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Bot Nickchange Problem

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Bot Nickchange Problem

Post by HollowMan »


i have some problems with changing the Bot's nick. If i kill the bot and edit die config file and change the parameter "set nick" to a new value and then start the bot again it won't work properly. The Bot joins the channel but takes the old nick he has before.
On the shell i get the output:
[08:37] * IRC NICK CHANGE: NewNick -> OldNick

But if i rehash the bot, he changes his nick to the new nick, but then immediately change back to the old nick!

I use also the modules stats, gseen, megahal

Has somebody any suggestions? Thx
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Post by Papillon »

set keep-nick 1 <--- also if you set the botnick in any of those extra scripts config, that might be the reason
Elen sila lúmenn' omentielvo
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Post by Sotman »

hmm does it help to do "rm -f channelname.chan" after killing the bot..and then restart, i think i had to do that in the early days when the bot ran in dynamic mode..

but maybe a tip to try..
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Post by ppslim »

The bot is allways in dynamic mode.

There is no need to delete the channel file, and all this will cause is lost settings.

Nicknames are not affected by the channel file.

Post by HollowMan »

sorry Guys, i found the problem.

I used a little scripts for the Bot. In this script you have to set the nick of the bot. But the scriptcoder named this var "nick". So there was a TCL Line: set nick "abcd" ...