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rejoin scrip for higher security ?

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rejoin scrip for higher security ?

Post by bester »

hi guys i just thought it would be much safer for my chan if my eggy would have a "rejoin"script :
i only have one eggy and when someone deops him.... fun is over but since my bnc is set to allways op him on join, i would like to know i there is a rejoin script for an eggy?

the script sould do the following:

set -b eggdrop when baned and rejoin the chan when deopt

i would be very happy to have such a script, but i cant find one

thx for your help
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

i have a better solution, configer your BNC to let the bot request for op:

Code: Select all

/ADDOP <pass> :*!bots@hostmark
then go to partyline and

Code: Select all

.chanset #channel need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG [hand2nick <yourhand>] :OP <pass> #channel" }
this will protect the bot from excluding himself if someone deops your bot and sets +i or a ban.

Post by bester »

thx that was exactly the thing i wanted

Post by bester »

De Kus
i dont know what i have to fill in :|

could you please tell me ?

[hand2nick <yourhand>] what is hand2nick and what is <yourhand> ?

and which pass do you mean? the botaccess pw ?

thx for your help
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

myself from pm wrote:<yourhand> has to be replaced with your handle name of the bot, which has the hostmarks set to accknowlege your bnc as you.
<pass> kann be anything, set it to something like youdontwannaknow or nhBW682H. only thing, they should be both the same :).