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error when starting bot

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error when starting bot

Post by toby »

After I put the norwegian languagefile in eggdrop /language,
I get:


[ ~/rumer]$ ./eggdrop rumer.conf

Eggdrop v1.6.13 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2002 Eggheads
[05:20] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.13 (Thu Feb 27 2003)
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 50.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 127.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 258.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 259.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 260.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 261.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 262.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 263.
[05:20] Malformed text line in ./language/core.norwegian.lang at 264.
[05:20] * Last context: tclhash.c/240 []
[05:20] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[05:20] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[05:20] * Wrote DEBUG
Segmentation fault
[ ~/rumer]$

What would I add to my configfile (addlang "norwegian") ?

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Post by ppslim »

The fact these errors are generated, sugests that the language files are loading correctly.

However, there are malformed lines within the file (or at least eggdrop things so).

Did you edit the files in any way at all?
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Post by arcane »

ive also got "malformed" lines (eggdrop 1.6.13 german), but it starts correctly.
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error when starting bot

Post by toby »

The new norwegian languagefile for eggdrop1.6.13 consist of
7 language files. (assoc,console,core,filesys,notes,transfer and wire).
I did not edit eny of theese.
However, I deleted those line numbers in core.norwegian.lang
that caused eggdrop to crash.The eggdrop then started but
if the language file work I dont know yet.

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De Kus
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Re: error when starting bot

Post by De Kus »

toby wrote:hi.
However, I deleted those line numbers in core.norwegian.lang
that caused eggdrop to crash.The eggdrop then started but
if the language file work I dont know yet.
there are no "line numbers" in the langue file. these are assosiation numbers used to catch various lang quotes.
also i would check if the bot starts without the files. however the lang files should work in any way on a default bot, or they wouldnt have been released, i think.

and note to edit them not with notepad but a unix fileformate conforming editor like any unix based editor or a bit more proffessional text editor like ultraedit32 and what else there are :D.
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Post by ppslim »

These are not default language files, and yes, they are line numbers.

When eggdrop loads the files, it reads line by line, incrementing a line counter each time, so a report on error can be made (like above).

The association numbers your refer too are seperate, but do not cause the errors shown.

You should check the offending lines, and check there are no extra spaces at the end.
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Post by De Kus »

sure the bot counts the line numbers, but that isnt a number you could delete in the core files of the lang files. and default or not, it at least runs on the creators bot, so it can't have fatal errors in its "original" release version. so the error must be in an modification made in the files itself or in the bot, like syntax of loading.
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Post by ppslim »

Core language files are designed for language requirments in the core (IE, not in a loaded module).

Eggdrop will allways load the "english" core language files, regardless of any addlang line.

This means that all language gaps are filled.

On top, eggdrop will not produce a fatal error if a language referance line is missing, it will simply output the association code (why you see MSG031 and others in some error reports).

Yes you can delete the line numbers stated in thr error output.

If it produced "Malformed at line 1", I could delete the first line of the file, even if the referance code it 0x130. It's a simple matter counting down the lines yourself, or looking at the status shown from CTRL+c in pico.

confirmed bogey

Post by Fuzzy76 »

This happens on norwegian language out-of-the-box on my Windrop aswell. The problem lines seems to be the second line of all messages spanning more than one line.

Original core.english.lang:

0x20d,You have installed modules but have not selected an encryption\n\
module, please consult the default config file for info.\n

The core.norwegian.lang:

0x20d,Du har installeret moduler, men ikke valgt noe krypterings\n\
modul, venligst les standard config fil for info.\n

I can't see why the Windrop should spot any difference between those two, but all occurences of multiline messages produces the same error messages.