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Whats the command for clearbans in a channel and what are th

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Post by JingYou »

There are lots of bans in one of my channel and i'll like to know whats the command in DCC chat for clearbans all.

I would like to know whats the line for mass clearbans too.

I've kinda forgotten the colour codes from /001 to *, could you tell me every colour codes and what it represents, including underling and bolds.

Thanks for helping.
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Post by ppslim »

The color codes are the color codes are the following.
0 white
1 black
2 blue
3 green
4 lightred
5 brown
6 purple
7 orange
8 yellow
9 lightgreen
10 cyan
11 lightcyan
12 lightblue
13 pink
14 grey
15 lightgrey
Codes can be used to create both foreground, and background changes. To seperate the 2 values, you use a "," (comma).

EG: 4,8 = LightRed text on a yellow background

To get colors to work, they need to be prefixed with the color CTRL code. To use place the CTRL code ina TCL script, you use "03" then the color code.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ppslim on 2001-11-11 13:05 ]</font>
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Post by JingYou »

Ermm, okie, now the only thing i would like to know is whats the line for a mass deop?

ppslim, i would like to ask, how long had u been on eggdrop software and where did u learn thoes unique commands?
Jing You
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Post by ppslim »

I first started working with eggdrops about 3 years ago.

I had been using the internet for about 2 years before, but just started using IRC. Within 2 months of starting on IRC, I got interested in bots. I purchased ,yself a shells, and just learned from there.

Everything I know, I have learned from some sort of publicly available manual, mainly on the net, or that came along with the software. I learned Tcl by reading through scripts that came along with eggdrop, and others.

Still, to this day, I have a copy of tcl-commands.doc and the tcl help file open, while coding.
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Post by Yourname »

/me also keeps tcl-commands.doc and suninet open while doin TCL

And sometimes i dunno, i get silly doubts (or maybe serious) about the code which wont (certainly) be in the manuals. I get lazy to go ask in a help channel, or post it in here on the TCL i get lazy and forgot about the code for the next whole week.

But ppslim is right, we can learn lots and lots of things from manuals on the web. But i think there are just very little of these on the net now, atleast those which make sense. There _should_ be someplace where therez elaborate documentation and help on eggdrop.

Dormant egghead.
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Post by ppslim »

I will admit. Man pages, and there HTML equvilant versions are very hard to understand.

They are small peices of a gigsaw puzzle. 90% of man pages will teach you the syntax of a language, without giving an example. Thus you are expected to know all there is to know bout structuring the script, from reading a 2 paragraph document of pure newbee crap.

The hardest part about Tcl (and any other laguage for that matter) is the syntax. Once you know how to structure the language, you are allmost there. It is only a matter of learning the commands.

To all you newbees, learning doesn't get any easier.