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Searching for a specific script

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Searching for a specific script

Post by piller »

I have searched but have yet not found a script that can idle in channels I put it in and then look for topic-changes.

I.E. I have the channel #test, and I want it to copy the topic from #test2 and #test3 whenever it is changed into #test

I'm also searching for a script that copy what specific people says to using wildcard on their nicks into a channel I choose.

Anyone know if there is any script for this purpose?
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De Kus
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Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2002 11:41 am
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Post by De Kus »

to be honest i dont understand what your searching for, but for the first:
(take a closer look at bind topic and use this to change the topics: putserv "TOPIC #channel :$topic")