In .status it shows every channel it is in with (want ops!).
Could this have something to do with the IRC server upgrading just a few days ago?
I'm not sure when this problem occured.
• Your host is, running version Unreal3.1.5-Valek
Eggdrop version reply: Eggdrop version 1.6.14+undernet_max_bans. Running Pyr0's scripts.
Also joining a channel which it is on
[03:19pm] SamuraiBot|v2 (..notice..) This channel is opless, please type Sam ops to see who are authorized ops in this channel.
However all ops are in there.
Last edited by Pyr0 on Thu Jan 09, 2003 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ppslim »

Out of sheer intrest, can you get the bot to be opped, but try and make chanserv not set +a (I don't have a clue what +a is).

On top, is it possible to op the bot, normaly (IE, eithout chanserv), and it to act normaly.
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Post by Pyr0 »

+a = Protect meaning normal ops can not kick the bot.

I took the +a off the bot and now it will act normally...

Weird. It may have something to do with the new version of Unreal and/or the CVS version
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Post by ppslim »

I think the bot is either interpreting somthing incorectly, or it's a parsing error.

Few question.

When the +a and +o is set. Is this done using one op command? IE, it's sent to the server on one line.

Is +a a channel mode, or a nickname mode?

The above should shed some more light, which I will try and look into further.
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Post by Pyr0 »

I think it's 2 lines.

Code: Select all

[04:35pm]   (..join..) SamuraiBot|v2 ( [Internic Commercial] [04:35pm]
[04:35pm] * ChanServ sets mode: +a SamuraiBot|v2
[04:35pm]   (..op..) ChanServ ops SamuraiBot|v2 in #sam-priv
With the +a before the +o.

+a is half channel and half nickname as it is set on the user but defined in specific channels and only through ChanServ. It is all automated through the use of ChanServ's access list for a certain channel. So when it joins, unless ChanServ is lagging, it is immediately opped and protected
+q(Channel founder) is similar to +a with the exception, no one can kick +q and only +q can kick +a.
A nickname can not just have +a. It must be in a channel and have the channel founder set it.
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Post by ppslim »

OK, I understand how these modes work now, but with regards to thinking the modes are op seperat lines, this isn't enough.

Only if we can confirm that it's 2 seperate lines, by seing the actual data, will we know.

You can use eggdrops debugiing console modes to see this. Read your config file, and you will see two setting allowing you to see the text sent from and to the server, enables these. Also enable the flags that they enable in your console.

You will now see through eggdrop, what the modes actualy do.

Again, re: the infomation you gave about it being part channel, part nickname.

There are 3 mode types on IRC, USER, CHANNEL and CHANNEL_USER.

a user mode includes +i for invisible, or +o for IRCOP.
a channel mode includes +k to set a key, or +s for secret
a channel_user mode includes +v for voice, or +o for CHANOP.

Which of the above group is the mode. My guess is CHANNEL_USER.

Without this info, there will be no real way to tell.
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Post by Pyr0 »

Code: Select all

[07:21am] <SamuraiBot|v2> [07:25] [@] ChanServ! MODE #sam-priv +a SamuraiBot|v2
[07:21am] <SamuraiBot|v2> [07:25] [@] ChanServ! MODE #sam-priv +o SamuraiBot|v2
Thats from console with the debug mode on.

I believe so that the +ao is a channel_user.
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Post by Pyr0 »

Anyone have any clues?
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Post by Pyr0 »

I'd hate to bring this topoic back up again, but I think it might affect a lot of users.

It started during an upgrade of the Unreal IRCd. The network I'm running on is Unreal3.1.5.1-Valek.

My question is: How does eggdrop recogize it has been opped? From there may lead an answer to my dillema.
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Post by ppslim »

One thing I have spotted.

What HANDLEN did you use while compiling the bot?

If you use the default, this may be the problem.

Try re-compiling with a HANDLEN of 32
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Post by Pyr0 »

I've been running with handlen 32. The 9 just annoys me. BTW, I'ved tried this with Eggdrop 1.6.13 and Eggdrop 1.6.14, along with default and 32 handlen.
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Post by ppslim »

have you increase NICKLEN too.
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Post by Pyr0 »

Isn't Nicklen set at 32 by default?