I am a little confused on the OP'ing of users via my eggdrop bot. Right now I give my channel OPs flags "foa" and also add their hostmask. Is this a safe way to OP my users or should I have my OPs supply a password to the bot to OP them.
im not a fan of autoops so i would say remove the +a and make them use a pass and a /msg command... if they wish to be autooped get them to make their scripts send the command auto
That way is safer in my opinion because there is still a need for a pass
Typically Users are added via the bots and then at that moment when the user is present upon addition they send a password to the bots to set. The users can then request their ops from the bot (Typical User flags of fgov) Some channels utilize special mirc scripting that has their users request ops securely from scripting that Verifies the bots name and host (to aid in them not sending their pass to a Mirc (very bad)) Or if your bots names are unique and no one else would want them. But in general AutoOp Flag is a VERY Bad Idea.
Ok, why is the auto-op flag bad? I have read several places where they say it is bad also, but they fail to go into detail about it. If you give them the +a flag with their hostmask, how can anyone duplicate it? I feel by using the password routine, you are giving the user a chance to mess around with your bot. no so if you do the +a flag.
Ok, you have convinced me. I'll go back to the password routine. I was using it before, but it would never OP the OP's in my channel. I think the reason was because I never added the users hostmask to their user record in the bots. Thanks for all who replied.