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Linked bots losing userfiles

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Linked bots losing userfiles

Post by burnt_circut »

hi, i have a few bots linked to a hub, the hub is not on many channels, and the bots dont share several channels with each other, what i thought would be possible (perhaps i am wrong) is to setup a profile for each user on the botnet, and when they issue an OP command, the bots will relay that, each bot opping in whatever channels the others are not in (assuming they have flags for those channels) however this *not only* does not seem to be occuring, but when the bots lose contact and relink, all of the old channels that were only associated with that bot are completely lost from record

is there a way to prevent this from happening? perhaps a seperate script i should run?
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Post by ppslim »

OK - this is one issue, and a question.

For relaying OPs so users are oped on every channel the the bots are on. This is not possible within the default eggdrop. I aint sure if a script is available to do this.

As for losing channel information.

This is unrellated to channel sharing, or user sharing.

Channel are not shared fullstop (however, each users channel flags are).You have to define each channel in each bot, either using rhe cofnig file, using teh .+chan command, or via a script liek netbots.

Can you define more, what you mean by lost channels?

If they no longer exists (IE, they don't show up in .status), when you may have a rogue script (it may be working properly, however, you didn't understand how it works).

SOme things tocheck, make sure there are no error messages when saving the channel file (useing .save), no errors at startup and you havn't run out of quota/disk space.

Post by burnt_circut »

by lost channels, i mean the leafbot may be joined to a channel where the hub is not, and the hub may also be joined to channels where the leaf is absent.

for instance
#abc is shared by the leaf AND hub
#xyz has only the leaf in it
and #123 has only the hub
"person" needs ops in all three, but whenever my leaf is lost, and relinks, all of the information from #xyz is lost, as though nobody ever was on that channel, it is overwritten by the info the hub has.
do i just un-network the bots for this to work as planned? i have heard of hubs not being online, so i assume there is a way around this, as a hub that is offline is obviously not sharing any channels... any ideas?
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Post by dvV »

i might be wrong about this but i believe with netobts command opall is something you could use for this: "Makes the bot give ops to the specified nick on all channels the bot is on. For each channel, the user of the command as well as the specified nick must have +o status."


Post by burnt_circut »

ah, thank you... but i believe opall is a dcc command that works the same as /msg botnick OP - i may be incorrect, however the problem was mainly the bots losing userfiles.. any idea on how to stop that from happening?
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Post by gumbydammit »

dude if your leaf bot is in a channel and has users set with channel flags for that channel.. you NEED to have your hub watching the channel...
He doesnlt need to be IN the channel he can be set inactive.. but he must have the channel in his list... that goes for all channels your leafs are in...

Post by burnt_circut »

ah thank you! this sounds like exactly what i want... but how do i set a channel to be watched, but inactive (im guessing this means the bot is not in the chan?)
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Post by Yourname »


Like gumby said, you can actually do that by .+chan #channel on the hub, and then setting it .chanset #channel +inactive.

However, if you do something, I don't think you'll have to go that far. The something being:

On the hub, add hub link data.

.+bot hub
.botattr hub +hp
.botattr hub |+s #channels_you_want_shared

What happens is, when the hub/leaf initially connect, that time itself the leaf loses the hub data as the hub's userfile AGGRESSIVELY overwrites the leaf's (which leaves no chance for the leaf to cry it out or ask for an option, hehe). So when either of them disconnect, both of them actually have the hub's userfile with 'em. So, the next time when the bots are back up, atleast if the leaf is.. it doesnt even know that it's having a hub bot to connect to. Hence, if you add the hub's link data to the hub itself, the next time they connect, and the hub's userfile is sent to the leaf, the leaf gets the hub's link data to use for the hub connect. Actually, the userfile going over to leaf and the leaf losing it's hub data is completely normal ;) And this is the fix to it.

Try it, and if it dont work (which shall'nt happen) you can do the +inactive gig.

(Sorry for the drop by, ppslim :P)
Dormant egghead.

Post by burnt_circut »

thank you both very much, this has solved my problem!
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Post by Yourname »

You're welcome. :)
Dormant egghead.