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TCL and Mirc

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TCL and Mirc

Post by Asarhad »

is there any chance i can mirc script i have "convert" to tcl with some tool or any other way?

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Post by ppslim »

There are at least three threads allready on this, 2 within the last 4 months.

The answer is no.

Please search the forum for more details.
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Post by stdragon »

Well, there is *any other* way... rewrite the script in tcl. I should think that's obvious :)
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Post by Dereckson »

I don't agree with you, ppslim.

The common point between mIRC script, TCL script and so on is the idea, the algorhytms used.

Convert a mIRC stuff in TCL is more or less the same work than translate english to chinese.
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Post by spock »

but its too complex for automated tools to do so, afaik :-?
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Post by ppslim »

A converter from mIRC to Tcl would be an insane project.

Mainly due to its size. SOme of the mIRC command have switches that totaly change the way a command acts, and some have items that are not supported by Tcl (which wouldn't normaly be needed in Tcl anyhow).

mIRC is a lazy parser, that has no constant structure, and changes the way it works as it sees fit. Many would say the same with Tcl, which is not true.

Tcl defines a structure, and some commands, to extent the structure base.

In mIRC, the commands are rather slapdash. To prove a point, look at the timer command.

In stead of naming or giving it a id using a aparamter, you pass it on to the timer command itself.

The timer command would take a hell of a lot of work, as you couldn't just parse it out the normal way. Aditionaly, you would have to track the name/id so to know when to kill, pause or resume the timer.

This would likely involve a complex wrapper function, that allows you to assign your own ID/name to the timer, seeing as u/timer pass there own names.

Variables would also be a sore point. Every variable would have to become global unless the script parses the "var" command.

Parsing "ON" events would be tough too. You would need to account for the fact, mIRC uses one event for msg and pub binds.

Most of these points, are likely to be the reason for why this has never been done. Don't get me wrong, the need/requirment has allways been there, but it is such a large project.