Code: Select all
bind pub - ${PUBCHAR}say say
proc say {text} {
if {$chan!="#vitamin.c"} {return}
set djsay [lindex $text 0]
puquick "msg #gab.sound! :Msg: $djsay"
Code: Select all
bind pub - ${PUBCHAR}say say
proc say {text} {
if {$chan!="#vitamin.c"} {return}
set djsay [lindex $text 0]
puquick "msg #gab.sound! :Msg: $djsay"
proc say {text} {(4) PUB
bind pub <flags> <command> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <text>
Description: used for commands given on a channel. The first word
becomes the command and everything else is the text argument.
Module: irc