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Change response time?

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:37 am

Change response time?

Post by scr0llwheel »

I was wondering where in the source code the amount of time between messages the bot sends is defined? I want to change it so the bot sends immediately. And, yes, I know what I'm doing -- it won't flood the bot off since I won't be using it that much (when I do, I want it to respond quickly) and I also know how to edit C, just need to know WHERE it's located :)

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Post by ppslim »

This seriously points towards using eggdrop for a flood net.

Lack/little usage
The "I know what i'm doing" attitude

First off, if you knew what you are doing, you would have found it yourself.

I know eggdrops code very weel, however, I don't know C. i can't create my own programs (I have tried on many occasion). However, I know eggdrop.

Armed with the knowledge, I wouldn't be telling you how to do this, and ask you to find it yourself (which isn't all that hard, considering eggdrop modular nature).

Another great thing about this forum, it has a search feature. There are posts regardig the queueing code.
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:37 am

Post by scr0llwheel »

Thanks for your helpful post!

Post by Edyps »

Excuse me? You think just because he wants to send messages quickly he is making a flood net?

It's people like you that always ASSume that everyone is ultimately trying to [censored] with everything that mess this world up. What the [censored] gives you the right to decide who gets what knowledge? Who the [censored] are you? If your "morals" dictate that you shouldn't answer this post, don't, but don't [censored] waste our time with your uneducated gibberish, especially when there is no evidence whatsoever behind it. Basically, you are saying that we shouldn't offer gun training because someone might use it to hurt someone. I sure hope the rest of your 2650 posts wern't as [censored] useless as this one was.

This is a help topic, if you aren't going to help, SHUT THE [censored] UP.

I'm sure scr0llwheel could still use the help, if anyone is willing to try.
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Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by egghead »

purged my own posting. nevermind.
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

Thanks for well worded thanks.

I won't even pretend to agree, or disagree with your comments, as some of them are probably well founded.

I don't even pretend to dictate who has what knowledge, and should you have put your glasses on, and sat on your mouth for a few more minutes, you will have seen that I actualy posted an answer with a possible solution.

Around here, we don't make it a hebit of posting poossible exploit code (while not exactly an exploit, it can and is used for flood nets).

Eggdrop has been, and will most likely be again, in the news as a crackers tool. Where there is a exploited system, there is also usualy a copy of eggdrop on the system.

Luckily, most eggdrops users are sensible, and it provides a great deal of functionality and protection for there channels.

While maybe not at a settings default, eggdrop is able to provide more than enough protection for channels. While it may take more than one to do so, there is no need to change such flood settings.

Out of my 2600 od posts, probably 3 of them have ever had a complaint, and only one as serious as your own. So with 0.115% chance of a post like this, to your current record of 100%, it usualy says a whole lot about a person.

I had two major gripes about the original post.

1: He was blunt in his question. Note the CAPS.

2: He claims to know C, but shows a real lack in the ability to use a search function.

To this, I respond.

As this can be used to create flood nets, I will nto show the solution directly, but point you to what needs looking at.

First, *nix grep, or windows "find files" systems, will find you a list of files, with the word queue, and ohter assciated words, relatign to none other than "The queueing system".

Second, for someone who knows C, you shouldn't need to ask such questions.

I know very little C. Armed with what little knowledge, I coudl easily navigate my way around the code.

Post by Edyps »

Sorry I guess some people just dont have time to:
(a) Look through pages of C code
(b) Write replies "justifying" their actions as long as yours
Posts: 481
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by egghead »

Edyps wrote:Sorry I guess some people just dont have time to:
(a) Look through pages of C code
(b) Write replies "justifying" their actions as long as yours
Spyde, both your postings are abusive. If all users on this board would behave as abusive as you do, I wouldn't consider a second to help anyone nor would I consider looking at this board.

Post by beezle »

damn, i think i got it now. after some [censored] hours of compiling and trying other possibilities my bots seems to send their queue immidiatly now.

this is for all the guys who have bots on their own network and hate to wait until the damn queue is being flushed.

i'm using 1.6.10 i think, so the lines may differ...

/src/mod/server.mod/server.c [l. 166]:

Code: Select all

while (modeq.head && (burst < 4) && ((last_time - now) < MAXPENALTY)) {
change to:

Code: Select all

while (modeq.head && (burst < 9999) && ((last_time - now) < MAXPENALTY)) {
/src/dccutil.c [l. 144]:

Code: Select all

qserver(idx, buf, len);
change to

Code: Select all

qserver(DP_MODE, buf, len);
i don't know if it's the best solution, but it works for me :)

explination: the bot has a burst in it's mode queue, that means he sends out the first 4 lines in the mode queue immidiatly and then every 2 second one or something. with this changes you force him to send the first 9999 (so all i think *g*) and of course put every line (doesn't matter if you use putquick, putserv, puthelp ...) in the mode queue.

hf, if i've forgot something, reply :)

btw: if you don't want to recompile the whole bot, first do a 'rm src/dccutil.c' in the eggdrop source directory, then type 'make', 'make modules' (maybe not needed any more, but doesn't hurt...). then stop all running bots and type 'make install'. when you start your bots again they should be fast as *** =)
