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telnet issues..

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telnet issues..

Post by VaVaVooM »


I've got three problems, that i hope you can help me with:
1st: How can i change the hostname of the eggdrop, that is used on the telnet sessions, without having to kill him?
I tried to change it, using the 'set my-ip' and 'set my-hostname' commands, and then restart the eggdrop, but the only thing that changes is the hostname on irc... If i try to telnet the eggdrop to the new hostname (or ip), the only thing that appears is a error message from the SP server (the service is not available...), but if try the old hostname (or ip) i can connect to the eggdrop...

2nd: How can i stop the eggdrop from listening on a certain telnet port, without having to kill him?
I tried to change the telnet port, by setting a new port, but the eggdrop keeps using the old one, and he also uses the new telnet port (after a restart)..

3rd: How can i find out all the telnet ports that the eggdrop keeps open, without having to check all the telnet ports... This is to be used in a tcl, that will open a new telnet port, using has reference the telnet port that the eggdrop uses for users...

thanks.. :)
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Post by ppslim »

First off, you can't change hostnames for listening after first launching the bot.

Changing these settings, will only change what IP is bound to, on new connections. The existing telnet listen will allways remain bound.

Ports will remain bound too, unless disabled. This can be done using "list <port> off", as directed in tcl-commands.doc

As for listing ports in use, it can be done using the "dcclist" command, with a tyope of "lstn".

See the tcl-commands.doc file for most of this,.
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:30 am
Location: Portugal

Post by VaVaVooM »

tks ppslim, again.. :)