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Just wanting a smal script

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Just wanting a smal script

Post by Synister »

I was wondering if anyone caould help me make or tell he where I might find a tcl script.

What I want is for my eggdrop to write the topic to a .html file when ever the topic is changed in a specific channel.

Like when the topic is changed in channel #test to

Welcome to #Test

My eggdrop will write a .html or .txt file to my HTML dir with just the topic in the file.

I want this so I can display the channel topic on my Channels Homepage for www visitors.

Thanks in advance
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2003 12:20 pm
Location: Lithuania

Post by pollar »

Try this:

Code: Select all

# config.
set your-chan "#test"
set patch-to-your-html-file "/home/patch/to/test.html"

# script:
bind TOPC - "${your-chan} *" topc:change
proc topc:change {nick host hand chan topic} {
global {patch-to-your-html-file}
if {![catch {set file [open ${patch-to-your-html-file} w]}]} {
puts $file $topic
close $file
I didn't tested it, but it should work I think :wink:

Post by Synister »

Ok thanks..
One last thing.. The script worked but in the .html page it says this.

4 -[ JoeBlow ]- is our Guest 11 Enjoy Your Stay

is there anyway to just make this tcl write to the .html file this part

-[ JoeBlow ]-

Because this never changes just the name of the guest changes.

and is it possible to not have the color codes show?

Thanks in advance
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Posts: 280
Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2003 9:18 am
Location: Germany

Post by arcane »

you've got the string "topic". just modify it before writing it to the html-file.
sorry, don't know how to get this, i'm just learning tcl :D

Post by Synister »

heh.. Im lost now