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IMDb site changed - any working scripts?

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

IMDb site changed - any working scripts?

Post by g!zMo »


looks like imdb changed their website a little bit. Are there any working scripts yet? :)

Post by 2Dee »

I've got Chilla's IMDb info script, Version: 20020604.
On line 154 I changed TITLE into title and now I can see the name, year and url of the movie again :D

Genre on a singly line, line 177 change Genre into Genres :)

Fixing the rating was slightly more work:

Code: Select all

} elseif {($o_rating == 1) && ([regexp \[.\]*User\ Rating\[.\]* $line] > 0)} {
	# the user rating
	set j [expr $i + 3]
	set line2 [lindex $lines $j]
	set j [expr $i + 4]
	set line3 [lindex $lines $j]
	regsub -all \<\[^\>\]*\> $line3 "" rating
		regsub -all \&nbsp\; $rating " " rating
		regsub -all \[\ \t\]+ $rating " " rating
		set rating [string trim $rating " "]
		set goldstars [regexp -all goldstar $line2]
		set greystars [expr 10 - $goldstars]

		# generatign the rating bar
		set marker "*"
		set rating_bar "^C11\[^C7"
		for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $goldstars} {incr i2 1} {
			set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
	set marker "-"
		set rating_bar "$rating_bar^C14"
		for {set i3 0} {$i3 < $greystars} {incr i3 1} {
			set rating_bar "$rating_bar$marker"
	set rating_bar "$rating_bar^C11\]^C"
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :$rating $rating_bar"
They used 4 lines for the user rating in stead of 1 :(

Post by g!zMo »

hmm can't get it working :(

could you please send me the complete script? :)
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Sheffield, England

Post by GQsm »

give me your email address and i'll send it you.

Post by D3vLiN »

can you please email the script to me as well?
send to the email adress in my profile or to the one I sent you by PM.

thanks in advance!

Post by g!zMo »

GQsm, I sent you my email address via PM

Post by GQsm- »

Its on its way

Post by quick »

Thanks GQsm :D

Post by Davy »

You know what would be really good for this script?!
If it could cache the last 5 requests, as i use it in a channel and when one user sees someone do a !IMDB <movie> they usually do it too, just to see what it does. It would top off such a good script in my opinion :)
Props to whoever made it and those that have updated and improved it though, its my most used script and most usefull.
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Sheffield, England

Post by GQsm »

Davy wrote:You know what would be really good for this script?!
If it could cache the last 5 requests, as i use it in a channel and when one user sees someone do a !IMDB <movie> they usually do it too, just to see what it does. It would top off such a good script in my opinion :)
Props to whoever made it and those that have updated and improved it though, its my most used script and most usefull.
Yeah, I know what you mean, thats why I added the option to display results to the channel. someone does the trigger in the channel then the results go to the channel as well that way everyone gets to see the results. Personally, the way I see it is if you dont mind the triggers being done in the channel you wont mind the results displayed in the channel either, this is obviously assuming you dont have a channel full of lamers that will abuse and annoy people with it, but I use +b if anyone starts messing around with it.
There is loads I would like to do with the script. but I have a pile of other projects that are more important. If I do anything else to it personally I'll make sure the updates appear on here.

Post by Davy »

Great, thanks alot i'll come back here every once in a while then :D
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Feb 05, 2002 8:00 pm

Post by tami »

the newest imdb is 20030014, right?

i was just wondering if we could return the imdb top 250 rating...

for example, the past script worked as such:

[16:59:42] <@tami> !imdb godfather
[16:59:43] <+eggdrop> Godfather: Part II, The (1974) ( )
[16:59:44] <+eggdrop> Genre: Crime / Drama
[16:59:45] <+eggdrop> 8.9/10 (34,887 votes) [*********-] top 250: #3

but now, it doesn't show the "top 250" stuff anymore...

is that a possibility in a future release?

thanks :)

Post by Davy »

Has this script stopped working for anyone else?
Mine stopped a few days ago, anyone got any solutions if its just me? I get the message "Tcl error [imdb_handler]: couldn't open socket: connection timed out"
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Feb 05, 2002 8:00 pm

Post by tami »

mine works. try looking for the imdb-20030014.tcl version.

i'd still like to know if anyone figured out how to show the imdb top 250. that was a great addition.


Post by Davy »

Ok, so i got it fixed, but.. one suggestion i'd like to see is to have it to only work for people on a specific channel, not any channel the bot is in - anyone know how to code that?